Travel the World with Ease Using Cool Cousin

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

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Man is, by nature, a traveller. In fact, life begins with a tough, unconscious and crucial journey. It is neither a jolly journey on a horseback nor one on a winged chariot, what you may choose to call an aeroplane. Life begins with a 15 centimetre long journey. Biology tells us that approximately 200 million sperm from one single human ejaculation travel through the walls of the vagina but only one successfully reaches the final destination, the egg, and fertilizes it. The rest, sadly, are crushed on the tortuous journey.

Beyond Biology, man has been historically known for wanting to explore the world, for wanting to discover new places, where he can find pleasure and a good market for his goods and services. To make his journeys easy, fast, and relatively convenient, man across different epochs invented vehicles to help convey himself and his goods across the face of the earth.

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As the human civilization continues to blossom, more inventions were made to ease the troubles associated with travelling. Aeroplanes, cargo ships, trains, cars, etc were built with one clear objective, to ease traveling. However, man soon realizes, regrettably, that the farther he goes away from home with the aid of his vehicular inventions, the more he arrives in unfamiliar places where he becomes a total stranger due to geographical and cultural barriers. This results to uninteresting and boring journeys. Also, man soon realizes that he is more likely to enjoy his stay in towns and cities where he has friends and relatives than in places where he is a total stranger.

And since it is not possible to have friends in all known cities and towns of the world, 21st century travellers, who are travelling to destinations where they have no friends or relatives, look up to the internet for help, for such simple things as hotel reservations and amazing sites to visit on arrival.

Unfortunately, the internet is flooded with several misleading and incomplete information, which increases the frustrations of travellers who surf the internet. This is because the bloggers and large corporations who upload the information are more interested in making money than in adding values to the travellers. In the end, travellers waste valuable resources and time by going through hardships that could have been avoided if they had access to accurate information.

Cool Cousin: A New Dawn


With Cool Cousin, a new dawn is now upon travellers from every corners of the world. Cool Cousin is an online platform that makes it possible for travellers to easily access needed information by connecting them with locals ( i.e cousins) who have accurate and unique information about the places where the travellers intends to visit.

Leveraging on the decentralized feature of the blockchain technology, Cool Cousin creates a priceless ecosystem where every traveller needs not to worry about not having a friend or a relative in the cities and countries they intend visiting. With a click on their mobile devices, travellers can now find 'cousins' in the cities they intend to visit. While travellers benefit largely from the Cool Cousin platform by accessing personalized, time and money-saving information, the locals (cousins) gets an opportunity to use their unique knowledge as a source of income.

How Does the Cool Cousin Platform Work?

To understand how the Cool Cousin platform works, imagine this scenario:

John, an American who had never been to Spain, suddenly needs to attend a conference in Barcelona. John is confused because he does not know how to go about his journey.

John fortunately hears about Cool Cousin from a friend and gives it a try. John visits the Cool Cousin platform, searches it, and finds about two dozens 'cousins' registered on the platform. These 'cousins' live in Spain and know the city quite well. John goes through the profiles of the 'cousins' and eventually settles for Ramos, who seems to fit into his travelling needs.

John contacts Ramos and gathers some necessary information about Barcelona. Finally, John meets his 'cousin' Ramos on arrival in Barcelona. Ramos would serve as John's travelling agent throughout John's stay in Barcelona. John enjoys his trip to Barcelona and recommends Cool Cousin to his friends in America.

Who Will Benefit From Using Cool Cousin?

From the story above, the reader should already have an idea of those who will benefit from using Cool Cousin. Although the key beneficiaries are the travellers and the registered cousins on the platform, other beneficiaries include businesses and contributors to the platform.

Travellers will benefit from using Cool Cousin in the following ways:

  • Access to unique and accurate travel information to meet personal needs.
  • Reduce the frustrations associated with getting travelling information, saving time and money in they process.
  • Feels more comfortable and safe.
  • Access to faster means of payment for goods and services using CUZ, the tokens introduced by Cool Cousin.

Cousins using the Cool Cousin platform will benefit in the following ways:

  • Earn an income by helping travellers with their local knowledge about people and places.
  • Have the opportunity of meeting new people from different parts of the world.

Businesses such as hotels, bars, supermarkets, airlines, amusement parks, private beaches, museums, zoos, etc registered on the Cool Cousin platform will benefit in the following ways:

  • Receive easy publicity by registering on the Cool Cousin platform.
  • Increase patronages and profit.

Cool Cousin and the CUZ Token

Like every business which intends to successfully run on the blockchain, Cool Cousin has developed its own cryptocurrency known as CUZ. CUZ will be used to incentivize cousins and other contributors for their hard work within the Cool Cousin ecosystem. CUZ will also be tradable for other major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

As the Cool Cousin platform grows together with the adoptability of CUZ, CUZ has a strong potential to become the traveller's coin. In fact, in the nearest future global businesses such as hotels and airlines that are registered on the Cool Cousin platform may accept CUZ as a means of payment.

What Credibility Does Cool Cousin Have?

Since its establishment in July 2016, over 500,000 travellers have used the services of Cool Cousin to explore over 65 cities worldwide. Today, there are presently over 1,000 cousins registered on the Cool Cousin platform. Apart from these landmark achievements, stakeholders within the travel industry such as National Geographic, LA Times, and The Guardian have acclaimed the Cool Cousin app as needful for travellers.

There is, therefore, no doubt that Cool Cousin will revolutionize the travel industry by decentralizing it. What are you waiting for? Travel the world with ease using Cool Cousin.

Want to Know More About Cool Cousin? Kindly visit the pages below:

PS: This essay is my submission for an ongoing contest organized by @originalworks. Feel free to join the contest before the deadline.



Way cool, I want to be 1001


Interesting..learning about this for the first time

Thanks for your reading time, @Ponmile. Cool Cousin is the best way to travel the world.

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