The Financial Muscle behind Renewable Energy: WePower ICO

in #blockchain6 years ago


The world is turning green at a slow and steady pace. Maybe not at the required speed that is needed to save our world faster, but it’s surely being done by taking the right steps and leading the efforts of the right people in the right way. Take for a moment the fact that not even ten years ago a barrel of oil was close to $100. These days it sells for half the price and economies based on oil trade are suffering because of it as the world is looking for cleaner alternatives.

The face of the world is changing

The fact is that some of the most solid economies in the world are slowly getting away from fossil fuels to embrace green options. The European Union is one of the prime examples of it. Most countries inside the Union are shifting their power consumption habits. The region as a whole has increased their usage of renewable energy from a mere 7% in the early 2000’s to 17% in the last year alone. At least 40% of the electric grid in countries like Sweden, Latvia, Finland, and Austria is powered with green alternatives.

Cryptocurrencies are finding their way to solve problems in all the fields where they can be of use. This is their primary role after all, and in the case of renewable resources, there is no exception. One of the greatest problems faced by green energy alternatives is the length of the investment process. Anyone willing to get into green energy has to develop a project, look for the money, and get a debt provider with an equity provider. They also have to offer a plan for the structure of the investment and then proceed to construction. The process can take years of red tape and requires continuous follow up from the interested parties to make sure it sticks.

The new way to make green business

WePower has set out to change the process by making it easier and time-efficient for everyone involved. Their planned scheme pairs down the process to just four steps: Development of the project, get a debt provider, plant a token sale and proceed to construction. The company has set out to do this while clearing the air for investors and producers alike, by offering a clear picture to people with capital and real interest to invest a chance to look at projects that might resonate with them. It also offers developers the chance to get the capital for their projects without having to make long and extended pitch sales to potential investors.

Green energy for the future

WePower wants to make the production of renewable energy easier by setting up an exchange of tokenized energy that has set their sights on the future. Producers can get financing on their projects by offering a trade for the energy they plan to produce with their initiative. Token holders will be the firsts to reap the benefits, while the producer will have the option to sell the rest of the energy produced to whoever offers the best price. The model as projected by the company it’s a win-win on every side.

WePower is being built on blockchain technology, the long-term implications of selling green energy for the future could change the way green alternatives become available everywhere. More detail about their plan of action as well as everything related to energy tokens can be found in

WePower Website
WePower Whitepaper
WePower ANN Thread
WePower BOUNTY Thread
WePower Telegram

photo credit


I hope so .
the humanity power up soon too along with wealth.

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