The Blockchain Gulf: The Chasm in Knowledge About Crypto (On the New Crypto Cartographers)

in #blockchain7 years ago

You don't know what the blockchain is.

Now, hold on. Before you start shaking your fist, shouting something along the lines of **"How dare you say that I have made so very many videos/posts/comments about the blockchain that it would make your head spin! Don't you dare tell I don't know what the blockchain is!! 2938hfao0faovcjwce!!"

Yes, yes. I know it's hard. But it's time to acknowledge the truth. Your really don't know what the blockchain is. I mean, sure you know on a vague, general level. The same way you how your computer or your car or your own body works. But you don't really know, just like you probably don't really understand any of those other things.

I say this simply because that's what's most statistically likely.

Because, you see, there are people who really understand the blockchain and cryptocurrencies. But those individuals are almost certainly not reading this blog. Not because it isn't a good blog (thank-you-very-much). In fact, they're probably not reading any blog. They're out working assiduously in this massive crypto bubble that we're experiencing making new currencies, many of which will utterly transform our future.

I'm not saying this to make everyone feel dumb. After all, I'm right there with you. I know what the blockchain and cryptocurrencies are on a basic level. I've seen a ton of tutorials and read a plethora of articles on the subject. Hell, I've even written some pretty good beginner's tutorials on the subject.

But I've been trying to go to the next level, and that's where I hit a wall. There are a few truly in-depth tutorials that deliver on their promise. But they always lose you somewhere along the way.

The reason?

Well, you sort of need to understand certain things before you can truly understand crypto and the blockchain. You need to know some fairly advanced math. You need to understand how the internet works. You need to understand how computers work. And, maybe most of all, you need to understand cryptography and coding.

While most of us have a few of those things (I know computers pretty well, understand basic coding, am decent at math, and know a teeny tiny bit about cryptography), we don't really have a complete enough picture to really delve our hands into crytocurrencies and blockchain technology on a low level.

Merely by being familiar with the technology we have an advantage that isn't to be ignored. But the people who understand this stuff the most will be the ones who are poised for success and happiness in the next decade.

And, you know, it's also really, really, cool stuff.

But what's the path to filling in this gap? It sort of feels like no one's really laid out such a map. And I think the only way to really figure out what that map looks like is by attempting to traverse it.


You know, it just occurred to me that if someone is trying to make a map of crypto, that'd make them a cryptocurrency cartographer.


So who wants to go on a journey?

Source: 1


Awesome post, I really enjoyed it. I hope you appreciate the vote!

Blockchain technology is like the internet in that it has a built-in robustness. By storing blocks of information that are identical across its network

Mm. Yeah, it's kind of like a meta-internet. That is, an internet built within the internet. Pretty neat. Thanks for commenting!

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