25,000 followers strong - Tribute to Steemit's most successful story.

in #blockchain7 years ago

Our dear @haejin!

Eight months ago, around June 2017, and over a year since Steemit was launched, you, a humble, but ambitious, and as time has proved, great mind, joined steemit.

You were until then, unknown, but eight months since, you stand heads and shoulders above all, as arguably steemit’s most successful story.

Today, that success is affirmed, and crowned by a feat of historic, and as yet, unparalleled proportion: your followers, most loyal and reputable, has reached an all time, and all steemit high, of 25, 000 plus.

You are not only a steemit icon, but a renowned and acclaimed global brand. There is hardly anyone in the social media, whether Steemit, You-tube or twitter and crypto market, who does not know you as the most distinguished crypto analyst.

You have for the last eight months of your steemit life, proven to be the complete personification of hard work, intelligence, commitment, courtesy, and good manners whether on twitter or on You-tube, and on steemit.

This way, you have captured the love, respect and loyalty of thousands upon thousands, who have today reached the historic number of 25,000 plus..

Today all these peoples wish to above all, proclaim their love, respect and honor, to you, but also their thankfulness and gratitude for your impact on the growth and future of steemit.

Among these peoples are countless minnows, dolphins and whales that you every now and again, support, and who in turn, support your great works, through upvotes, and constructive discussions on your blog.

In this way, these thousands daily affirm their faith and trust in your great mind, and its unrivaled ability to understand the crypto industry.

I know in the celebration of this great day when we your followers finally reach the unparalleled number of 25,000, all of us the 25,000 would love to individual say a word of gratitude, a word of encouragement, and a word of adoration.

I know of thousands who would wish to give several testimonies of how your technical analysis have helped them;
Overall, i know of thousands who would wish to extend personal gratitude to you,

However, overall, it has to be said, in the celebration of this historic day, that we are glad to share your journey, and look to you with faithful trust as a symbol of our faith in the future of steemit, and in our individual financial futures.

Obviously as i write this, I know that you are too busy thinking and working out the great technical analyses for us your followers, the entire steemit community, and the world over, and so you might have not even noticed this historic feat.

But wherever you are, whatever you are doing, i pray that some passerby, or neighbor will read this and knock on your door with this few but sincere and heartiest words of love, respect and honor.

I speak for myself, but i obviously echo the popular sentiment and thoughts and love and respect and honor of 25,000 loyal and faithful followers.

What is our message to you, besides the outpourings of love and respect and honor? It is this:

You are our financial help; our financial host; our financial hygiene - our haejin.

And we make you this promise:- however and wherever you will go, we will walk with you. Yes.

Know, @haejin, that behind you, and if necessary, before you, now marches an army of 25,000 loyal and faithful Steemit followers. We love you.

May our shared present and future be blessed with



I'm so grateful for your article and positive comments. When on days like today, the trolls are out in droves to zero out my blog payouts from days 5, 6, 7 and 8; I feel renewed to continue.

I truly feel bad for any follower/commenter who was downvoted by these trolls. You are the innocent and am truly sorry if you've experienced unfair downvotes, decreased reputation scores and other scars. It's awesome that my following grows everyday, so do the upvotes!

To all my >25k followers, monumental thanks and I'm so very grateful for your support!!

Thank you!

I am also sorry to any of the people who are friendly fire attacked and casualties of the war that is going on. If on haejin would not upvote only himself 95% of the time, he might be doing alright. Even without upvoting himself he would make thousands a day. If technical analysis is so good. Haejin should not need to upvote himself, he should not even need to accept payouts anymore. If he would have been reasonable, none of this would be happening.. and it sucks that it is. I'm not here to run salt in wounds. I'm sorry to anyone who got downvotes and had their rep wrecked. I am spending most of my power upvoting posts haejin downvotes. Healing the people that he is referring to, only on the other side.

Best of luck to everyone and maybe for the foreseeable future avoid commenting on his posts maybe. That is where the downvotes will probably be.

Stay safe everyone. Sorry this is what Steemit looks like right now. That's what happens when you leave governing in the hands of the community.

Honest to say, @drpuffnstuff, this is a respectful way to disagree.

