Crypto, is it just a thin air or not?

in #blockchain5 years ago (edited)

Thin air or not_.png

Hello hello.

It is interesting to see as time goes by that the fundamentals of the whole Cryptocurrency market are only getting stronger and stronger. The physiological effect of the bear market could have been quite bad for some of us, especially for the ones who did not manage to take their investments out at the right time. But if we look into the history of the traditional stock market, some of the biggest companies in the market have also had their similar downswings (including Amazon) and still have come out as very successful companies in the longer period.

Right now we are in a situation where there is more development in the market than ever before, though somewhy people are still concerned if this whole "Crypto" thing is a scam and a thin air, which will end up very terribly for all of us.

I think this advice, will help us always all along the way in our lives.

If you don't know the answer to something, find the smartest people who you can find to get the questions answered and make sure they really know what they are doing.

I have met people who have 20+ years of trading experience in the traditional stock market and they still say, that the whole Crypto thing is just a bubble.

But if you really start asking questions from them. Why do they say like that? Then it comes out, that they really have not taken their time to make their homework to research and they even don't know the basic stuff.

Sometimes it is hard for people to be authentic and say that they actually don't know the answers or they just blindly believe someone else and spread that belief to others. But what can you do? This is life and we all learn and make mistakes.

To me is fascinating that the biggest companies in the world: Visa, Uber, Paypal, Ebay, Amazon, Spotify, Samsung, IBM, Microsoft, BMW + many more, including some of the governments and the banks are somehow developing in this space.

Starbucks is saying that soon you can buy Cappuccinos with Bitcoin in their coffee shop and in the Ohio state of US you can pay taxes with it as well.

The biggest commercial bank of Thailand Siam Bank (SCB) is shilling Vechain on their website.

There comes the question, is it just a thin air or not?

Yesterday, the upcoming Facebook coin "Libra" had come out with its white paper.

This is their website:

Even Samsung has announced they are developing on Ethereum and may issue their own coin.

But why is it banned in some countries? Because they want to avoid all of this scammy fundraising and money laundering. I don't think I know any country that has said that this space has no future. More likely everyone is welcoming the innovation and are looking at how they can have a solid legal and technical infrastructure so there would be discipline on the market.

These are the facts, I just hope people could really analyze the information they consume before they take it for granted. Yes, it might take time to understand, and it is an ongoing process of learning and exploring the whole space, but after a while, it all starts to make a little more sense to you.

Thank you for coming by!

Stay happy :)

If you are interested to learn more about Cryptocurrencies and the technologies behind them, then we also have a Facebook group called "Bold Crypto Learners" where we share some information to help each other out and keep up with the biggest news of the market. It is still quite small and we try to keep it as clean as possible from nonsense.

Link for the group:

Feel free to reach out.

Hmm, what is on these other platforms?


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