in #blockchain6 years ago

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The data has been decentralized for many years and the problem is how to store these data. The growth of data continues to exceed 100% per year, and due to their increasing heterogeneity, the complexity of managing IT infrastructures increases exponentially. Arweave sets itself an ambitious task to create a data warehouse. At present it is very difficult to imagine the amount of data that will be even in 10 years, given how quickly everything develops. At first glance, it may seem that it is not such a difficult task to create a data
storage area, and, as it were, not so.

The need for storages grows more and more as the amount of data increases. And an inexpensive decentralized protocol for saving, with the ability to scale is already a priority. The creators of Arweave have
implemented an innovative structure for the development of a storage-storage service called block interlacing. This platform will provide data storage in a
more economical way. The platform protocol simplifies the development of decentralized applications on top of the pipeline, which reflects the desire of the
authors of Arweave to manage the platform as it develops by implementing new protocols. This feature will be provided to third-party developers.

• Data storage in a decentralized way. All information is available not by subscription, but by a single payment system. The cost of AR tokens will probably become cheaper than the monthly fees paid to competitors such as Filecoin or AWS

• Decentralized data exchange . All data can be downloaded absolutely anonymously and sent to anyone.

• Token AR. Digital coin platform. The main function is to add data to the block system.

• Decentralization and data protection. Any content created on the Internet may be temporary and have proof of ownership.

• Decentralized collaboration with data. Any user has the opportunity to challenge or prove the quality of any information.

Arweave is based on four layers (technologies) that operate together to create a highly-scalable (5000 TPS), permanent storage that costs considerably lower than most of the existing competition:

**Blockweave: is the blockchain structure behind Arweave’s project that allows for a low cost on-chain storage. As the amount of data stored increases, the amount of hashing needed for consensus decreases, which reduces the cost of storing data.
The main benefits of storing data on-chain is that it becomes part of the consensus mechanism, but most importantly, it gives
Arweave’s users the ability to pay once and store forever.

**Proof of Access: a new consensus mechanism. Instead of competing who can solve puzzles (tasks) and use exponential
amount of electricity (as in common PoW consensus mechanism), miners will
compete who can replicate the most data, which assures that the energy (electricity) used while mining will decrease over time.

**Wildfire- it’s an incentive mechanism that stimulates miners to share date with each
other. The faster data is stored and shared with other miners in the network, the easier it will be for a miner to build positive reputation. As nodes in blockweave networks require fast access to data in order to mine in an efficient way, they are incentivized to share data to other members of the network quickly and continuously, autonomously improving the
sharing experience by making it much faster.

**Blockshadows: Arweave’s goal is to create long-term on-chain data storage and to make that possible, the network has to support unlimited sized blocks. Arweave uses a system that decouples transaction
distribution from that of block distribution in the network. Only a “shadow”(important basic information like transaction hashes, wallet list hash) of the block is moved around the system instead of the full block
itself. This allows for higher speed and scalability topping at around 5000 transactions per second. Think of shadow blocks as blocks that contain valuable,
yet very low in size, information that can be moved in the system allowing for high speed and no congestion.


Arweaves revolutionary new technology provides truly permanent data storage for the very first time and at a massive scale. The blockweave approach allows the data stored on the Arweave to be spread amongst nodes on the network whilst guaranteeing its verifiability and
retrievability. Due to its unique algorithms and data structure, decentralised applications made using the Arweave's simple API can solve problems that were previously untenable. Arweave enables the development of many new kinds of
applications, from decentralised notaries to open, permanent and verifiable voting systems.

Team of 8 with 5 devs. The founding team is inexperienced with most of the them being fresh graduates. Nothing impressive. Some decent advisors-Manager at Opera, Managing Director at Techstars, Head of Growth at Quantstamp.



While the team behind the Arweave ICO are new to the startup world, they’ve managed to bring a novel storage solution to the table with a mainnet launch around the corner. Despite the competition and questions about scaling, we think Arweave is a serious contender among storage protocols.

**Data storage economy is expected to continue growing in a very fast pace.
**Active and good Github presentation, mainenet is launching on 8th of June
**Solid partnerships and advisors.
**Low cap and and decent market awareness.
**Most of the core team members are fresh graduates.
**Saturated space with strong competition.
**Lack of important information like roadmap, whitepaper and detailed token metrics and more.

Arweave aims to deliver a global, permanent hard drive on a new kind of
blockchain. If successful it may enable
high throughput, decentralized, immutable, and most importantly, low cost data storage.

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Writer's Bitcointalk Username: Ghandy

Writer's Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2090033

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