LTO Network: Maintaining Your Privacy In A Decentralised Workflow Environment

in #blockchain6 years ago



Today, the willingness to use blockchain is becoming very high. After being in a secret domain of insiders for almost a decade, multinationals and governments are gradually entering the blockchain arena. Despite the heavy load of task forces and working groups, organizations are struggling to figure out where the actual strategic business value for them lies.

The cryptocurrencies are growing in 100 of billions USD in market cap, blockchain barely shows any significant, actively used real-world applications. In addition to other emerging technologies, like artificial intelligence or the Internet of Things, it is unlikely that you as a consumer use a product powered by blockchain. Furthermore,"Naysayers" argue that blockchain lacks the strategic value needed to deliver real-world use cases. Assuming it is mainly a tool for swindlers and hustlers, relying on the greater fool theory. Eventually, if organizations continue to fail in finding strategic applications for the blockchain, this skepticism can evaporate the current optimistic atmosphere, as blockchain technology itself may become the scapegoat for failed pilots and projects.

About the LTO Platform

LTO Network is therefore a blockchain platform for creating a decentralized workflow applications, while maintaining data privacy and GDPR compliance. However, using blockchain technology, LTO Network helps organizations to run the B2B-workflows in a decentralized way, where parties will take part their own node, Just as in the real world, when parties conclude an agreement, the execution of this agreement needs to take place in the right way.


The LTO Network make use of decentralized workflows also known as a Live Contracts to automate these procedures. The Live Contracts contains instructions for both humans and systems on the actions that need to be executed. All parties that participate in the Live Contract validate each others actions and secure data submissions.

Advantages of LTO Network

  • All organization runs plenty kind business processes, which can define the rules of a workflow, visualized as a flowchart or BPMN diagram with LTO
  • Parties that collaborate together can share information on-chain or off-chain, such as documents, linked data or (interactive) zero knowledge-proofs.
  • Workflows are expressed as a deterministic extended Finite State Machine (FSM).*
  • Organizations will run the B2B-workflows in a decentralized way.

Meet The Team


In conclusion,LTO Network enables collaboration between multiple organizations and departments and a decentralized workflows, where parties can keep using their own (legacy) systems to participate in a process. Also LTO Network helps your organization drive transparency and efficiency while maintaining legal compliance and cutting down operational costs.

For more detailed information on the LTO Network, kindly click on the links below;
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Authors Details
LTO Network Username: Elmichaels

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