Cool Cousin - Your best travel friend in every place in the world

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Plan the best vacation of your life with your mobile phone

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When we go on vacation and consider going to other cities, or countries, we hope the trip will be worthwhile and all the time and money invested in taking this trip is compensated with an enjoyment that matches our expectations. Go to the indicated restaurant, a nice hotel with good service, attend events, visit amazing places, capture the best pictures and immortalize those moments in beautiful landscapes, besides making good use of our money, allowing us to save and live the experience.

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I remember on my first trip to Mexico City, after spending a few months collecting $ 8,000, and planning the holidays with my wife, we realized that at the time of our stay we did not have a well-defined itinerary, at times we felt lost, we made some excessive and unnecessary expenses in some food and clothing sites, because we did not have adequate local help or guidance that could recommend the best options, and most importantly, we focused on attending cultural sites, like the pyramids Teotihuacán and Chichen Itza, Xochimilco, Zocalo, Chapultepeg Castle, among others and because of ignorance, we could not attend a thematic bar called ArticBar that was all made of ice just minutes from our place of lodging, a unique experience at low temperatures that we passed for high. Now we should expect to plan an upcoming trip to try not to make the same mistakes and get a better experience.

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This way of traveling, either by planning with a travel agency or if we venture on our own, although we do not believe it, does not allow us to have the best options of enjoyment that fit our budget, nor can we make the best use of the time, money and having local information on the table to make our experience more pleasant.

When we leverage in a travel agency, although it is the first service, usually have deceptive advertising, loaded with advertisements, and want or not, most have a purely commercial purpose, which does not fit the interests of the travelers.

A great problem arises, traveling and enjoying sometimes are not walk together, tourism experiences are empirical, and are full of situations where we live trials and mistakes to build our experiences.

Would you believe me if I told you that there is a technological development that interconnects travelers from around the world?, Would you believe me that there is a way to connect with people who have similar interests and tastes to yours, in the city you want to visit?, Do you know that there is a way to receive recommendations of places and spots to stay, eat or have fun in the cities you want to visit from highly reliable sources?, Are You know you can receive recommendations from other travelers or locals of the places you want to visit?, Is It not the object of deceptive and fraudulent advertising?, Do you want to know which sites have the best food at the lowest price?, This is called COOL COUSIN!.

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Cool Cousin, is a decentralized platform that allows direct contact with travelers around the world, where they can access a database or catalog of recommendations, and we can find information with real value of people who have visited them, restaurants, stores, food, hotels, inns and the best locations in your destination city. You can define your profile and connect with people called COUSINS, located in different cities around the world, being able to interact with them to have personalized guides and well-defined itineraries. It is the best way to get unique experiences, using our time well and saving money.

It is an autonomous community of people around the world who contribute with COOL COUSIN, which works as a platform that puts you in touch with your best friend like the travel guide, connected with people of similar interests, artistic tastes, musicals, that conform to the way you are.

The platform is becoming more attractive every day for bloggers, artists, musicians, in more than 65 cities around the world, which as good COUSINS make it easier to get the best places for tourists, with articles (reviews) very detailed that make our stay much easier, including photographs, advice to take, providing a very detailed account of their experiences. It is a first-hand tourist guide carried out by the locals, who else could guide us in the best way than the same people who live in the city we visit?

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There are COUSINS that specialize in different categories, some are extreme, others focus on outdoor, some emphasize gastronomy, parks, architecture, attractions, others just have fun and enjoy night spots, some of nature, mountains, beaches, forests and the best views. There is a number of COUSINS and surely there is one that connects with you.

It is the best way to exploit the tourism industry with people who interact with every detail of their place of residence on daily views, and their recommendations allow both visitors and themselves to be rewarded for it.

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COOL COUSIN (CUZ) It is a decentralized ecosystem that uses intelligent contracts to ensure the direct and secure exchange of knowledge and services among travelers and locals around the world, with the purpose of creating amazing experiences. Credits Paraphrasing Whitepapper

The important thing about this community technology is that it allows tourists access to tons of specific information based on the opinions of thousands of users around the world, putting in the hands of travelers a catalog of specific information of hotels, restaurants, inns, malls, shops, events, tourist places and diversity of opportunities for the enjoyment of any journey.

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Can you imagine how much time we would save to plan a travel itinerary using COOL COUSIN?, Can you imagine how much money we would save having the information of the best places in a relation of quality and price?, Can you imagine what a trip would be like when we can connect with local people who share our same interests?, Can you imagine that I can access all this information from our mobile phone?.

No doubt Cool Cousin is a community platform that is powered by blockchain technology to interconnect people in all parts of the world without resorting to travel agencies, saving the pocket of tourists and providing an additional source of income to people who provide information of value to power the platform.

How can I use the COOL COUSIN platform?

We can explain the full power of the platform in 6 simple steps:

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1.- The first thing we do is choose a place of destination and opt for a local guide.

2.- Now you can search among the premises or COUSINS that appear inside the platform. There we can observe in detail its profile, data, and interests.

3.- Now to choose a COUSIN I can filter the information based on age, preferences, tastes, photographs, and choose those with which we feel an affinity.

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4.- We select a COUSIN and obtain instant access to the interior and its catalog of recommendations in the city.

5.- Now I can take the recommendations of each place of our COUSIN and save the places to cure our own experiences.

6.- You can get in touch directly with your Cousin to get a direct deal and request some recommendations, questions, or any additional questions for your travel itinerary.

The COOL COUSIN community is the engine of the platform, each cousin is responsible for creating content, answering tons of concerns of travelers, sharing unparalleled experiences and valuable information, which drive the growth and use of the platform.

You know how much information you can get if you contact people who live in your places of destination, lots of information, COOL COUSIN is as if you could have a friend in each city of the world and who can tell you which routes are the best ones to take, to time the traffic is lousy, where I can have a breakfast or a dessert that is unforgettable, which places should not walk, where sell the best drinks, which sites are best to enjoy a night out, where I can buy clothes best price, where the best local movie theaters are located, which routes I can take on public transport without resorting to taxis, safety recommendations, lodging, and infinite opportunities that make my trip more meaningful.


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Shows and events

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Team behind the proyect

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Credits Team Images

CUZ Token

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Credits whitepapper


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Credits whitepapper

Additional Resources & Information

Cool Cousin Website
Cool Cousin WhitePaper
Cool Cousin Telegram
Cool Cousin Reddit
Cool Cousin BitcoinTalk
Cool Cousin Twitter
Cool Cousin Facebook
Cool Cousin Linkedin
Cool Cousin Medium
Cool Cousin Instagram
@originalworks Contest Post



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Cool cousin seem to be quite cool app,
but prersonally I miss days when people used to travel with lonelyplanet.

10 years ago travelling was more fun than it would ever be with mobile apps. That's reality of it.

I've one off-topic question. You wrote in the past about if im not mistaken. I noticed that they are listed only on exchange.

Do you know anything about this exchange? And personally would you invest in this crypto at current stage?


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