Invest in the Future of Finance with enterapp's Limited Pre-Sale

in #blockchain7 days ago

While reading up on the latest in cryptocurrency, I found a gem by Warren Buffett. He said, "Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful." This gem of advice rings true, especially with what's happening at the enterapp pre-sale.

enterapp brings something new to the table with its crypto banking ideas. Now, with its wallet and DApp, I can handle my crypto easily. I can buy, sell, swap, and shop. It works perfectly with Visa and Mastercard. I see this as the way forward with mobile DeFi.


The enterapp pre-sale gives us a chance to be part of a big change. The tokens will cost $0.05 in the public sale. But now, in the pre-sale, they are only $0.001 each. That's a 50 times bigger return for people who jump in early, like me.

Key Takeaways

  • The $ENTY token's pre-sale price is just $0.001, with a projected public sale price of $0.05.

  • Early investors could potentially gain 50X on their investment by participating in the pre-sale.

  • The pre-sale offers 820 million $ENTY tokens out of a total supply of 10 billion.

  • The enterapp pre-sale provides early access to the crypto banking revolution.

  • $ENTY token offers real-world utility for payments and DeFi services within the enterapp ecosystem.

What is enterapp?

enterapp is a new way of dealing with money online, brought to you by EntyLabs. It changes banking using things like non-custodial wallets. This enterapp crypto neobank lets you bank on your phone without a big bank involved.

A Revolutionary Crypto Neobank
In the heart of enterapp is a special wallet that's very safe. It also has a tool for easily changing one type of crypto for another. Plus, it offers cards for buying things every day. This makes using and growing your digital money easier than before. Think of it as a new cool way of banking.

Decentralized Mobile Banking App
This special app by enterapp uses the newest tech to keep your money and online deals safe. You can see and use all your digital money in one place. It also has unique cards for your daily shopping. It's like having your bank right in your pocket, but better and more secure.

Built on Web3 and Blockchain Technology
enterapp is at the start of something big, using Web3 and blockchain. This makes everything open and safe. The app gives you full power over your money and investments. It's like being your banker. Yet, it's protected and open, just as it should be.

Key Features of enterapp

The enterapp ecosystem brings new life to how you use crypto. It has features that make it different from regular banks. The core is built on three main ideas:

Non-Custodial Multi-Chain Wallet
With enterapp, you hold the reins on your digital money. It doesn't keep your funds for you. You can oversee and use your crypto freely. The wallet works on many blockchain networks. This way, you can get the most from crypto payments and managing your assets.

DEX Aggregator for Seamless Token Swaps
Dealing with DeFi can be hard, but not with enterapp. It has a DEX aggregator built in. This tool finds the best rates for your token swaps across different exchanges. It makes trading easy and ensures you get the best deal. enterapp is the go-to for top crypto banking experience.

Crypto Debit Cards for Everyday Spending
enterapp links crypto with everyday buying. Its crypto debit cards let you use digital money like cash. You can spend on daily needs, services, or travel with ease. It changes how you handle your money for the better.

The enterapp Token Pre-Sale

The enterapp token, $ENTY, is now in its pre-sale phase, offering a unique opportunity for early investors. With a total supply of only 10 billion $ENTY tokens, this pre-sale is a chance to get in on the ground floor of a revolutionary crypto banking platform.

Limited Token Supply of 10 Billion $ENTY
The $ENTY pre-sale's limited token supply makes it attractive. 820 million $ENTY tokens are up for grabs now, out of 10 billion. This gives early investors a big advantage.

Pre-Sale Price: $0.001 per $ENTY Token
The pre-sale price for every $ENTY token is only $0.001. This is a very low entry point. It means that you could make 50 times your money compared to the public sale price of $0.05.

Public Sale Price: $0.05 (50X Potential Upside)
In the main public sale, $ENTY tokens will cost $0.05 each. So, participating in the pre-sale now means you might see big profits. You could possibly get 50 times more than what you invest.

enterapp Token Pre-Sale: Secure Your Crypto Banking Future at 50X Gains

The enterapp token pre-sale is a big chance for early buyers. The price is just $0.001 for each $ENTY token. You could make a big profit of 50 times your money. This happens when the token costs $0.05 during the public sale. Investing now means you're part of the crypto banking revolution.

But you need to act fast. There are only 820,000,000 tokens in the pre-sale. This is from a total of 10 billion. Also, 100,000,000 $ENTY tokens will be in the public sale. So, grab this chance to secure a better financial future and aim for 50X gains on $ENTY tokens.

Joining the enterapp token pre-sale means more than a smart money move. It makes you a pioneer in DeFi investing. This new way of investing is changing the game. So, be an early user and enjoy the benefits of the crypto banking revolution.

Why Invest in the $ENTY Pre-Sale?