It is how that 'other side', - Which to us @haejin followers, doesn't really exist as we make sure to mind our own business- should state its case rather than indiscriminately downvoting people who opt to express their gratitude or to share in the great works of a mind they disagree with.

That said, i do not agree when you say:-

....maybe for the foreseeable future avoid commenting on his (@haejins) posts maybe. That is where the downvotes will probably be.

We are not just commenting for the sake of commenting. We are a community learning, encouraging, supporting each other. We find value in every product of @haejin's brain factory, and in deed wish that all should share in it.

But of course not all wish to, and that is their right. We do not, and will not attempt to force, cajole or threaten them to join us, but in the same way, they should not troll and spam our community.

I know, or at least i think i know, that this is only fair!

But thanks for your respectful comment.

I am trying to work peace on Steemit.... Can you pass this offer to Haejin's ear.

It is time for healing.


@em3, It is in everybody's interest to have a peaceful steemit. @haejin obviously takes no pleasure in this so-called war, which for me is a simple quarrel.

But the aggressors here are those who are going tooth and nail, stealing away @haejin's hard earned rewards, indiscriminately doownvoting his followers and anybody who comments on his blog......

How do you expect @haejin to talk peace, when he is being bombarded with insult after insult, spam after spam....

Unless by peace, you mean surrender, and that i much fear is not an option for @haejin and his 25K+ followers.

But if you mean peace, in the true sense of the word peace, then just as those trolls took the first initiative to flag and spam @haejin's blog, the onus is yet again on them to take the first initiative to stop the flagging and spamming.

That would, in my honest opinion, level the ground, settle the dust, and allow reason to prevail.

See, this is an area that needs good understanding and discussion:
"stealing away @haejin's hard earned rewards"

It is impossible to steal rewards on Steemit because they are not "yours" until 7 days are completed and the community has decided upvote and downvote what a post is worth.

However, it is not that simple either.

No money on Steemit is "hard earned"... That, in American English, has the understanding of "a job with an agreed salary" that you have worked your hours and earned.

Steem is "shared" or given out from a community "pool". It is not UNlimited. There is a limit.

Sometimes one Steemian may post an excellent post and get noticed by a whale or many whales and rewarded $300-$1500 for one post.

But in 18 months I have never seen 1 whale only EVER upvote one Steemian. Ever. This is not normal. The closest example is when one Steemian PAYS another Steemian for upvotes. Then you will have one whale upvoting another each and every post.

Since 95% of Haejin's rewards are coming from 1 whale, and he always upvotes at 100%, it doesnt seem like it is about quality. Good TA or bad TA, ranchorelaxo is rewarding Haejin $250 per post.

So the "quality test" is not being met. So people dispute that "this post" or "that post" is really worth that. And people are saying "No", these rewards are too high according to the quality, it is not fair or right for Haejin to be receiving 3%-5% of the rewards EVERDAY. Something is not right. It is not QUALITY that is getting Haejin the rewards. Ranchrelaxo has just pushed the AUTO button to always give Haejin 10 - 100% upvotes everyday. And that is not "OK".

I get where you are coming from. I don't know about how his ta compares to the thousands of ta's on trading view. TA doesn't interest me. I realize you guys would like to interact with a person that you like. I don't know what to say. Their is friendly fire on both sides. Your side just needs to rally behind each other. Upvote each other. Haejin makes enough money. Become clerics and heal those wounded. Instead of upvoting haejin's post, upvote the good comments that get downvoted. Don't expect haejin to help though because he is not one to lend a hand.

If you look at who is losing the most. Not only are the whales against haejin not making money by upvoting themselves on their own posts. They are wasting their power counteracting him upvoting himself.

If they were upvoting themselves, taking 5,000$ a day, and haejin was downvoting them instead of upvoting himself. I would be fighting on your side. I just want what is best for the longevity of the platform.. and that's for people like you and me to make more, and people like haejin to make less. I even said in my comment in his post the other day, I'm fine with him upvoting himself 10 or 20% but 90% is quite selfish. 5% of the entire reward pool to him every day. 1 person out of 50,000 or more people posting on here, taking 5% a day isn't very cool. This is why I prefer the whale who downvotes as opposed to the whale who upvotes.


