Smart Contracts Made Extremely Easy

in #blockchain6 years ago

Have you ever wondered what it means to develop smart contracts? The buzz is already everywhere in businesses. As blockchain offered the global business environment the ability to be able to run decentralized systems and applications , there have also been the recent upsurge for those who are able to code smart contracts. As a better, decentralized and trustless means of transacting businesses, smart contracts are now being used used to address the major flaws characterized by other forms of contracts in the daily business dealings and transactions whether prints or digital.

What are smart contracts? In the most simplest terms, smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. The code and the agreements contained therein exist across a distributed, decentralized blockchain network.

As Gavin Woods Ethereum’s CTO puts it,

“The potential for [smart contracts] to alter aspects of society is of significant magnitude. This is something that would provide a technical basis for all sorts of social changes, and I find that exciting.”
this clearly shows how pervasive this innovation is and will doubtless become the order of the day. This is the principal reason the Contractium Network a decentralized platform is ebulliently pushing forward with its campaign. We at Contractium Network believe in the next generation of smart contracts and are therefore building an Ethereum-based smart-contract technology to secure commercial deals between contracter and contractee on internet with Proof-of-Contract protocol. Our mission is simple and straightforward which is

to help contracting parties Contracter and Contractee sign commercial smart contracts easily and trustfully without any hassle.
As mainstream businesses continue to integrate blockchain tech into their operations, there will be a corresponding upsurge in the ease of deploying and using smart contracts. Contractium Network have therefore foreseen this evolution and has rightly positioned itself to filling this gap before they even become noticable. Contractium with its easy to use platform will make everyone seeking to create or deploy smart contracts much more easier with just a simple click of drag and drop. You do not need any prior programming skills or the knowledge of Solidity (Ethereum’s programming language) to be able to do this. This means that anyone who feels the need to enter into any contractual relationship with another can simply use the Contractium platform to meet his or her demand. It is actually the first organization in the world of blockchain to venture into the business of producing smart contracts on a commercial scale and meeting both individuals’ and business’ needs.

Contractium, as a software-as-a-service (S-a-a-s) seeks to service two other areas

A payment gateway majorly in countries where crypto is legal and accepted
An online rewards system across the global business space.
We have officially released our Whitepaper you can click and take a look.

Our Private Sales is going on and you can participate simply by logging on to our website and signing up to take part in this amazing opportunity.

The excitement just began as we release more information along our roadmap. We are here to serve you better.

You can also contact us through our social channels






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