HOQU Development Update. Part 3: HOQU ecosystem upgrade

in #blockchain6 years ago


Dear HOQU Community members, the HOQU development team is about to release a prototype application for networks. To make it possible the HOQU ecosystem should be upgraded a little and today we are glad to introduce all changes made for the HOQU platform.

First of all, the entity of the network was added to the system. It describes the affiliate network. The owner of the network has to be registered within a system as a user with the network role. After that the merchant and the affiliate users can apply to the network to see all available offers of the network and to create advertisement campaigns as well.

The Ethereum Blockchain smart contracts was radically changed to meet the requirements of the platform development. The platform smart contract was splitted to the platform storage smart contract and the platform smart contract itself. It was made to keep all data during platform smart contracts upgrades.

The Advertisement Campaign smart contract was introduced as well to keep all relations between affiliate and merchant as a deal in one place. The main HOQU platform smart contract doesn’t keep the ad campaign logic anymore. For each contract between the affiliate and the merchant we create a separate Ad Campaign smart contract holding all leads and its transactions. It was made to minimize the main HOQU storage utilization and to give the management access for separate tracking services. Now the Affiliate Network can have its own tracking service operated on the dedicated Ethereum address and the HOQU platform can grant access for that particular tracking service to add and transact leads within only appropriate Ad Campaign smart contract.

The first prototype of the HOQU rating system was introduced as well. The Rater smart contract should hold the logic behind the rating calculations. The HOQU system participant’s ratings will be recalculated on each lead transaction. This gives the ability to have a valid up-to-date rating for each merchant, affiliate and network operated within the HOQU ecosystem.

All changes in the HOQU smart contracts were reflected in the HOQU Blockchain API as well. For example, during advertisement campaign creation API deploys new Ad Campaign smart contract, set all necessary data to the main HOQU platform smart contact and return the id and the smart contact address for created Ad Campaign. All data for existing users, networks, offers, rating and other entities is parsed from the HOQU storage smart contract.

The current versions of all HOQU smart contracts can be found on GitHub. The stable version of the API can also be found on GitHub.

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