in #blockchain6 years ago


The benefits that various sectors of the economic world derive from the energy sector are so enormous that, sometimes things get to a halt when there is a short supply of energy. Some industries run their activities with the use of various forms of energy such as electrical energy, solar energy etc. and they have become very independent on these various forms of energy suitable to their operations that whenever there is a cut in supply most of their activities are disrupted. For example, take the activities of a Food Processing Industries, whose power gets cut off due to some maintenance in any of the power substations that supply its energy. You will realize that, though they can decide to switch to the use of power plants some of their sophisticated machines cannot operate with the use of the energy supplied by the plant. This shows how important the energy sector is to the running of most activities in our world.

In as much as we derive many benefits from the various forms of energy, some forms of energy that is commonly used in the world have several side effects that is harming our environment. For instance, the burning of fossils to produce diesel, petrol which serves as a form of chemical energy to propel these machines. The end products of these forms of energy has been releasing carbon dioxide into our environment which has contributed to the increase in green house effect which is also causing the current global warming in several places of the world. The issue of global warming has really been a huge burden upon several scientists as this issue seems to threaten the melting of the Artic Permafrost which contains several tons of carbon dioxide. Now you can imagine the effects that would occur if this huge amount of Carbon deposited in the Artic Permafrost is to be released into our environment.


Several companies and organizations have put in the necessary research and effort to ensure that, the world is supplied with the forms of energy that are environmentally friendly and also quite cheaper as compared to other sources. Among the several industries that you can think of, there is none which has seen great success in its quest to provide environmentally friendly forms of energy for the world than World Power Production Energy. This company has seen tremendous growth and success ever since it started its operation, with Mr. Rafael Ben spearheading this company. Mr. Ben together with his team have embarked on several projects all over the world in the establishing of power plants, installation of biomass and other projects all over the world with all geared towards the reduction of cost of energy and making it safe for the use of mankind.

The World Power Production Energy however seeks to enlarge its territory in the quest of energy production by inculcating the blockchain technology in its activities. The use of the blockchain technology will ensure that consumers don’t have to pay huge cost of transaction in the purchase of energy supply.


The World Power Production Energy would build a platform which is based on a decentralized system of the blockchain technology and will serve as a platform for information and distribution of energy. WPP is highly specialized in the production of environmentally friendly forms of energy such as the conversion of waste into energy in the Municipal Solid Waste agreement. In addition, WPP Energy would also help in the establishment of green energy sources in high populated countries who have problems in their energy supply due to insufficiency.

WPP would establish the Global Green Energy Platform which would be based on a decentralized system and provide customers with several sources of green energy at an affordable rate. By shortening the chain of transaction with the blockchain technology, users would no longer have to bear huge cost upon their transactions of energy supplies. Also, the platform will serve as a hub to host producers of green energy where they would share their information which is going to be recorded unto the blockchain ledger system.

To climax it all the World Power Production Energy platform would host a digital currency exchange where crypto enthusiasts can trade their Energy Tokens and also trade with the use of several other cryptocurrencies. All other energy tokens within the cryptospace would also be traded on this platform. WPP brings to its members amazing packages and highly advanced packages like the Advanced HNO Technologies, WPP Energy Mobile Power Station, HNO Home complete Energy Solution etc. There are amazing packages that the World Power Production Energy offers to its members please refer to the whitepaper for more information about how these individual packages would serve to benefit members.






This project has seen a tremendous success by the support of an amazing team members which is being led by Mr. Rafael Ben. The individual team members are people with very high intellect and also have gained in-depth experience in their various fields of discipline. Below are some of the team members, please refer to the whitepaper or website for more information about the entire team members and also read more about the team members.


Earth is the only identified planet which supports life to the fullest and we can do ourselves the greater good by keeping it safe in the very best way we can. Join the World Power Production Energy as it brings on board a decentralized platform to promote the use of Green Energy at an affordable rate for everyone.

For more information about this project please refer to the following lines:







Bitcointalk thread:


Bitcointalk Username: Kelvinikke

My Bitcointalk profile link is;u=2087374


The blockchain ledger system will ensure that licensing terms agreed between digital creators and market places is immutable to any change without the consent of both authors and market places.

That's very true because the blockchain technology ensures absolute transparency in its systems and i think this is why most industries admire using it to operate their platforms these days.

How best would this project be extended to differents part of the world especially in Africa where power shortage is very common. I am in Africa myself and sometimes you have have the power cut off for like a week. this stalls production activities of major companies.

