"블록체인은 물론 답이죠. 그런데 뭐가 문제였나요?"

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

구슬도 꿰어야 보배라는 말처럼, 블록체인이나 암호화폐에 대한 맹목적인 관점에서 벗어나는 데 매우 유익한 글인 것이 분명합니다.

서두 발췌에서 분위기를 느껴 보시고, 더 읽을 것인지 판단해 보세요. :-)

This is no secret for anyone, Blockchain has fully grown up to a social buzz and proudly sits on top of the peak of inflated expectations ( ... ). Banks, companies, institutions … none could escape the Blockchain tsunami that has been raging for almost 3 years.

People usually react in two opposite ways: either fear (we are going to be disintermediated !) or excitement (Blockchain is an opportunity, it is going to reduce costs, increase incomes, secure processes, make coffee …)

Though if we take a closer look at the latter─which we can summarize as “let’s put Blockchain everywhere”─things go wrong immediately.

Let’s get back to reality, Blockchain is not a solution for all your problems. In fact, you need to associate it with other technologies to even make it work. As for making it relevant …

‘블록체인 요정(The blockchain fairy)’에 관한 일러스트 (팅커벨이 날아와 ‘블록체인 마법 가루’를 뿌리는 그림이 나옵니다. ㅎㅎ)

Thinking as the image above suggests, denotes a misunderstanding of the way Blockchain works, as well as failing to get its full potential. With this vision, if you think about using a Blockchain in your next project, whatever the cost, you are wrong for 2 reasons:

  1. Most people are going to see that you didn’t get it

  2. You are going to waste time working on false use cases, or even waste your money and your human resources. But with further thinking, maybe you could come up with a better idea.

Of course if you only mean hype, Blockchain is another word for buzz generator, even if not everyone is fooled.

Now that we have made things clearer, a question raises by itself:

“How do I know if Blockchain is relevant in my use case?”

Excellent question, here are some advices

이 다음부터가 본론입니다....


좋은글 감사합니다 팔로우 하고 가겠습니다. 맞팔 부탁드리겠습니다(스팀인의 매너^^)

맞팔이 매너인가요? P2p에는 맞팔 원칙 같은 거 없습니다.

아 네 죄송합니다 좋은뜻으로 한말인데 심기를 건들인것같네요 그럼 수고하세요

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