Will crypto grow like cellphones or like washing machines?

in #blockchain6 years ago

technology adoption rate century-thumb-615x248-84056.pngnsmblog47 (1).jpg

tl:dr; a look at past technology adoption rates may give us clues as to how crypto will get adopted (or not).

Assuming the whole thing isn’t a total scam, historical data suggests that it could happen faster than most people expect.

Tom Friedman, in his book, Thank You For Being Late, calls it the “Age of Accelerations.” Each era builds off of the previous era, driving faster adoption.

That concept came home for me in a very powerful way when I saw this chart in an article from the Atlantic called The 100-Year March of Technology in 1 Graph

technology adoption rate century-thumb-615x248-84056.png

It’s really fascinating to look at how so many of the curves get steeper as we move forward (I personally love the color TV and microwave ones) but look at VCR, cellphone, and Internet as well.

I guess the question from there is: what are the characteristics of the tech that shoots up versus those, like drying machines and dishwashers, that take a longer time?

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