in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Dominium, creating the first international blockchain property platform. This platform is being developed as a tool to increase the supply of gifts and future buyers who have been diagnosed with shortcomings in our market that are very own. victimization of 1/3 generation blockchain technology to modernize one of the most famous, but ancient industries in the world, Dominium is a global platform in restrictive documentation for standardized real estate investments, and property is placed in a blockchain of property, leased and managed, Investment Market real estate.

There are several methods for placing positions in real estate. An important type of financing is that the purchase of houses or condominiums is directly used as housing. However, there is a large type of real estate investment.

Real assets of alternative transaction funds (ETF) - various types of stocks or bonds, if uncontrolled funds, in particular, are focused on trends
real estate in general budgets.
Real asset financing becomes real with investment (REIT) related to non-public REITs, make goods actual goods; using funds to create financing in the agency, you are not in a hurry to invest in real estate properly (Rose, 2018)

Real estate investments are calculated as one of the most convenient first-rate tariff options for creating financing. It is believed that for several reasons: it is a guarantee for investors and can be a closed competitor against inflation, it is a huge physical plus for portfolio diversification, it is unstable and basically represents a threat to long-term uncontrolled related terms in the market for all honest people in simple specialists. (Etherty, 2017).
Due to motives, etc., Actual Asset Finance continues to grow worldwide. a step towards the maximum value of the modern MSCI market in the land market, the market for real goods throughout the world increased from VJ Day from 7 to 7 trillion dollars in 2016 to 8.5 trillion dollars in 2017 (MSCI, 2018)

Problems in the real estate market
Few people doubt that investment in real estate is a good investment, but it has low liquidity and a long investment period. In addition, entry and exit from such capitalization is extremely difficult and long-term.

Once again, if in the case of a separate apartment we have a few weeks of fuss with documents, notaries and various services, in the case of distributed objects it may take months and sometimes years. And you can even forget in this case about the huge associated costs for specialists in this field. To forget - it is in a sense, as in a nightmare, just ignore them, although they will remind themselves constantly.

At the same time, real estate investments are still extremely relevant, since they have a high degree of stability, are resistant to inflation, and in fact do not contain electricity costs. And these investments are available not only to market experts, but also to everyone. It is still an excellent portfolio for diversifying investment risks.

Blockchain solution
On the other hand, for several years there is such a thing as a blockchain. And it is blockchain that has long been viewed as a technological improvement of processes in the industry, both technical experts and market experts. But what is the way?

Most likely, this is a novelty and insufficient dissemination of information about new technologies. Perhaps the inconvenience of working with it and the lack of market solutions that make work easy and simple.

If you immerse yourself in history, the first cryptocurrency released using blockchain technology was bitcoin in 2009. Already in 2014, the first house in the United States was sold for another cryptocurrency, and apartments that were sold using blockchins appeared in 2017 in the UK, and then in 2018 in the same States.

Another significant obstacle to the wide distribution of real estate transactions using crypto-fibers, experts see the instability of the latter. The constant fluctuations in the exchange rate and the lack of predominance among all segments of the population make these transactions still isolated and almost exceptional.

The potential blockchain in the field of trade and rental real estate has not yet been disclosed. Dominium offers a complete overview of the current state of the market and maximizes the potential of all technological aspects of the new technology!

From the very beginning of its existence, the blockchain has been used as a tool for cryptocurrency movement, but now experts understand that intellectual contracts based on blockchain technology can mean much more in real estate transactions, changing and improving the whole essence of interaction and management of property assets. Moreover, if you look at the review of the World Economic Form, most of the answers will say that by 2025, 10% of the global GDB will be transferred through a blockchain and stored there.

But it is the blockchain that is obliged to allow the real estate market to become easier, faster, more transparent and safer. He has enough potential for technological improvement of the market in all aspects! It almost isolates fraudsters, removes unnecessary intermediaries, makes transactions extremely quickly and trusts!

And if we touch the processes of real estate management, here the blockchain is revealed in all its glory. Real estate, because it is not only the type of sales transaction, but also marketing, rent, settlement, accounting, risk management, reporting to government and executive bodies. All this can be automated!
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