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RE: The vote

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

Do you know what else is pretty funny? he also had to vote for himself, (which isnt wrong just kinda..funny..given the situation..hahaha) but if i had as many votes as him id definitely vote for someone elses entry. Though, I still voted for someone else' entry even though my entry only has what...1 vote? (thanks for that btw lol) and I still prefer to help out another person in the contest by voting for their entry cause I think its better than mine and clearly took more time and effort to make than my own entry ( I assume lol) plus it makes me feel good to help others out rather than myself. Guess everyone is different though, i prefer helping others out by voting for a different entry other than my own, he prefers voting for himself even though he already has unfairly acquired 75% + of the votes( maybe even more, havent really counted them). LOL sorry, find that kinda ..funny.. to be honest, cause its so ridiculously greedy.. I know theres nothing wrong with being greedy during a contest beings that the whole point of the contest for the contestants is to win.. butttttt.....seems a bit..too greedy? to vote for yourself AND cheat. hahaha. than again..i guess "cheater" is just another way to say "greedy f*ck" , pretty much the same thing.

Anyways, ill stop calling him out on his extremely unfair..and unsportsmanlike behavior.. OH! That is the word I have been looking for to describe this situation. SCORE! 1 point- me, 3.5 trillion points- Altooni.
Sorry, went a lil off topic there when i realized the perfect word for this situation, I will stop pointing out the unfairness of how Altooni chooses to play this "game" (this isnt a game man, its a contest, theres a lil difference between the two, in a game you can pull your resources together to bribe the other players to lose and let you win, in a contest, this is not allowed....wait...someone has just informed me that this method of playing is not allowed in most games neither, so..scratch that. ) haha. I will just trust that TrueFlip will catch on and do the right thing in this situation. And if they DON'T...Than who knows, maybe they are in on this scheme too. [JUST KIDDING TRUEFLIP, YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT A LEPRECHAUN KILLING DOLPHIN WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING AS FCKED UP AS BEING IN ON THIS SCHEME...<3 YOU :) ]
ANYWAYS, okay im done now. all i had to say. <3 you all. Peace & <3 & Fair play & selflessness to all.
T one more thing. I am not saying all this stuff and I am not on the side that I am on in this situation because I feel like I will gain from any of this, no no.. I pretty much just created my entries for laughs, wanted to add both shock and laughter to a few peoples lives who have a fcked up sense of humor like myself, am not expecting to win anything from my entries, would be NICE to win, not going to lie, but when I decided to make my entries I wasn't thinking " OH FCK YA, THERE IS NOOOO WAYYYY I AM GOING TO LOSE THIS THING, HAHA! POOR SUCKERS WHO ARE WASTING THEIR TIME TRYING TO COMPETE AGAINST THESE GOLDEN ENTRIES!! THEY HAVE ZEROOOO CHANCE MUAHAHA!!! suckers..." haha, no, I was just having fun with it and when I first read about this contest my entries were literally the first ideas to pop into my head, and I laughed thinking about them so i figured id just make em in the hopes of making atleast one other person out there laugh at them as well. My mission was a success, i made one guy sh*t his pants and have just received a court notice cause he is suing me for a pair of new tidy whities, which honestly i am going to fight this claim in court cause it sounds like a diaper would suit this individual much better than tighty whities, which I am going to tell the court that they should make him wear diapers 24/7 since it sounds like he poops himself a bit too easily and I would NOT want to be the person doing his laundry everyday, nor would I want to be behind him in a grocery store, on a roller coaster, or in any other scenario if he was not wearing a diaper. Just think about that for a few minutes. Realize the harm and damage that could result in him being so irresponsible that he doesn't wear adult diapers with his apparent bowel problems.. just...just sit and think about it for a few hours. Not very pleasant is it?
WOW I get sooooooooo off topic its ridiculous. where was i... oh ya, my mission was indeed a success, I got ATLEAST two WHOLE people ( zero midgets i assume, but don't take my word for that, one of them could have been a wee man sized creature, I mean..person..okay theres about a 49.5% chance one of them is a midget, sorry off topic again, damn maybe i should take my ADHD meds which i forgot to take today..nah.. no one will finish reading this whole comment anyways, might as well keep going..HOPEFULLY someone does read all of this so I waste about 2 hours of their day though, that'd be pretty rad. If your reading this than your that someone, and your welcome. distracted you with my 2 hour long comment which you for some reason decided to keep reading, you either need to find some new hobbies or possibly (preferably) a girlfriend. or both. Or neither, can just keep reading this ridiculous comment to kill time. Thats fine also. just remember, if you finish reading this whole comment you owe me a $500000 upvote on my entry so that I can start bribing people to vote for my entry so I can possibly win. Seems to be the only chance I got at winning. Thanks for your contribution. <3 you.
I hope that whoever reads this didn't find it funny cause it will make me laugh knowing you read this even though it didnt make you laugh and you didnt gain any valuable knowledge by reading it. besides the knowledge about the guy who is bribing his way to the top. that knowledge is pretty valuable. anyways Eltooni, hope you read this, cause I will now reveal to you the whole point of this long ass comment
The point of this comment was to distract you from bribing people, so that I could start bribing people in your place and surpass you and claim the title as REIGNING TOP BRIBER WHO THINKS THAT BRIBERY IS 100% FAIR IN CONTESTS AND EVERYTHING ELSE WHERE BRIBERY CAN BE USED BUT SHOULDN'T BE.
YAY!!!! haha! sucker! good luck catching up now! muahahahaha!!!

