Three Construction And Real Estate Trends In 2023

in #blockchain2 years ago (edited)

Construction and real estate are the backbones of any economy. Houses are the thing that literally every person in the world needs. So the industry is at the forefront of technological advancement, which is reflected in trends such as 3D printing, blockchain and AI. Let’s go through some trends.


3D printing in construction

3D printing is a technology that is used to create physical objects from digital models. The process of 3D printing involves creating a three-dimensional object by depositing material layer by layer.
3D printers can be used for various purposes, such as making custom parts on-site, and printing toys and tools. Today, it can be not only simple objects but entire houses. This technology makes it possible to build a house not in years and months but in weeks! And this is not a concept. Many companies around the world already use it.

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Blockchain in real estate

Blockchain is a technology that allows for secure transactions. It's used for everything from cryptocurrencies to law, where it can track the history of a property and manage ownership.
Blockchain has several benefits over traditional methods of tracking ownership:

  • Security. Because blockchain is decentralized, there's no central server or database that can be hacked. Instead, all information is stored on multiple computers worldwide, making it much harder for cybercriminals to access sensitive data.
  • Transparency. Multiple people must validate each transaction before being added to an encrypted chain of blocks, which builds up over time as more transactions are made using blockchain.
    Blockchain is generally used for payments and trading, but in also can be implemented in the real estate market to make it more transparent and secure. And it is already happening.

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Environment-friendly architecture

Environmental protection is more than a trend. You perfectly understand how important this is. Each individual contribution can make a difference, and one way to help the environment is to live in an eco-friendly home. The core features are:

  • Eco-friendly materials;
  • Construction producing low carbon emissions;
  • Sustainable energy.

Construction companies adapt to the needs of customers and offer the construction of eco-friendly houses and entire communities.

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Projects of the new generation

Real estate is a complicated market, so it’s hard for most companies to adapt to the new construction trends. At the same time, young companies are easily dealing with it. One of the examples is Home Key. The project offers house construction, real estate investment and partner program activities. Home Key uses 3D printing, blockchain and other innovative technologies, so they can build an affordable, innovative, comfortable house in months.

Of course, this is not the only example. Some other cases were also mentioned here. So, the market is developing rapidly, and what is new today will become normal tomorrow!

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