Orvium – leading the forefront for efficient research publication platforms through blockchain technology.

in #blockchain6 years ago

Historically, the scientific publication platform has long been highly successful and indeed the research com unity one of the most important factors to be found on the internet. Science and all its research factors are a huge presence on the internet, and even looking back to 2015, it is evident that there were over 9 million researchers active, which as one would expect, has risen exponentially and hugely over time, and with the increase of corporate-funded research, that number is set to double and triple as time progresses. As with all large-scale data fields, the scientific one has not been without its issues and problems. Since the inception of the world wide web in 1989 and the following public access in 1993, research has only increased in accuracy and popularity, and indeed a massive part of everyday life. This neatly adds to the fact that the scientific research community needs to continue to evolve and change. This is where Orvium neatly steps in.

Orvium is a seamless, blockchain based, technological platform that aims to transparently decentralize the way in which research data is processed, transferred, shared and utilised. In real time exchanges, typical to the nature of blockchain technology, the platform is able to create a transparent and decentralized forum, minimising publication and accessibility costings, and cutting out third-party involvement. As we all know, it is this third party involvement that often sets back the process of data sharing, and indeed the third party is often what puts up the cost and time expenditure. By allowing blockchain technology to improve the platform, orvium ensures that the research community itself is given the power to control the way in which any research presented is reviewed. This transparency means that the reviews can happen simultaneously, and be accurately valued as they will be occurring in real time, and with a peer-to-peer presence.

Orvium also intends to eliminate the need for journal subscriptions – something g which is highly appealing and extremely freeing for any researcher. The necessity of journal subscription is also something which has long set many researchers apart, and the removal of this, creating a hugely decentralized database, accessible to all, will mean only improvements in both research results and cost factors and profit for researchers. Built on Orvium’s ORV token, this digital cryptocurrency answers all the requirements that the research community needs to improve, decentralize and simplify their database and community.

Not only will researchers be able to profit from presenting manuscripts and research paper, but they will also be able to benefit from profit throughout the whole life cycle of the process of presenting such works, from submission, through to peer reviews, data sharing and social presence involvement. Typically, the big conglomerates and monolithic research platforms have been able to control the value and type of research, but with the ORV token, and the digital cryptocurrency presence as well, Orvium are changing this to make the whole protocol a fair and decentralized place.

The Orvium platform utilising the research cycle protocol – this cycle is ‘idea hypothesis’ ‘approval funding’ ‘conduct research’ ‘disseminate results’ and so forth in an ever connecting cycle process. By utilising this cycle, Orvium is comprehensively and cohesively allowing for the research forum to increase in its accuracy and profitability for all who use it. Blockchain technology is the key to this decentralised nature, with its ability to create trustworthy, viable and valid ecosystems. Orvium, with its disruptive business model, ensures that through the use of 4 main technological complications, that of 1: blockchain and Smart Contracts, 2: Decentralized storage facilities, 3: Cloud Computing and finally 4: Big Data analytics and Machine learning, they are able to create a massively public, completely traceable, decentralized disruptive business system, that rewards users and researchers alike.

It is a pleasure to see a platform that has its users best interests at heart, and Orvium has this in spades. The whole intent of the platform is to offer up a fully comprehenc=sive blockchain cryptocurrency platform that will not only benefit researcher and user but also benefit Science itself. This platform is universal and easily accessible to all, making it an easy investment protocol. The researcher is just as important to the Orvium protocol as is the research, and this in itself is extremely refreshing to witness. By removing the barriers that many publishing systems currently have, Orvium are allowing for a whole new world of scientific research to evolve.

The presence of real-time peer review facilities means that the research featured will become ever more accurate and valid, increasing the value ton the scientific community exponentially. Increasing time efficiency and transparency through the use of blockchain technology will also increase the benefits to the scientific community, and the results in which researchers achieve. By allowing a researcher and author, and indeed the research institution behind the research the freedom to have the copyright and licence for the use of their publication will increase the achievements and results that the complete market on a whole can achieve. Orvium will be able to eliminate the way in which current publication practices occur, support the way in which manuscripts are traced and viewed, allow for the ease of accessing data sharing, and also allow the research facility or researcher the ability to be able to customise their copyright and user agreements. Something which will benefit the whole community. Added to that the fact that as with any blockchain technology there is easy access decentralized journals, means that the Orvium protocol is incredibly comprehensive.

For me personally, looking at the Orvium publication model, and the coherent way in which it flows from authors to readers and reviewers alike, fills me with much positivity and the belief that this platform really is the future of the scientific community. The ORV token is easily supported by smart contract facilities, and of course, these will decentralize the challenges that have previously met the research community. Easily accessed on open sources and the public API’s, this collaborative environment is most definitely the one to watch. This fully social, collaborative platform is the answer that the scientific research community has been looking for.

Website: https://orvium.io/

WhitePaper: https://orvium.docsend.com/view/nvr6ywj

BitcoinTalk[Ann]: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3535259.0

Steemit Account: @orvium

Medium Blog: https://medium.com/@orvium

Telegram: https://t.me/orvium

Article written by frankiemalton
Bitcointalk username:frankiemalton
User link:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1989629
Ethereum Address: 0x7656CB6F30c05e9c136c1C0f1FE316125A653ed5

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