in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


New technologies most times comes with beautiful upgrade, and the more they multiply, it comes with complexities in the form of handling its sophistications and different interface.
When the world of social media interaction began, what we knew in this part of Africa was Yahoo messenger, and gradually other ones started coming, facebook, 2go, whatsapp, telegram, skype, twitter, telegram, imo and many more. Each of them coming with its peculiarity and everyone wanted to have an account with each of them, it spiraled out of control and we began to forget our passwords, difficulties in managing the different interface and gradually we began to abandon some of these social media outlets because it was becoming so tiresome and complex to manage.

The advent of cryptocurrency has seen a mass pursuit and followership. Since the mass adoption of bitcoin, we have seen a mass growth of digital currencies and they have multiplied in their hundreds, this could be seen as a huge development and wave of success, but this also comes with its own challenges.

The blockchain technology because of its unique nature such as decentralization is still evolving, upgrading and many changes are made, these changes in the different cryptocurrencies are independent of each other, so this leads to so much efforts been put into it as regards security, price regulation, and importantly exchange. Users or investors has to bear the brunt of all these innovations especially in the matter that concerns exchange. Not all cryptocurrency can be traded on all exchange platforms and they come with tokens that are unknown. All these leads to deficiency in the operations of traders and can also affect their efforts and subsequently output.
Other challenges traders encounter include:

  • Exchanges not having enough funds to execute certain orders of a considerably big size due to potential liquidity issues
  • The issue of pump and dump. Where pump and dump is a scheme that attempts to boost the price of a stock through recommendations based on false, misleading or greatly exaggerated statements
  • Monitoring of trading in different exchange platforms which is very difficult, complex and tiring
  • No standard way of regulatory procedures in the crypto industry.


Caspian is a platform created to increase interoperability and connectivity across several cryptocurrency exchanges. It provides investors with the opportunity to analyze their trades using compliance and reporting functionality without the rigors of signing in into multiple sites. In other words, Caspian will integrate different exchanges already in existence into one single place, giving people an easier way to manage their tradings and holdings without complication and also the stress of constantly monitoring every exchange they are use.
Caspian has a compatibility which cuts across many exchanges such as Binance, BitMex, Bitflyer, BitStamp, BitFinex and many more.
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  • Caspian Order and Execution Management System

Caspian brings together all exchanges in one place with the interface still remaining the same. With this, users or traders can make their transaction, sending orders to different exchanges, yet without any complications and this is due to the integration developed in such a way that communication with each exchange will still lead to same result. This engenders quicker and efficient transactions and most importantly with so much ease. With Caspian, designation of roles to enhance orderliness and proper management is possible. This is done when it involves a bigger set such as an organization or large company. So activities emanating from the roles assigned can be tracked and stored for safety reasons. It is quite a tiresome task to keep checking changes or fluctuation in prices in cryptocurrencies everytime, but with the Caspian built in system of alerts or notifications, important events that concerns change in prices which may need a tweaking of strategies will be brought to the user’s attention through a notification. This advantage Caspian presents will go a long way in protecting aassets of users all over the world from further loss.
  • Position & Risk Management System

With Caspian, users can keep track of the records of each decisions made and the effect it leaves. This will enable the user to know the course of action they will take next.

This will enable traders to do necessary risk assessment and possible simulations to be run so as to evaluate certain parameters that might be set to see how possible it is to survive certain onslaught the market might present. This in turn erases future errors, improves decision making and increase efficiency.

  • Compliance & Reporting

The Caspian in-built compliance feature presents a restrictive innovation, which offers the user complete control over any trading activity and avoid any loss arising from costly mistakes. There are three (3) types of limits before any trade is carried out and they are:
  • Warning limits, which can be overridden by the user
  • Approval limits, which require a supervisor to approve the order before it can be sent to market and
  • Absolute limits, which cannot be overridden.
    Alerts are triggered after any trade is done which is to inform any authorized user of any transaction carried out.
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  • Since Caspian will enable traders simplify their jobs and achieve better results with less stress, it will cut down the time spent and give rise to more productive activities.
  • The ease and efficiency Caspian provides will multiply the number of users, lots of traders will begin to thrive in their crypto business and this in turn will increase the publicity of cryptocurrencies and its trade, hence a faster adoption rate.
  • Caspian provides the same level of sophistication that is available in the traditional markets for traders, this will erase every form of complications associated with lack of proper tools to manage investments.
  • Institutions can now benefit from Caspian built in mechanisms which covers a wide range of activities from audit reports to even setting of alerts and many more.


Henry is a crypto merchant and in a bid to move up the cadre, he convinced over 20 of his friends to invest in crypto trading, managing all the accounts became a challenge, he then stood the risk of losing to mistakes in trading, but as God would have it, he met a friend who introduced him to Caspian and all his troubles disappeared because he could manage them all with less stress and complications. Henry is happy, his friends are happy, mass adoption increases.


Walker Holdings specializes in agricultural produces, they decided to expand into the crypto world and dive into the opportunities it presents, but they are skeptical because they seem not to comprehend how to approach the complexities that it presents because they don’t have the tools necessary to deal with audits and reports. But an employee stumbles over Caspian, they decide to try it out and it worked out right and they ended up making it big and are even investing more and expanding.


This would provide benefits such as fees covered by potential earnings and discounts for users who acquire them, which is as a result of having the token.

Rewards will be given for activities such as applications developed which is compatible with Caspian as long as the token is used. This will in turn encourage third party developments.


Caspian is not in a way out to compete with any exchange system, neither is it out to disrupt them, instead its purpose is to make all of them work well, better harmonized and produce efficiently. With Caspian, users can manage their activities on multiple different exchanges by just using the platform and interface, as well as advanced features which will provide further control in automating certain administrative procedures.





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