This is one of those moments when thank you doesn’t seem adequate. My only regret is I wished I had found you earlier. You have helped me navigate the treacherous waters of cryptos. You helped me stay calm and collected during the correction of the last few weeks. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

YEAHHHH MMASSIVE profits for EVERYONE except those who don't like @HAEJIN.

You are an inspiration because you care. You are a great example for the rest of us. Congratulations. People follow for good reasons. :). Joy

Congratulation, Haejin! This is truly an amazing accomplishment! I'm glad that you are part of the steemit family!

I am amazed with you @haejin.
this is amazing.
I got 15 downvoted from the bastard's camp.
hope you reply to that son of a bitch.

Yea congratts, those pricks are still pounding my ass also. I put up a post and a picture and everything that was title Steemit is Broken it's a socialist platform. Those with the money get to shit on everyone because of what we like and not them. They managed to get that prick hidden in about two seconds. Fuckers.
Peace, Kris

I'm surprised you didn't tell @icomment to power up so they can give you bigger upvotes...I guess maybe this is another one of your accounts then :)

upvotes senpai

you are the master!!!

@Haeijin Congrats sir. You are such a genuine guy. We appreciate you like always. Thing that sets you apart from others is you focus on knowledge, learning how to learn graph vs get rich quick scheme by others selling membership over telegram and copy pasting your and others analysis. Not only that you have given us the resources to read and learn which enable us to have our own little opinions instead of solely depending on some crypto guru. Once again, congrats sir. You are a guiding beacons for like people like me. keep up the great work.

Congrate haejin! Many of them is bots but anyway is excellent result.

I made the steemit homepage meme of you not to offend you or be on the anti haejin bandwagon. I did it to represent the FACT that a blockchain based social network has a blockchain/crypto analyst is the most popular user. I dont know why thats so shocking to all of the haters lol.

For me, and i have no doubt, to all the 25,000 plus followers, you @haejin, are an exemplar of every virtue and quality one needs to succeed, not just on steemit, but in the world of competition out there.

My reputation had been halved just for expressing my gratitude to you, but you and several of our friends out here helped to upvote and revive it. I am eternally grateful.

Such indiscriminate and unfair downvotes discourage new members (minnows) and threaten the future of our Steemit community, especially when their target is someone as successful and popular like you.

Accordingly, it is ours, but especially your responsibility to remain steadfast and courageous in the face of this persecution. The future of steemit as a free, non-racial community where upon every one is vested the right to exercise his diligence to succeed, could very easily depend on it.

What will happen to steemit if such selfish interest groups and mafia trolls win? I shudder to imagine.

It is obvious that this troupe of trolls and spammers is not about to stop, but i can only reiterate that:-

Behind you, and if necessary, before you, we 25,000 plus strong, will match, still, and again.

With the same qualities of hard work, determination and perseverance, i have no doubt that in not so long from now, i and several other loyalists, will wield a stronger power and be more useful and influential among the ranks of those who stand by your side in this fight for the future of Steemit and the crypto industry.

For now, all we can do, and will do at any price, despite our little value, is upvote your posts, comment and share in your works, and, in battles being and to be fought, stand by your side.

I thank you; 25,000 followers thank you. May you remain to us, now and in the future, our sure guide.

Congratulations once again @haejin, for this historic feat.

let the haters be motivators!
congratulations on 25k

Congratulations @icomment, this post has received more comments then @haejin's last 70 (pending posts combined) in the last 168 hours written by a Superhero or Legend account holder (accounts holding less than 1 Steem Power). The total number of posts by Superhero and Legend account holders during this period was 25,000 (@haejin's entire following) and the total pending friend requests for you is 0.

If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply #FlagTheDonkey to this comment.

It could be that people have stopped commenting on haejin's blog because they fear getting downvoted for absolutely no reason..... I know I am one of them.


Let no threat @morseke1 deter you. We know the value @haejin brings to us, to the platform and to the global world that follows his crypto analysis.

I understand the fear of getting downvoted, but i am encouraged by the requirement to stand up for what i believe is right.

Let us stand together side by side as keep encouraging ourselves to remain on steemit despite the discouragement to do so, by those trolling downvoters.

Don't be discouraged. You are not alone, we are many.

