Bcharity: Globalizing The Charity Ecosystem Using Blockchain Technology

in #blockchain6 years ago



The human being is a social animal by nature with the natural tendency to help a fellow who is in need, especially when the call for help is made or when there's an empathy relationship. In our world today, there are so many incidences that predisposes one to needy situations like armed conflicts, natural disasters, epidemic outbreaks, serious medical conditions, hunger, to mention but a few. Giving and being charitable to those in need is often fulfilling especially when the target is positively affected by the gesture and for as long as man has been in existence, charity have always been integral to his existence.

The adverse conditions that predisposes certain people or certain demographic regions to the "needy or deprived" status often times leads to a sharp discrepancy between the rich and the poor and this is mostly alleviated through acts of charity from able individuals and organizations who operate a nonprofit system.

Unfortunately, as is the case with most centralized financial systems, it has become quite difficult to monitor or ascertain the veracity of most charity organizations with regards to funds utilization and ensuring those truly in need gets the aid requested for. And for individual philanthropists, its quite difficult getting across to those who need help due to location and language barriers. Other militating factors include lack of charity organizations in places or regions where help is most needed and insufficient financial support for small charity organizations.

The advent of the blockchain technology have revolutionized the way people transact nowadays, bringing with it a level of trust and security previously unknown both in online and offline dealings. The decentralized nature of the blockchain technology eliminates border and intermediary barriers, makes for super fast transactions, gives a transparent system whereby data cannot be altered and can be accessed by all on the blockchain and above all, ensures security of data and all parties involved. The best part of the blockchain technology is its versatility which makes it adaptable to any business or sector in the human endeavour. Its used in the financial, health, transport, security, social, education and virtually every other sector.
With its versatility and advantages, it therefore comes as no surprise that the blockchain technology is being integrated into the charity sector and the platform making this pioneer move is the Bcharity Platform.


Bcharity is an international decentralized platform for charity exchange and is poised to provide lasting solutions to the problems plaguing the international charity community. Being the first of its kind to integrate the blockchain technology into its platform, Bcharity is revolutionizing the charity sector by bringing helpers ever closer to those in need of help.


As a leader in the industry, Bcharity is bringing blockchain to the charity sector for the first time and to ensure seamless operations, it'll:

  1. Design a Crypto currency exchange that'll facilitate the purchase of the CHAR token, the native Crypto currency of the Bcharity platform, using either other Crypto currencies or fiat currency.

  2. Build a social platform on top of the exchange platform for individuals or foundations/charity organizations to tell their story or showcase their needs.


With the Bcharity platform, everyone can become a philanthropist, and not just only those who can donate money. Individuals that are able can also donate their time to the charity drive on Bcharity by enrolling in the translation program. As language is one of the greatest barriers to international charity and computerized translation is still in the baby stage that most times interpreted works lose the essence of the message, it is one of the cardinal features of the Bcharity platform.
By using organic interpreters on the platform, Bcharity ensures that the needy whose native language isn't English will have their requests correctly interpreted and passed across to the world in English.


Not having the financial wherewithal should not be a hindrance for one to be part of making a difference in the world through charity. The Bcharity translate offers people the opportunity to donate their time by translating requests into English language for individuals and organizations seeking global exposure but being limited by language. The interesting part of the Bcharity translate is the fact that its incentivized hence ensuring that participants give their best when interpreting.

When a request for translation is made, the interpreter chooses and interprets the text and sends it in for review. Specially developed Artificial Intelligence is used to check the interpreted text and then sent for further verification by the moderator after which its published on the platform on behalf of the person or organization that sent in the request.
For every successful translation, the interpreter is rated and the rating is based on the quality and number of translated works. All Bcharity translators will be ranked and the best and most active will generate rewards in form of CHAR token from the Bcharity ecosystem.


The Bcharity platform has a user-friendly interphase that can be used by both the tech savvy and those not in the tech world. This is why the receiving mechanism for donations made can be accessed in 2 forms:

  1. Users like organizations, foundations or individuals can withdraw the donations made into their Bcharity account straight into their Ethereum wallet (since CHAR token is ERC20 compliant). Then the tokens can be exchanges for fiat currency on the Bcharity exchange, other Crypto exchange platforms or strategic Bcharity physical locations globally.

  2. Direct withdrawal into bank accounts can be requested by users who wants to access the funds in their Bcharity account but lacks knowledge of Crypto currency transactions. This process is made as painless as possible and will attract a bank charge according to the bank or amount being paid in.


The CHAR is the native token for the Bcharity platform. It is a utility token built on the Ethereum network and hence its ERC20 compliant. Currently the CHAR token is on sale and comes with different bonuses upon purchase as shown below:



The total number of CHAR tokens generated is fixed (100,000,000 CHAR) and no further tokens will be generated. At the end of ICO, tokens unsold will be destroyed and if perchance after the completion of different stages of sales the SOFT CAP was not achieved, all funds realized from the Main Sales will be refunded to the investors in full.

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Written by Ebykamsiokoro


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