LTO: A Decentralized Workflow Application

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


Today, life is becoming more easier and covinient with social orders. In order for large numbers of corporations and government bodies to carry out their business activities, large numbers of people are needed for the sucessful operation. However, a good number of directorates are required to carry on this activities. This increases the costs of bribery,reducing the incentive to automate.Increasing efficiency negates this effect. In the early stage,consumers that comes across internal business processes have been experiencing a change of progress and this changes in the inter-organizational processes are becoming more lesser. Furthermore, there have been changes where the typewriter is replaced by a word processor and the the Faxing largely replaced by e-mail, however above all this changes,the process of excersing all the activities have hardly changed.

About LTO Platform
Looking at the LTO Platform in details. LTO is a B2B network that is based on hybrid blockchain decetralized workflows, allowing different kind of organizations to continue utilizing their personal system to operate their business activities or processes. The LTO network makes use of the live contracts also known as a dentralised workflows to enlarge its procedures. Today, when different parties come to an agreement, it is expected that the concluded agreement should be carry on in a good and correct way. The samart contract comprises of series of protocols for both the system and humans in carrying out some of its activities, all parties that take part in the live contract ensure that data submission are been secured.


LTO Network stands to help organizations move transparency and efficiency while maintaining legal compliance and reducing operational costs. Furthermore, LTO enables organizations to carryout their business activities in a decentralized way and helping different parties on thesame level to share information both the off-chain and on chain documents.

Advantages of LTO Network
All business transactions operates different kind of numerous business activities, that can bring out the rules and regulation of the workflow application. The LTO platform is set to have some advantages in its operation such as:

  • Enabling organizations to carryout their business activities in a decentralized way.
  • LTO also helps series of Parties that operate on thesame level to share information such as chain or off-chain documents, linked data or (interactive) zero knowledge-proofs.
  • Deterministic extended Finite State Machine (FSM) can also be away of analysing the workflowplatform.

Token Details
Ticker: LTO
Type: Utility-token
Token Emission: No
Accepted Currencies: ETH
Token type: ERC20 ICO
Fundraising Goal: 5,200,000 USD
Total Tokens: 500,000,000
Available for Token Sale: 42%

In conclusion, the LTO Platform as a B2B platform is set to enable organizations/departments to carry on their business activities in an effecient and effective manner running on transparency while maitaining legal compliance and reducing the costs of the business operations. Also ensure activities are carriedout on a decentralized basis allowing organizations to operate on their personal system for the operation of their activities.

For more detailed information on the LTO Network, kindly click on the links below;
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Authors Details
LTO Network Username: Elmichaels

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64440.63
ETH 2653.79
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80