Decentralize content sharing marketing

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

According to the published study done in 2012 by Nielsen in the fifty-six countries survey, ninety-two percent of the survey say they will trust word of mouth from friends, families, and online consumer reviews. The same study shows that only forty-seven percent will trust television ads, forty-seven percent on magazine ads, and forty-six percent in newspaper ads. Word of mouth is the most effective way of advertising that’s why multilevel marketing uses this as a way to communicate with its customer not only it’s a cheap way to advertise but also gives more customer retention. Online reviews are the most common reason why a customer will buy a product regardless of the brand. According to the study done by Mckinsey in a developing market and mature market “internet information and word of mouth” is the top reason for the “moment of purchase decision” done by consumers.
But why most of the company prefer traditional advertisement which is more expensive and less effective compared to word of mouth advertisement here’s the reason why:
• Most of the customer reviewer is not a salesperson, without interest in income people will only recommend or complain not thinking the best thing or way for the company’s interest and not knowing your business.
• Expansion problem especially to a new market, using only affiliate marketing or positive reviews will be hard in expansion most likely they will invite the only person within a certain region or area.
• No way or hard to track sales data. Monitoring market data is essential for companies to study the strength and weakness of their advertisement. Using word of mount strategy there is no systematic way for the company to monitor possible leads in the marketing.
• Negative reviews, one example here is what happens in Ford Ranger that’s my first choice of pick-up but after reading some bad reviews and customer complaints on how bad the after sale service instead I bought Nissan Navara.
• The bad image of influencers, sometimes influencer or group chat leader will get a controversial statement or scandal which not reflect the company’s values. For those people who hate the influencer will avoid products promoting by the influencer.
Knowing the current problem on word of mouth marketing and other forms of marketing, I found a platform that way change that. Introducing the Rally platform “an incentivization platform built for the content sharing economy on blockchain”.

Rally solves word of the mouth advertising problems.
• “Not everyone is a salesperson” because of the rewards or incentive they getting anyone can be a salesman. Advertisers can give better rewards for good promotion done by the users. Companies can also use the platform for employee advocacy, not only it will increase brand advertisement coverage it also helps employee’s additional reward using the platform.
• “Expansion problem” Rally can use smart links on both social media and private channels anyone who uses the internet can become a customer or consumer.
• “Hard to track data’s” using the blockchain and smart links can be a source of data for a company’s market analysis.
• “Negative reviews” Rally platform offer incentives on “community managers” who manage private channels can act as a buffer to counter or answer negative reviews or comments. An advertiser can also use the platform for employee advocacy to answer the negative comment or review.
• “Bad image of influencer” Rally focus all participating member, not on single influencer.

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Rally platform features:
• Blockchain will be used to record advertiser and user contribution.
• Smart links powered with smart contracts will be used for seamless interaction with users and advertiser. With this, it will create transparent, instantaneous, decentralize and secure interactions. Every interaction like engagement and incentives will be immediately recorded. This links can be shared in social media platforms or private channels like Facebook, Telegram Twitter, Instagram, and others.
• Rally token will be the currency will be used in the platform.
• Small or local business can easily use the platform. Unlike television or radio advertisement which is expensive and not so effective. Rally platform offers a flexible solution for small business who want to advertise their services or promotions.
• A game like interaction, Rally platform features game-like interaction like leaderboard incentives. This will motivate some users to become more active in the platform.
• Community events, conferences in groups for new product or service or new development.
Way to get Rally token:
• By signing up, the user is rewarded with Rally token just by simple registration.
• Engagements, sharing a content in the platform or response from an advertisement in the platform will give some Rally tokens.
• Referral links, if your link was able to join some new member you will also get a reward as tokens
• Becoming a community manager, managing a private channel and curating content will give the user more token reward.
• Royalty members, each time the person your referred person refer another person you will get royalty reward. The bigger the chain of referrals the bigger the token reward of the user will get.
Use of the token in the platform:
• Redeeming price like good and services
• Unlocking achievement, collecting tokens can unlock badge, rewards or leaderboard
• To pay users for advertising
• Transfer token to other users for payment or gift.
Advantages of using the platform compared to other forms of advertisement:
• Cheaper cost, word of mouth is usually free but the platform reward users.
• Word of mouth is proven to be the most effective way of advertising
• Community-driven marketing has an advantage for more retention and feedbacks on the consumer. Using private channels or social media community manager or a member can answer some questions or feedbacks.
• The content sharing economy, sharing economy has its advantage for being flexible, minimal regulation remains visible overtime and convenient to use.
• A consequential effect, consequential word of mouth will give more attention to the brands or product that are already known by the community but not given much attention.
• Decentralized environment having no corporation involved in the marketing makes it more trustworthy.
For more information visit:


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