Hi @kingboo
I have also heard about the unstable nature of power supply in Africa and i think that is not a comfortable situation at all looking at how dependent most activities are on energy and power supply. Anyway this project envisions to extend its boundaries to all parts of the world hence its name World Power Production. The team plans to do exactly that but currently they would need to start the project with some part of the world and grow its boarders in time.
Yours Ikkelins

Hello @Ikkelins The use of renewable sources of energy has long been advertized to people but yet many fail to use it because of how expensive it is. How does the team intend to solve this.

Hey@kwabeedat thanks for following up on this project and yes i do agree with you that renewable sources of energy like solar energy is quite expensive to afford. however with the help of this project all these sources of energy are going to be subsidized so that members can easily afford it. Let's protect our environment man :)

Currently, the dangers that the production of energy is bringing unto the world is very dangerous and it is very right that the team have found such a solution to this problem.

That's very true @teamfearless and i believe that with the introduction of the various renewable and environmentally friendly sources of energy supply we can save our planet from its escalating debilitation. Thanks for sharing your thoughts buddy :)
Yours Ikkelins

Guess i missed out on the sales during ICO right because after following up on their website i have realized that the ICO has ended successfully with success. Looking forward to exchange listings so that we can also invest into this project.
Thanks for sharing such a vital information about this project :)

Hello there :)
Glad you have also got to know about this project. Sorry you missed out on the ICO but the team has announced plans on exchange listings which should be out soon. Follow up on the link below for more information about the exchange listings

And unless i forget, do well to stay up to date with my blog channel so that you don't miss out on huge projects like these :)

Yours Ikkelins

Hello dear @ikkelins.

What an incredible proposal!

The production of energy is the main factor that promotes the deterioration of the global environment. The burning of fossil fuels produces considerable polluting emissions and accelerates global warming with the greenhouse effect.

Once we become aware of the damage caused to our unique and priceless spacecraft, then we human beings have the production of sustainable energy. For example, the company BMW Manufacturing Corp. has begun to use methane gas as an energy source in the US factory in Spartanburg, thus covering 25% of its energy needs

With the proposal of the World Power Production Energy platform, the Blockchain would be making a small contribution in reversing the great damage it has caused to the environment.
In China, the Asian giant, with 30% of the world's population, is where the highest rate of digital mining is in the world. Although since 2017 this nation has made giant advances in the production of renewable energy, it still depends on the burning of fossil fuels and nuclear energy. For this reason the bitcoin mining activity is responsible for high energy consumption and heat emission.

All the initiatives that have to do with renewable energy will be well seen in the world and grateful for humanity.

All best, Piotr.

Hello @crypto.piotr,
It is very relieving to hear that some giant coporations have already taken steps in curbing this situation. Not to disregard their efforts but you know perfectly that their contribution is just a portion of it and this project aims to expand its borders to the whole wide world.

I know in some Arabian countries digital currency mining has been banned and this is all due to the high consumption of energy that it requires and if as blockchain enthusiasts we aim to see digital currencies being adopted globally then we can not do away with the efforts of our miners.

Using renewable sources of energy is our best choice and i believe this project can accomplish this. Thanks for having a look at this piece and we all hope for the best in terms of our energy supply.

Yours Ikkelins :)

Dear @ikkelins

Thank you for your previous comment. And Im also sorry for such a late reply. I wonder if you even will read my comment ...

I NEED YOUR HELP :) Nothing serious really. But I still hope you can spare few minutes of your time :)

I found out about great contest where winning community can receive a year's delegation worth of 20k SP!

I realized that receiving such a delegation could help greatly to grow our community. After all I'm upvoting each valuable comment. On top of that, I'm doing my best to promote quality content published by other authors and again: I like to reward those who engage with those authors.

I know that it's probably a long shot and most likely our community won't stand a chance in this contest. But I love being the underdog! Let's give them a fair fight :)

Which brings me to my next question, I was wondering if I could count on your support? At this stage I would only need to ask you to comment this post and suggest myself for the contest. Perhaps you could also make another suggestion: @ help.venezuela (this is run by my dear friend @ achim03).

This is just a first round attempt. I hope we can make it to second round hahha :) Naturally I would appreciate if you could ask your friends to help with our little "quest" :)

Let me know what you think? Perhaps you can also share some advises and hopefully we can "do little bit of brainstorming". Would be awesome to win :)


Sorry for the late reply as well but i guess this has been finally done :) Anyway i am also quite knew to this platform so i am still learning. Just figured some days ago that i could actually monitor my comments and replies right through my profile page. Lol...never knew. Thanks for connecting man :)

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