Shivom: Bringing Genomic Sequencing And Affordable Healthcare Via The Blockchain

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


In recent times, there’s been a noticeable increase in the application of genomics in medicine and healthcare, and although the process is still relatively expensive, the past 20 years have seen a reduction in associated costs. With the rapid innovation in science and technology, plus the higher occurrence of or pre-disposition to rare disease conditions, more people are turning towards genomic and DNA sequencing for a more personalized and in-depth healthcare.


The blockchain technology have revolutionized the way data is stored and shared, providing the much needed “unhackable” security that is lacking in centralized storage systems traditionally used. The decentralization afforded by the blockchain have eliminated the use of intermediaries, making it possible for users to have complete control and access over their data thereby having the power to grant access to third parties directly while gaining rewards for their data.



Shivom is aiming to bring genomic sequencing and data storage to people’s doorstep, literally, irrespective of geographic location and socio-economic standing. To achieve this, its building a decentralized platform that integrates the Blockchain technology, Artificial Intelligence and Genomic Sequencing for the development of an unrivalled genomic data-hub and healthcare services outfit. Its services will include a scalable healthcare network of genomic counsellors and related laboratories drawn from all parts of the world and a research and development unit to complement it.
Using the Shivom platform, users can order for DNA sequencing kits and provide samples which are then picked up by Shivom for analysis in their laboratories. The processed data is then sent over the secure blockchain network to the user's account on the platform. The blockchain technology ensures only the user has sole access and control of the stored data by means of encryption via private and public keys. And when the user decides to share his data, either for monetization or to get medical treatment, he does so in the knowledge that his data is safe and tamper-proof.


The OmiX token is the unit of exchange on the Shivom platform. It can be used to effect payments for all services on the platform and can be earned as well. OmiX holders have a lot to gain as they contribute towards the growth of the platform. Payments made using the OmiX token are executed via smart contracts which ensure the anonymity of the participants and transactions are concluded in seconds irrespective of location, unlike fiat currency transactions that can take days to conclude, especially across border transactions.

The Shivom decentralized genomic data platform is bringing value to all in the medical industry, from patients to medical personnel, insurers, government and organizations both profit and nonprofit oriented by building an easily accessible and highly secure genomic data-hub and healthcare service.

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Writer's btt profile link -;u=2047938;sa=account

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