Data Security And Monetization: The Opiria-PDATA Connection

in #blockchain6 years ago



For many decades and most especially with the advent of the internet, personal data of consumers, clients and internet users have been exposed to unauthorised usage by companies for marketing purposes. These data are extracted from different online sources by data extracting outfits and sold for huge amounts to companies to advance their products and services. Owners of these data are left completely out of the loop, they have no control over who gets their data or what part of their data they wish to share and worst of all, the B2C companies don't even compensate the data owners for using their personal data despite making huge returns on them. All these boil down to data insecurity and lack of a system whereby users can control their data.

The blockchain technology is a disruptive innovation that have brought lots of dynamic changes to online businesses. Its decentralized, transparent nature ensures that intermediaries and middlemen are made redundant, giving data owners the long awaited total control over their data. Also because its decentralized, the blockchain provides immutable security for data and payments with anonymity conferred on users.


The Opiria platform is a decentralized system where companies, users/consumers and the PDATA form a dynamic ecosystem that is beneficial to all parties. The OPIRIA platform provides a secure environment built on the blockchain technology where companies have direct access to consumer data relevant to their needs on one hand, and users/consumers have total control over their personal data and decides what and who to share their data with for a price. This transaction is governed by the PDATA, the native ERC20 token built on the Ethereum network for the OPIRIA platform.


Now data owners can easily monetize their personal data and control who sees what, unlike before, when most people had no inkling about how to protect their personal data not to mention how to monetize it.

On the side of the companies, before they spend huge amounts on consumer data (gotten without owners' consent) that may not be relevant to their needs, thereby wasting resources or worst still, churning out undesired products or services. With the OPIRIA platform, companies are assured of a diverse pool of consumer/user data which they can harness and use for their targeted purpose or survey. This way, companies can make better decisions pertaining product design and also targeted adverts and marketing to the right audience. All these benefits are available to companies once they compensate the data owners with PDATA.


There are several blockchain projects out there with similar idea of securing and monetizing users' personal data but there's a world of difference between just an idea and a time tested working product.
OPIRIA platform is more than an idea. Its a time tested, working platform with several companies and users registered on the platform generating real revenues. OPIRIA is proudly associated with several fortune 500 companies among which are Audi, Freightliner, Nissan, BMW, Volkswagen, P&G, Mercedes Benz, Intel and others.


The PDATA gives value to the personal data of users and consumers and on the OPIRIA platform, data owners can exchange their personal data for PDATA which they can further exchange into their desired fiat currency.
The personal data business is valued at $250 billion annually, with about 57 million B2C companies in the market for your data. A consumer's email address is valued at $80 while you get paid $100 for giving feedback on products or services. The above statistical information goes to show the huge market for personal data and the gains of being part of a trusted platform like OPIRIA.

It is pertinent to note that the PDATA token confers special advantages to holders as they get more requests to participate in surveys on the platform thus have greater chance to monetize their data.


PDATA is the native token of the OPIRIA platform and is an ERC20 compatible token built on the Ethereum network with total token number of 750,000,000 out of which 60% (450,000,000) is up for grabs in the token sales. The public pre-sales commenced on the 20th of April 2018 with a fundraising goal of $30,000,000 and currently, about 92% of the goal has been met.

In a few hours, the public pre-sale will be rounded up successfully. PDATA token can be purchased with either Btc, ETH or XRP.


The PDATA Crowdsale will commence on the 5th of May 2018 and end on 31st May 2018 so if you miss the ICO for any reason, plan not to miss the crowdsale.


See more info about the project at

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Written by Ebykamsiokoro;u=2047938;sa=account


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