Converting Hugs onto the Blockchain

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

Are you lonely? Lot's of people are lonely.

But we're all together in our dying alone-ness!

Are you wealthy? Some people are wealthy.

Do you spend most of your time following Cryptocurrency chart patterns? 100% of the people existing now are doing this now, according to a brief survey of the middle-aged Accounts Receivable clerk I just passed in the alley.

After Finding Out We All Die Alone...JK! He just mortgaged his house and put it on PacCoin.

There is, I have discovered, one way to combine all of these things.

You're thinking I'm going to say Converting Hugs onto the blockchain. That would make sense. It's the title up there.

But I'm thinking bigger. So much bigger that it's hard to scale it in your mind. Like "gigantic super-massive blackhole" vs "a small stale piece of avocado" level.

Video Proof That Universe Rests on Large Flat Grid. Flat-Earthers are Just Flat-Universe Deniers

So hear me out. I haven't fully thought this through yet but I know I'm onto something here.

Our whole lives and every happiness is on the Blockchain. This means we don't even have a spare second for more Blockchain.

Thus, the solution to this problem is...

Shift the Blockchain onto a bigger Blockchain so that we can use the rest of the Blockchain for more Blockchain. (White Paper Pending).

Oh, great. That's another brilliant idea, Steinberg!

Truth be told, as my Aunt tells me, I'm a useless layabout. So the idea is likely difficult to put into effect because of the vast technical manpower needed to construct all of those blocks out of raw oscillators--to say nothing of the amount of chains needed...we would have to start asking kids to donate the chains from their bikes...lumberjacks the chains from their saws!

In that sense, not only is this idea not feasible, it's not an idea. It's just a thing I said.

But maybe if I say it again and then it's a thing you say, it will just, like, happen, because Blockchain.

Daily Bitcoin Philtrumocado Correlation = Aunt on trampoline. Avocado piece wiggling on nosetip. Bitcoin predicted to fluctuate up and down, up and down, up and down, bouncily.

Disclaimer: No advice ever given by me, here, or anywhere else, is reliable, or, even real. If you needed this disclaimer, buy a savings bond.


Hey Adorably Abused by Aunty Author,

Totally loved it...I would have given a smaller token of my appreciation in my usual cheapskate manner (forgot to add this part in). But I have to keep you under $1-$2 while I spread the word about the soon to be comic genius (if you so choose to be) @lit-yodith.

@curie upvotes $15-$60 when curators recommends interesting, great writeup, and originalworks like this. To qualify the current upvote must be max $1 (or at least less than $2 from my experience)

Will also spread the word :)

Well done @ilt-yodith!

My Aunt has asked me to convey her thanks for the kind words to her nephew, so that for a single day she is not (to quote her) "the sole crutch propping up I.L.T.'s fragile ego without which he would sink into an emotional abyss of weeping and binge-eating avocado...don't eat my avocado you brat...and don't quote that last part."

My aunt says it's improper for me to thank you personally for complimenting me on my writing which, I'm told, is just so much smashing my fingers into the keyboard until I accidentally hit "Post."

But, if I were allowed to say thanks personally, I would say that your support and kindness are sincerely, deeply, appreciated.

don't thank me yet....I think I blundered....there is also a 24hour limit which I missed finding your post here at the 23rd hour.

still hold steadfast to the avocado....cavalry is on it's way.

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