Let us also encourage more in our local communities to join steemit and the crypto industry.

There is a lot of potential and promise in it, to change not just our individual live's but also our societies and the world.

Thanks for voicing your opinion.

I do not understand this comment. There are SuperHero & Legend accounts here? What level of XP to you need to reach those?


Its always not fare that someone comment on your post and you will decude to hide the comment, for God sake we should appreciate others little contribution sir
Am an upcomming on steemit and i do feel so downgraded any time my comment is hidden.
Pls lets help each other, i am a student and i find it so hard to pay my fees, sreemit has always be my source of survival.
I really appreciate your work sir

i'm new here also. i've been down voted for even commenting here. apparently we are a part of some type of steemit civil war. best keep your head down around here. my comment above was very innocent. curious how another person deemed it flag-able. cheers to all.

Let no threat of downvotes @rawutah discourage you.

I understand the fear of getting downvoted, but just be encouraged by the requirement to stand up for what you believe is right.

Let us stand together side by side as keep encouraging ourselves to remain on steemit despite the discouragement to do so, by those trolling downvoters.

Steemit and the crypo industry is the future. Just work hard, be determined, and persevere.

Let no threat @izuchukwu1506 deter you. Don't be bullied.

I understand the fear of getting downvoted, but i am encouraged by the requirement to stand up for what i believe is right.

Let us stand together side by side as keep encouraging ourselves to remain on steemit despite the discouragement to do so, by those trolling downvoters.

Don't be discouraged. You are not alone, we are many who are students and looking to make a living here.

Let us also encourage more students to join steemit. The crypto industry is the present and the future.

There is a lot of potential and promise in it, to change our lives

Thanks, and remain cheered.

Thanks @travelersmemoire, for congratulating @haejin. 25,000 followers is not an easy feat, but with hard work, determination and persistence, like @haejin, we can and will also achieve.

Absolutely awesome. I've been here 3 weeks now and its great to see this success story.
To a great future here on Steemit.

To a great future @cryptogalactic!

Cheers! and thanks. @haejin's success is a model story of inspiration for all os us.

sad bunch of greedy bitchs :|

This is derogatory @j3dy. It is unfair, honestly.

that's my opinion on blind followers, celebrity bullshitting and general degradation

I'm not a fair-y godmother, just spreading some salt, sorry to pry on your cultisms :)

Keep the faith :) you will be rich, remember act in good faith and with good manners , you will make millions because of @haejin's technical analysis.

I'm annoyed with this bs, but nevermind, wrong thread to not be biased, love your leader dude, think he cares about you :D adore him, ... Cheers ...

I think it cuts straight to the point, because that's what I saw in your post. There is no reason to make a deity out of a man, but you are too blind to see it so you are blindly following and attributing whatever values you think would do him justice, maybe you saw the light, either way that's also my honest opinion, I'm saddened that words don't change beliefs.

Still whoever deserves his freedom probably would step out of the group-think mentality where you just hope you get a bone thrown from the feast table. You just want what he has, you think you can have it because you don't know what it costs, I bet you that doing the same level of technical analysis won't net you any reward close to what he has, here is a blast from the past, lots of people were doing technical analysis, lots of people were doing it greatly, one of them was @ozchartart just giving you more material to work with :D

So I HIGHLY DISLIKE BLIND FOLLOWERS, they are the reason the world has problems :D

oh one more thing, think haejin would like it if you 25000 were doing technical analysis, wouldn't he benefit from peer review, or do you think there will never be people that are on his godlike level of determination and whatnot.

so yeah I believe there are more people that deserve the praise far more than haejin, that's my belief, because he's just one man, making charts, on a payroll from a whale currently, not different from anyone else, if someone was giving me 300$ per post I'd be releasing 5-10 logos a day with perfect explanations and probably hire a few people to do the twatter rally .....

it's not derogatory, that's my way of seeing things, with haejin I had a brief brush once when he passed by my posts, I saw he wasn't interested in communication or reciprocity, he was more interested in his own doings and I'm fine with that, I saw a few good videos from him, then I stopped following because there is no reason to watch charts and day trade.. well mostly no reason, since i can't do it consistently enough and would rather do something creative, that's my thing, so anyways

think what you will, but think :D

you perceive my comment as derogatory,now you know a bit of the reasoning behind it, well most of it at least, in my view my comment is honest and inviting to discussion :) I'm genuinely appalled from this "yet another installment" of "flag wars" crying babies and sch nonsense, but "think of the kids", "have you no heart" ... I'm just hurting your belief system, it's what keeps you on your daily grind, oh here is a good post for a cheer :)


you can do it, strive for success and one day you too can be like haejin :)

It is well, @j3dy . You have your reasons. We all do. I respect that, especially now that you say them.

