Mass Adoption of Crypto Currency

in #blockchain6 years ago

There is a lot of experts in the industry saying that mass adoption of crypto currency are 3 to 5 years away. I am no expert but I am a logical person and in my opinion mass adoption might not come from the way the expert are looking at it.

Image Credit

What do the experts say?

“I think there can be many catalysts, not just ETF adoption or ETF launches. In our business, we process more than a billion dollars worth of payments a year. I would like to see that grow into $10 billion, $100 billion. And our customer base that uses and needs cryptocurrency – that adoption will push the prices higher.”

Stephen Pair, the CEO of BitPay

First of all a lot of experts are speaking about the mass adoption of crypto as if Bitcoin should be the currency that is adopted by the masses. Now I am a huge Bitcoin and also a fan of many many crypto currencies. It is however my opinion that Bitcoin was the first crypto and Satoshi is a visionary for creating blockchain and Bitcoin. In my opinion, Bitcoin was the catalyst for the crypto currency industry as a whole and why can't it just be that...

Bitcoin is the reason for the existence of this whole new and wonderful industry that will change the financial world as we know it. It does not have to be more than that.

Many other crypto's can be the first to be adopted by the masses. Maybe it is instigated by a new application that take the world by storm. Maybe it can even be steem which is adopted by the masses.. Who knows?


Image Credit - Coin Telegraph

Blockchain cross operability

Ons of the key things that I believe is that there will be many coins in the future for various industries. There may be a leading social media coin, entertainment coin, food coin, sports coin and many other coins which have utility for a specific industry or market segment.

All these coins must be able to work together through an cross blockchain operability level or integration. If we look a few years back before the internet, we had loose standing bulletin boards, then the TCP/IP protocol was released which gave birth to the internet as we know it today.

Or if we look at operating systems of the past. There were many operating systems before we got to the point where there was a defacto standard.

Just as with any other technology - standards will be introduced into the block chain world and through time we will get inter-operatibility between block chains and the various coins that is de facto standard for the various industries.

Should we not look at mass adoption from another angle?

What if we look at a way to get coins distributed into many households through a value for value economy?

I thoroughly believe that if we emit coins to the masses in a fairly distributed manner, based on the value they are providing back to the network and then give them ways to spend coins we will have a much better success rate on mass adoption.

Look at Steem for example, Steem introduced thousands of people to crypto, because there was a reason for people to earn crypto by something that a lot of people enjoy - writing blogs and sharing their stories. In time we will see how this plays out.

As Nelson Mandela once said?:

Sport has the power to change the world.

I have been working on SportsPodium with my colleagues and partners for quite some time now, and I thoroughly believe that SportsPodium might be the way to ensure mass adoption specifically in the sports industry.

What is SportsPodium?


SportsPodium is a transparent blockchain-based sports community. We apply blockchain technology to unlock undervalued and previously un-monetised aspects in sports. We will reward aspiring athletes of all ages, across all levels of proficiency, with crypto-based rewards for tracking their day-to-day commitment to their sports and fitness activities. This information will be accumulated into a transparent and credible global sports database that will completely disrupt the current flow of funds and talent. We are building an open platform where any sports application can potentially join the ecosystem via our platform’s interface which enables us to incentivise 3rd party userbases.

Our partnership framework has been designed for various stakeholders and partners to drive users to our platform and create large volumes of data flowing into an aggregated database of amateur sports data. In return, partners will be rewarded with our crypto token (POD) on an ongoing basis and therefore benefit from a high value token. The aim is to create an ecosystem driving a value for value economy.

Most countries in the world has a specific sport which they support and participate in.

We have specifically designed the system that anybody with an existing sports application can participate in our ecosystem and reward their user base with our token. Lets get the word out there, join our social media platforms specifically Telegram and have a chat with us should you wish to help us to expand our footprint.

You can join us on the following social media platforms:

Bitcointalk Bounty Link:

Happy Steeming!


I share your thought @jacor

Massive adoption may happen sooner than we think but it will not necessarily be led by bitcoin, bitcoin was only the key that opened the door to a technology with infinite potential, currently there are many cryptocurrencies with great advantages and scalability so it is impossible to know for sure which or which will lead this future adoption.

Enjoy your day, Piotr.

Hi @crypto.piotr,

Thanks for the comment. We are living in exciting times and I also believe it might happen sooner than most people think. Lets see what happens in the future. One thing that I am confident of is that Crypto is not going anywhere.

Indeed those are very exciting times @jacor :)

One thing that I am confident of is that Crypto is not going anywhere.

Question is: where will crypto go to. Where will opportunities go to? :)


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63968.82
ETH 2633.99
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.84