Opiria - blockchain platform for personal data protection and trading

in #blockchain6 years ago


Today, the volume of the personal data market exceeds $ 250 billion, but the owners of these data - ordinary folks like you and me - do not get a cent out of these colossal sums.

This market is now in a "gray" zone. All large companies are ready to give out millions for precise information on their real and potential customers. And this information is sold by firms, that steal that data outright or receive consent from citizens in dubious ways. The last especially true some postal services, delivery services and online stores.

And the state will not help in this matter - the combined amount of fines for theft or unauthorized use of personal data around the world for the last ten years does not even reach half of a percent of the annual volume of this market.

Opiria platform is created to solve this issue. Here, users can safely store their personal data, directly contact any of hundreds of companies and decide for themselves, to whom, for how much and which exactly personal data to sell.

High reliability and security is provided through blockchain technologies - all personal data of the user will be stored in the blockchain in encrypted form. Blockchain will also store the history of all transactions and companies to which the user has provided access to their data, so that fraud is excluded. Moreover, this blockchain feature will give law enforcement officers the opportunity to effectively punish the theft of personal data - it will be quite easy to prove that the user did not provide access to a particular company.

In addition, Opiria is not just another startup, expecting that the "magic" word "blockchain" will bring profit by itself. The platform offered by the company is already operational and is used by dozens of large companies from the Top-500 ranking, and Opiria offices are open in four largest economic centers of the world. So the project's team raises money for its further development and expansion, and not for "proving the idea".

The interest of large players is quite easy to explain: they are not interested in personal data as a thing, but in the opportunity to sell something you need (or "need") to you personally. Accordingly, they are interested in the maximum accuracy of the data provided to them, which is by no means guaranteed under the present "gray" state of this market. The ability to receive data directly from "research objects" looks like the best of realistic options.
In addition, the fact that personal data of users will be collected on one platform, structured, sorted and processed by the platform itself, will allow companies to save significant money and, most importantly, time, on conducting marketing research.

Access to information will be paid in the PDATA tokens - the domestic currency of the platform, which will be freely traded on exchanges after the ICO completion.

And a a number of factor will provide stable and high demand on exchanges for and the active growth of the PDATA token:

  • Clear to every Internet user and an incredibly relevant idea.
  • The interest of business.
  • Support from several governments.
  • A product that has proved its efficiency and usefulness.

Now private Opiria tokensale takes place, which participants receive a 50% bonus. The start of the main tokensale stage is scheduled for April 20 and the stage will continue until May 21. Yo can register for the ICO and get into the Whitelist on project's official website.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 62007.73
ETH 2389.39
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49