I have my own reasons for praising @haejin and for following, even defending him. And i believe, or at least i think i believe in his contributions just as much as you now obviously do not believe.

I have no issue with some one disagreeing, but i do, when i am convinced someone is being disrespectful,

Because at any rate, in agreement or disagreement, i believe that there is no substitute for respect and decency.

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

sure, thank you very much for not getting offended as well, I'm edgy with my language, I agree, but I have my reasons and as it is, yes he deserves praise and you could say he earned it, but I'm more inclined to think he got a good opportunity and made the best of it, I'm tired of flag wars and that stopped me from frequenting here, a while back, and it's quite debilitating seeing, steem turned into a MMO-web-blockchain-RPG where people are calling trolls left and right...

Plus I have reasons to dislike such praiseworthy comments, because I know anyone is capable and if they work for it they will earn it, I dislike blind following and sure in this case maybe it's not the case for everyone, but most people are looking for a leader and when they think they have one they are willing to protect him because they feel better about themselves with him.

You should understand the other side of the argument as well, I think he earned more than what would be deemed fair, there are other people who run massive operations and try to reward everyone who make little return, whereas out of the blue some crypto analyst came and sure enough one month later he's through the grind that people are stuck here for months, then the next month he's making hundreds of thousands, now he's a celebrity that's so awesome and infallible that he deserves praise from everyone because he has money..... that could have gone to the thousands of you mind you... of course it's much easier to control one income flow then thousands... It's seeming really fishy and of course

Whether or not @haejin and Ranchorelaxo represent a 'collusive group' is a matter of personal, if not subjective opinion, which, i hope you appreciate, 25,000 people following @haejin obviously don't share.

I bet you those people have no real clue about anything or either of them, plus I bet they don't care 1 bit about where the money came from as long as they get to celebrate and have their lives matter for a little while, feeling like the celebrity they are trying to emulate....

Plus he fanned the flames of war too, anyways I don't care much, it's your life and your time, so do whatever, keep in mind you are affecting everything around you with your actions, so if you like greed and if you like celebrity worship, don't mind me :D

alright here is all the comments I don't agree with

i am addicted to his blog..such a wonderful analyst. Thanks boss

born2crypto.... well nevermind :D no need, there are actually half good comments because of the war :D fanboys be fanboys, I won't have to add anything and you saw the comment above from @drpuffandstuff

thanks for the chat, I would be ok with haejin taking 100k a month if he was actually helping people get better, rather than just want more and expect more without earning it. So yeah if those 400$ were from 25000 happy traders making 400$ each or whatever margins then sure, great, awesome, he's the best, around, nobody's ever gonna bring him down ... and all that, as it stands I think the praise is undeserved, even hurting the potential of people, not to mention messing the reward distribution, not to mention opening doors to abuse since people are focused on one "abuse" and could miss potential others... There is more "at stake" and I would rather see this place change people for the better than become the mainstream hellhole social medias are usually.

:D maybe I went on a bit too long :D

Great write up. Especially in these dark days of steemit. Now we need to mobilize the 25000 followers to become upvoters and commenters. When we all come together the haters cannot stop us.

I agree 100%

I am still watching to see how far, and by how much the troupe of trolls and spammers is going to go, to keep flagging @haejin and us his followers.

Depending on the outcome, just as they are self-organizing everyday, it may be about time we team @haejin also start thinking of self-organizing ourselves into a retaliatory force of some kind. I mean, at 25,000, can any individual or group really withstand us, should we choose to return their favors? I much doubt.

For now, lets keep recommending peace and common sense, but of course if they keep pushing us to the tether of patience, we shall have no option but make an open call to the 25,000, to take up arms!

Thanks again, @danpaulson

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