(sorry for all who had to read this comment, besides eltooni, glad that eltooni sat there reading this and wasted his valuable bribery time)

<3 you :)


(P.S.S.S- Eltooni, please upvote if you read this so I know my plan worked. Thank you. AND <3 you :)


Lol. You are nuts. But for the record, I do not think you realise that it was I who made the comment about soiling my tighty whities, though, it was just a bit of randomness, because apparently, I am a bit nuts too.

I already used the word "unsporting" to describe eltooni's approach to winning this contest. So, as unsporting is synonymous with unsportmanslike, I'd say those 3.5 trillion points are actually for me I'm afraid. Unlucky, mate.

As for your entries, they are as good as any other. They contain intelligent humour, something I can find in no other one there, so you should definitely be in with a shot.

lol thanks man.
and i know it was you who "soiled your pants". . was just trying to show you my appreciation for that comment in a crazy way. lol.
AND DAMN! beat me to the golden word of explaining eltooni... BUT you only get 1 point for that. cuz i gave myself 1 point for the word and gave eltooni 3.5 trillion points since hes gotta about 3.5 trillion ppl to go along with his evil plan it seems like. maybe i was a lil off with my calculations though. hahah

pretty much just wanted people who read this comment of mine to sit there and think about how your bowel problems COULD result in problems for THEM if they were like..on a roller coaster or something with you while you did not have a diaper on. Just thought it might be kinda hilarious to put that image in peoples heads. hahaha. hey man, do you got a facebook? Ive never really tried using Steemit chat so dont really know how to use it yet, plus im the only one out of all my friends im pretty sure who has a steemit account ( all my friends are kinda..behind with the times.. apparently. have told a few of my writer friends to create accounts, one said he did, but he has not proved this to me yet, the other keeps saying shes going to..but she gets distracted too easily haha. so ya i pretty much use facebook messenger to contact my peoples. anyways, if ya have a facebook should send me a request on there, cuz whenever i got something to show u on here i have to like post it in one of your posts even though its not related to that post at all. hahaha. well. just did that once but still. my facebook is or my facebook name is Kaya Sonof Odin
Dont gotta hit me up on there. but would be kool if ya did. anyways, will leave you alone now man, peace.

Oh and I assume that you are JUST wearing tighty whities when on rollar coasters.

I don't use facebook, or much other social media. But, I do talk to a few other Steemit members on discord. You can add me on there if you like.

sweet, never used discord before, but i signed up. is your discord name same as steemit name?

Yes, but you need to add a bit on the end


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