Vitalik Previews Future Crypto-Marketing Tools

in #blockchain6 years ago


TL:DR; If blockchains really do enable the creation of new, radical, markets, then new tools for crypto-marketers are sure to follow. Vitalik’s latest post gives a sneak peek of some of them.

After reading Vitalik Buterin’s latest post, On Radical Markets, I shared how it reminded me that crypto/blockchains are about way much more than technology alone. They are about enabling new economic systems.

Within these new economic systems, we should see the emergence of artificial intelligence-enabled agents that work on our behalf to help us maximize the value we get and contribute to the networks in which we participate.

I’ve been on a sort of an AI kick recently, which probably started after I did the deep dive on the Outlier Ventures crypto+AI stack. That fascination led to an article in Venture Beat entitled, Why you want blockchain-based AI, even if you don’t know it yet.

As I’m more in the world of crypto than AI, I wasn’t aware of just how big the buzz/hype cycle is for AI. In short, it’s big.

At the recent MarTech conference in San Jose, I was sharing with Marc Sirkin that I wanted to look for AI companies and he said, “Dude, walk down any aisle of the exhibit floor and pick 10 companies. Ask them about their products and you will find that at least 9 of them say they have AI as part of their offering.”

It wasn’t quite that high (I think we found 5 out of 7 or 8), but his point was valid.

It was further reinforced while reading Michael I. Jordan’s appropriately named post, Artificial Intelligence — The Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet. The title says it all, but Jordan makes a really big point in his discussion.

He breaks AI up into multiple contributing components, one of which is “Intelligent Infrastructure,” which he refers to as “II.” It’s a very interesting analysis, however, it is his summation of II, after addressing the (many) technical hurdles required, that really caught my attention. He writes:

Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at 11.01.10 AM.png

We touched on some of the markets that could get created in my post on Radical Markets, but Vitalik’s original post actually outlines a few others.

As he writes:

Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at 11.01.16 AM.png

If we are going to witness the creation of markets at breakneck speed and, if Jordan’s argument is accurate, then the AI systems won’t be ready to manage it for us, so we are going to need two things.

  1. Crypto-Marketers who understand this new dynamic
  2. Tools to enable them to do their job at scale (this is exactly what we are trying to track in the BlockchainMarTech Landscape)

If you look at Vitalik’s list again, you can start to imagine the types of tools you are going to need.

  • a tool to experiment with the amount of money that a customer can burn to optimize for open rates against cost of the send
  • a tool to handle the submission of new content and a tool to reward the best pre-moderators via a loyalty program
  • a tool to experiment with the pricing of paywalled content and revenue sharing to optimize value creation

All of these can be secured by blockchain systems, voted on by the community, and be transparent to end users, while being designed for maximum value creation.

One part of this revolution requires us to remember that blockchain systems will create economic systems and markets at breakneck speed.

Another part is to remember that when you create markets, you will need marketers who understand the dynamics. Those marketers will need tools to help drive results.

A number of people have written suggesting that I offer a “Tip Jar” for the blog posts. No obligation, of course, but if you value the content and want to support it, the crypto collected will go to charity.

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