GAIMIN | A Solution To Global Financial Problems

in #blockchain4 years ago (edited)

What is

What is
Gaimin, connects the world’s largest supply of distributed processing power, which belongs to the 1.3 billion gaming PCs in the global gaming community, with the rapidly growing, worldwide demand for massive processing power for CGI rendering and cryptocurrency mining through a simple and efficient platform. is a SmartClient that uses high-powered gaming computers to automatically mine blockchains for coins and render CGI, and the best part is; there is no need for the user to do anything.
It is a well-known fact that the world has become more and more reliant on the digital environment and just like all environments, its very survival and financial stability relies on the provision of required resources. Just as electricity, oil, gas, water, and capital are finite vital resources within the real world, computer processing power is the finite required resource of the digital world.

The world needs more computer processing power as global demand grows exponentially. The demand for computing power is growing even faster than the progress in processor performance. New technologies are accelerating global demand. Data centers cannot keep up. GPUs, ultra-fast graphics processors, can provide a solution.
Rather than spending billions of dollars on building dedicated resource farms, however, are accessing the worldwide gaming community, and utilizing and rewarding this global network of untapped, globally distributed resources of 1.3 billion processing power providers, connected by high speed Internet connections, which can be aggregated, consolidated and then utilized to satisfy any of the myriad of profitable current, and future, needs for processing power.

GAIMIN.IO OFFERINGS offers a simple, effective and efficient solution to the global problem of insufficient computer processing power, by simultaneously solving the biggest problem for more than 1.3 billion gamers.
Moreover, in order to solve the problem of over-centralization, more distributed miners need to be added to the overall mining ecosystem. Because the Gaimin software is truly global, the solution will enable new, mutually exclusive miners from all around the world to take part in mining. Thus, not limiting this mining to a single person or group to control, nor be under a single jurisdiction. This is accomplished by leveraging gaming PC’s throughout Gaimin’s next-generation mining software. By connecting hundreds of millions of gaming PC’s from around the world to conduct Proof of Work mining, Gaimin is able to ensure that over-centralization is a thing of the past.
Also, by combining the unused computational power of these (potentially) hundreds of millions of gaming PCs, the Gaimin Network is able to effectively and efficiently mine and thus validate and protect, multiple blockchains, thus effectively contributing to the security of the blockchain ecosystem.

GAMIN.IO PROMISES MULTIPLE REVENUE STREAMS has adopted the “Uber Model” of creating a platform to connect supply and demand in a specific industry - in this case, supplying computing, the high-value commodity of processing power. This business model has been tested through many different industry verticals, such as ride sharing (Uber), travel/accommodation (Airbnb), and even freelance work (TaskRabbit). By connecting a steady supply of truly decentralized computing power to much-needed demand (starting with blockchain validation calculations), is able to satisfy an urgent need in a growing market.
Through this effort, has multiple recurring revenue streams collected on a monthly basis, outlined below.

  1. Monthly “Subscription” Fees
    The main initial business model is a subscription type model. The provision is that will collect a nominal monthly “subscription” fee (of up to $10.00 USD) paid in GMRX tokens from each “Active User.”

  2. Marketplace Digital Asset Sale
    The business model creates a userbase of gamers with purchasing power in the form of the GMRX token and offers them the platform via the community and marketplace to “spend” that purchasing power.

  3. Marketplace Transaction Fees
    All transactions within the community and marketplace take place in GMRX token and this creates microtransaction fees.

  4. Mining Pool Fees
    In order to maximize rewards from blockchain mining, it is anticipated that will create its own mining pools, which, due to sheer numbers, are expected to become dominant pools, to which super miners ( users) who wish to join will have to pay an access fee in GMRX tokens.

GAMIN.IO LOYALTY TO ITS CUSTOMERS fully recognizes the importance of the community in building customer loyalty, retention, brand identity and brand prestige, and will therefore dedicate a significant part of the funds raised to the ongoing development and maintenance of the community.
The ability to gain users through multiple channels offers a simple and very powerful overall marketing plan. With all of these efforts integrated throughout all communication channels, Gaimin will be able to reach its specific target markets economically, efficiently and effectively both in the short and long-term life of the product and company.
Additionally, each activity is focused on building high-quality relationships with users to ensure a long and healthy customer lifespan.

For more information about this project, check below links;


Author’s details;
Bitcointalk username: mayukus4life

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