in #blockchain6 years ago

Hello to all and welcome to my ICO review . For those of you who don't know me yet, let me introduce myself. My name is Funke and I'm an experienced writer who enjoys what he does very much. I'm here to give you all the information you might need or want about The Vaping Peer-To-Peer Marketplace. I plan to make them “easy read, to the point” because what's important to me is that we all comprehend and absorb the information and actually want to be here learning together about something new.

Today, let us all learn and experience together all about eLYQD. If you don't know anything about them, don't run away, that's why I'm here, to change that within the next few minutes. Before I begin, I just want to quickly mention that I will be including LINKS so that YOU can do your own research or whatever you feel you need. I feel it's best to have all of the information in one place, in an organised manner, rather than dotted about the page making what you want hard to find or confusing. All these links will be put at the BOTTOM of this page to keep things easy.

eLYQD is a decentralized ethereum based ecosystem marketplace that will be the framework for the entire vaping industry. One of the main features of eLYQD is the use of blockchain technology, which allows making the platform transparent, open and as safe as possible for both transaction parties, reduction of transaction and business costs, and simplifying of the purchase process.

Furthermore, eLYQD is a platform designed to allow vaping industry manufacturers to create an online store that will make good use of the most advanced technologies in the e-commerce field, and providing the vaping community the freedom of choice and the option to pay for products with LYQD tokens, fiat or cryptocurrencies.

The Vision

The eLYQD marketplace will increase the efficacy of all business interactions by freeing them from all kinds of middlemen and making those interactions immediate, transparent, secure and mutually beneficial. This vision will be achieved by creating a fast blockchain-based decentralized ecosystem and organizing user interactions on the peer-to-peer basis.

The Goal

The goal is to connect e-liquid producers all over the world and supply the tools needed to launch a single sane platform to the global market without businesses, minimum transaction fees and financial limits, agents or annoying bureaucratic routines. They will bring together manufacturers to create their own economic Crypto trading that will bring e-commerce to a new level.

I am going to get straight to the point of who they are since this is such an important factor, as I like to put it, “The Brains behind eLYQD”. If the team behind the product or service in question haven't the resources or knowledge, then we know the product or service delivered will possibly not have the quality it should have. We need to know two very important things when we look at a new starting up company:
Who are the people/team behind this?

What experience and knowledge do they possess?

Okay, so, because I've already done all the research needed beforehand and thoroughly eLYQD I can very happily confirm that this company has a fabulous team onboard. Here they are:

PROBLEMS eLYQD is offering solutions to:

Full product range — either expensive or not available

Cross-border payments for vaping products

Payment Verification or denial

Record keeping and security




Consumers have access to brands from all over the world 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, wherever they are.

LYQD tokens allow users to send and receive payment globally in minutes, eliminating the risk of nonpayment and costing a tiny fraction of the total.

eLYQD blockchain will facilitate immediate fund transfer into escrow accounts. All constituents can manage escrow accounts through smart contracts.

The eLYQD recordkeeping app will allow for simplified electronic record creation and store this data on a decentralized anonymized network that is significantly harder to hack and leak

The eLYQD system will eliminate points of potential breakdown. eLYQD smart contracts will (a) ensure that transitions occur smoothly and (b) keep immutable records of actions taken by all constituents

eLYQD requires proof-of-order, time/location stamping of the actual transaction, and undisputed hash records of all steps executed, from order, billing to shipping.


Within the eLYQD ecosystem, brands, consumers, arbiters, distribution and shippers interact directly with one another. Transactions are powered by LYQD and therefore they are fast, secure and transparent. There is no need for intermediaries that exist in traditional vaping ecosystems. eLYQD will retain all the value generated by the community within the ecosystem.

The Business model

eLYQD is a platform for buyers and sellers from all over the world. With an easy-to-use online platform, any manufacturer can make use of the broad features of the platform by creating their own stores to sell their products for a minimum fee.

Their service offers free-running users, small-scale manufacturers, multinational companies, direct customer feedback, accounting, sales analysis, advertising and publicity, as well as excellent opportunities to have a user-friendly interface.

Elyqd's income model is fundamentally different from traditional e-commerce platforms. Traditional e-commerce platforms usually charge a fixed fee along with a commission fee sometimes over the selling price. Buyers may also have to pay for PayPal or other payment processing solutions.


"The fundamental unit of value within the eLYQD marketplace is the LYQD Coin token (“token”), backed by the vaping industry. Tokens provide non- volatile, inflationary - resistant digital value within the eLYQD marketplace.

The LYQD token will be derived from a standard Ethereum ERC 20 token and will be tradeable on exchanges. The eLYQD platform offers the vaping industry a sharing -economy marketplace without country borders, intermediaries, or central hubs.

Here, transactions between manufacturers and consumers are routed through a decentralized peer- to-peer network.

The distribution will be carried out through a smart contract. Raised funds will be used to launch the platform,integrate the token and finance promotion and marketing.

Depending on the raised sum, they will execute the project on different levels. Integrated within the Ethereum smart contract, it will serve as the utility token of a decentralized autonomous organization – known as elyqd world platform. LYQD token will act as the underlying fuel driving all components to perform effortlessly while maximizing the benefits by providing the lowest pricing in the industry."

These quotes above(The eLTQD Tokenomics) are gotten from the eLYQD Whitepaper - https://www.elyqd.world/assets/files/white-paper.pdf

ICO Details

Start Date:2018-07-09

End Date:2018-09-30

Quantity:10000000000 LYQD

Price - 0.0054 USD

Token Distribution

Token Sale Structure


Website: https://www.elyqd.world/

Whitepaper: https://www.elyqd.world/assets/files/white-paper.pdf

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4526862

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elyqdcom

Twitter: https://twitter.com/elyqdcom

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/IeaBcRILF3OEhFwu1rGZFA

Medium: https://www.medium.com/@elyqdworld

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/elyqdworld/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/elyqdcom

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elyqdcom/

Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4619672.0

Bitcointalk Username: funkyies

BITCOINTALK PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1971452

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 66338.04
ETH 3306.77
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.69