Investing in the $ENTY pre-sale means more than just making money. It's joining the crypto banking revolution led by enterapp. You get early access to enterapp's advanced crypto banking platform. It combines Visa, Mastercard, and DeFi services for real-world use in payments.

Early Access to Crypto Banking Revolution
Joining the $ENTY pre-sale lets you be part of the start. It's a chance to see the enterapp crypto banking ecosystem first. You'll explore features like the non-custodial multi-chain wallet and DEX aggregator for easy trades.

Significant Potential for Token Price Appreciation
At the pre-sale, the $ENTY token is just $0.001. It's expected to jump to $0.05 in the public sale. This is a possible 50X increase. That's why the $ENTY pre-sale is so tempting for those who want big crypto returns.

Real-World Utility for Payments and DeFi
The $ENTY token isn't just for show. It works in the enterapp ecosystem for many things. It helps with crypto payments, travel costs, and DeFi activities. By joining the pre-sale, you're investing in the finance future.


The $ENTY token is the main currency in the enterapp ecosystem. It uses the Polygon blockchain for safety. As a decentralized, ERC20 token, it has up to 10 billion tokens. This setup aims for a fair spread and clear process.

Token Name: Enty Token
The Enty Token, or $ENTY, powers the enterapp platform. It's used for trading and unlocking features within enterapp.

Token Symbol: $ENTY
The $ENTY symbol is key to the project's image. It's used in all places, showing a strong brand connection.

Total Supply: (10B)
There are 10 billion $ENTY tokens in total. This amount encourages a growing and valuable ecosystem. The set number keeps the token's value stable.

Vesting Schedule Mechanism

The $ENTY token's safety gets a big boost from the Vesting Schedule used in the enterapp Pre-sale. This schedule stops Pump and Dump Scenarios by locking some tokens. They are then let loose bit by bit over time. The token release happens in stages, each with its own length of time for vesting.

First, the Presale stage 1 tokens take 5 months to fully vest. Then, Presale stage 2 tokens need 4 months, and Presale stage 3 tokens get 3 months to unlock fully. Plus, the Treasury Locked tokens need the longest time, with a 50-month schedule.

This detailed $ENTY token vesting plan makes sure the tokens are spread out fairly and steadily. It pushes for investing long-term and pushes away quick gains hopes. It ties the interests of those investing early with wanting the enterapp ecosystem to grow over time. In the end, it helps keep the $ENTY token safe and stable.

Vesting Period$ENTY Token Allocation
Presale stage 1: 5 months linear vesting-
Presale stage 2: 4 months linear vesting-
Presale stage 3: 3 months linear vesting-
Treasury Locked: 50 months linear vesting43.40% of total token supply

By using this strong $ENTY token vesting system, enterapp shows it's serious about building a safe and lasting place. It welcomes both early and long-time supporters, giving confidence in the crypto banking future.

Whale Protection Mechanism

At enterapp's pre-sale, security and honesty matter. Every investor has to pass a KYC check. This makes sure the process is fair and safe. But the team does even more to keep the distribution of tokens fair.

The enterapp pre-sale includes a special $ENTY token Whale Protection Mechanism. It stops big investors from taking over. By setting a limit on how much one person can invest, the pre-sale helps everyone participate fairly. This supports the idea of a wide and even $ENTY token distribution.

What's more, the enterapp team doesn't keep any tokens for themselves. This shows they really care about the community and want a fair distribution of $ENTY tokens. They believe in decentralized finance (DeFi) and making sure individual investors can take part, not just a few large token hoarders.


What is enterapp?
enterapp is a new kind of bank that uses crypto and exciting technology. It has a mobile app for banking that is not controlled by anyone but you. With it, you can also swap crypto easily and use a special card for buying things.

What are the key features of enterapp?
enterapp lets you keep many types of cryptocurrency safely. You can easily change one type of crypto into another. Plus, it gives you a card to buy things everywhere with your crypto money.

What is the $ENTY token pre-sale?
The $ENTY token pre-sale lets people buy into this new way of banking early. Each token costs $0.001 now but may go up to $0.05 later. That means your investment could grow a lot in value.

What is the total supply of $ENTY tokens?
There will only be 10 billion $ENTY tokens in total. 820 million tokens are being sold now, and 100 million more will be sold later on.

What is the vesting schedule for the $ENTY tokens?
For the $ENTY pre-sale, tokens are given out over time. This helps make sure prices don’t just go up quickly then suddenly drop. It's a way to keep everything fair for everyone.

How does the whale protection mechanism work for the $ENTY token pre-sale?
The pre-sale also has rules to prevent big buyers from taking over. This keeps the system fair and stops a few rich people from owning most of the tokens.

Why should I invest in the $ENTY token pre-sale?
Buying $ENTY tokens early means you join the future of banking. Your tokens might become worth much more than you paid. And you can use them for many real-life payments and services later.

Official Links

We invite you to embark on this adventure with us.🎉

Website: https://.io/

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