Virtual Pseudonym Parties: Using Virtual Reality and Pseudo-Anonymity to generate untraceable POIs (Proof-of-Individuality)

in #blockchain8 years ago (edited)

What if you could get a pseudo-anonymous "Proof-of-Individuality" by connecting in Virtual Reality with 4 strangers in a Pseudonym Party, during a global "pseudonym event" once a month, each month giving you a new proof that cannot be traced to your previous one.

Virtual Pseudonym Parties are based on the idea of Offline Pseudonym Parties, published by Bryan Ford and MIT back in 2007, and moves the pseudonym event into the virtual space, using telepresence such as Google Hangouts or similar ways of communicating, and does the event more frequently, most probably once a month, and also introduces more pseudonymity than in the original pseudonym parties proposal, handing out pseudo-anonymous Proof-of-Individuality (POI) tokens, each month giving you a new POI on a new private key, not traceable to your previous one.

POIs could be described as a-personal "temporary access tokens". The POIs do not store any data about the nyms, nor do they trace to a nyms previous POI, so there is no record of "who you are" other than a one-time-use ethereum address.

Using State 2.0 Technology such as Ethereum to build a Virtual Pseudonym Parties network

Ethereum is a new blockchain, building on the innovation that Bitcoin pioneered, that introduces decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. Most of the concepts that are built-in to Ethereum were described in detail in 1997 by Nick Szabo in the paper Formalizing and Securing Relationships on Public Networks.

Ethereum could be understood as an early version of a Distibuted Autonomous Virtual State (DAVS) (Dana Edwards, 2014), which in turn can be understood as the next era of state systems, replacing the current era which uses representative government to maintain and secure a state of the world.

Smart contracts provide security and consensus for automated rule of law

The basic idea behind smart contracts is that many kinds of contractual clauses can be embedded in the hardware and software we deal with, in such a way as to make breach of contract expensive (if desired, sometimes prohibitively so) for the breacher. (N Szabo, 1997)

The blockchain makes it expensive to break a contract because thousands of computers around the world (called "nodes") each verify the contract.

To use the Virtual Pseudonym Parties smart contract as an example, it has a register() function. When a user calls this function, it requests a signature from the user (the users private key that matches the public address they use). The register() function also checks so that the user sends a deposit of ABT ("Anti Bot Token"), and checks that the user has not registered before.

The register() function also includes a modifier atTime() which adds an arrow of time to the function, and it can only be called during a limited time period.

function register() payable atTime(registration, commitment) {
    if(userHash[msg.sender] != bytes32(0)) throw; // already registered
    if(!transfer(this, depositSize)) throw;

    // generate a hash for the given user, using previous entropy, 
    // senders address and current blocknumber.
    bytes32 h = sha3(entropy, msg.sender, block.blockhash(block.number)); 
    entropy = h;
    userHash[msg.sender] = h;

Once registered, the user can be guaranteed that the contract will not break its own code (unless a majority of the nodes that secure the network choose to revolt, which could be comparable to a nation-state being overthrown. )

Using Virtual Reality and Pseudo-Anonymity to generate untraceable POIs (Proof-of-Individuality)

The pseudonym event lasts 15 minutes, and each nym that has been verified is then given a POI, using the submitVerifiedUsers() function.

  function submitVerifiedUsers() atTime(issuePOIs, 0) {
      uint groupNumber = userGroup[msg.sender];
      if(groupProcessed[groupNumber] == true) throw;
      for(uint i = 0; i < pseudonymGroup[groupNumber].length; i++){
          address nym = pseudonymGroup[groupNumber][i];
          if(points[nym] >= 4000) POI[nym] = true;
          else depositPenalty(nym);
      groupProcessed[groupNumber] = true;

Each month gives you a new POI on a new private key, not traceable to your previous one. POIs are similar to Bitcoin as digital cash in that sense, each POI is completely public but its very hard to find a pattern in who they have belonged to. This gives the user privacy while still operating in the public space.

These global POI tokens could then be a sand-box for experimenting with systems that require Proof-of-Individuality, accessed easily by the proofOfIndividuality.verifyPOI() method.

Integrating POIs with a Swarm Redistribution system

Swarm Redistribution uses transaction-pathways to redistribute wealth. Each transaction grows a dividend pathway, and each transaction extracts tax and shares it with a swarm of nodes whose dividend pathways are connected to the transaction being taxed.

Each dividend pathway could register if you are human or not, when they are created.

bool isHuman = proofOfIndividuality.verifyPOI(msg.sender);

/* Create the dividend pathway */
        from: msg.sender,
        amount: _value,
        timeStamp: now,
        isHuman: isHuman

Try out Swarm Redistribution and micro-fund me at the same time

To test Swarm Redistribution, there is a smart contract deployed where I am the only human, and that you could use to fund me,
Swarm Redistribution live experiment, could a “Decentralized Basic Income Swarm” grow their own taxes ?

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