Blockchain Phones: HTC-Exodus 1 vs Sirin labs-Finney

in #blockchain6 years ago


This is my attempt at comparing two Blockchain phones that are about to hit the market, open to the public late 2018. All over twitter and other platforms heavily used by crypto enthusiast, you can feel the exciting anticipation of a presumed upcoming bullrun. These phones could be coming out just at the right time, if we experience what the crypto scene experienced at the end of 2017.

The two phones featured are the HTC-Exodus and the Sirin labs- Finney. Both boast extradorinary features. Both have 6" touch screen. Each phone will feature its own digital wallet. Both will have cold and hot crypto storage capabilities. Each phone will have strong cryptographic security layers. Both will have a impressive 6gb ram and 128 gb rom.


These two blockchain phones have lots of similarities. HTC will have 4k video capabilties and a higher resolution camera. HTC also shows it will have a better built in speaker system. The camera resolution might not be a big deal to crypto enthusiast, unless you like taking selfies with your bitcoin amenities, which I do. I find the two main differences in the phones is the currentroadmap to purchase these phones and the ability to run nodes.

To purchase the Exodus you can only use Bitcoin or Ethereum. To purchase the Sirin labs phone you have to convert you crypto such as bitcoin, ethereum or litecoin on sirin labs coin known as SRN. To get SRN you willl have to use the knowledge of how to move through exchanges to trade crypto. To purchase the Exodus which will ship in december you can only use Bitcoin or Etheruem.


Even though these phone have lots of similarities I feel the Exodus takes the lead. They are a already established phone company with backing, as Sirin labs had to run a ICO to garner the funds to work on the phone. My favorite feature that seperates these two is the ability to run multiple nodes, supporting multiple cryptocurrencies while giving that extra layer of security. Both phones have the hefty price tag of $1000 or .15 Bitcoin

The price tag makes these phones out of my budget. Even if I can afford them I feel im not interested in these yet. I rather wait for 5G technology and for the price tag to come down. These phones will only get better and better. I'm not one to jump on the first device boasting new technology such as 4k tvs when they first came out because they physical tech object always drops in price. These feel like exciting times to come and I would like to see how these phones design and technolgy paves the way for the future.


wow!! thats great device

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