Meet “qiibee”: loyalty programs as they were meant to be

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


Having so much competition breeds loyalty programs

Today we are living in times in which we have an extreme abundance of options when it comes to satisfy every need we might have, whether it is through a product or service, we always have several offers from which to choose, and given the fact there are a lot of people constantly sharing everything they do in their social media, including the places they visit and the products they consume, the value of having loyal costumers who always come back to the same brand is extremely high.

One mutually beneficial measure brands can adopt to try and stay relevant in the market, is a loyalty program that rewards consumers who have a clear preference for the brand in question. A loyalty program is defined as follows:

Loyalty programs encourage shoppers to return to stores where they frequently make purchases. Some of the incentives may include advanced access to new products, additional discounts or sometimes free merchandise. | Source

With implementing this strategy there are simply no losers, because every part involved (the brand and the consumer) ends up better off than before. The brand is going to increase their loyal customers, and said customers are going to receive more than what they were receiving before. Because of this, it is fair to call loyalty programs as a Win-Win strategy, and given today’s overall competition, it is practically a must for any new and established brand.

Loyalty programs have always had issues, until now

Even though this strategy is probably one of the best any brand could adopt to boost their sales and remain relevant by maintaining their share in the market, implementing these types of programs in a way that clearly benefits the customer is not an easy task.

There are a lot of technical workarounds they must do to really develop a way in which users can manage the points they earn for their loyalty, and this involves a considerable amount of time and money, not only in the initial development, but also in the maintenance of that platform throughout time.

Not only that, from a user point of view, it can be quite the burden having to be on top of all the different loyalty points one might earn, especially when there are a lot of brands running their loyalty programs, it could be overwhelming having to handle so many loyalty points, so much so, that a lot of people, perhaps even the majority of people, simply decide to forget about the points they are entitled to, and leave them unused, totally forgotten, stored in some platform they don’t even know how to access, much less how to use. The fact loyalty points can only be redeem with the one particular brand that issued them makes this even harder to fix.

According to Fruend (2017), an estimated USD 100 billion in points are left unredeemed by members. | Source

The idea to reward customers is certainly a great one, but implement it in an efficient way in each and every type of business has so far been very challenging for everyone.

This is a situation where in order to fix the existent issues, it would be required to leverage a new technology capable of breaking through old paradigms and bring innovative solutions and ways of developing not only a new generation of platforms, but also new industries as well.

Luckily, these past few years blockchain technology has completely exploded in popularity and in usage, starting a revolution capable of changing and improving the way everything works in our society regarding how all types of information are managed and secured.

Having said that, qiibee has the potential to be the ultimate solution to the current problems affecting loyalty programs thanks to the fact they are leveraging the just mentioned blockchain technology.

Qiibee’s solution for loyalty programs

Qiibee is bringing to the table a platform that can solve any problem brands and customers are currently facing regarding loyalty programs and its points, making life easier for everyone that participates in these dynamics.


The way they are doing this is by first offering to the brands a simplified way to implement the loyalty program itself. By offering a developer kit that takes care of all the difficulties related to the integration with a broader platform, qiibee is saving them a lot of cost and time that they can then use in doing other productive activities.

Because of this, brands all over the world will be able to properly design their loyalty programs in the most efficient way with the goal of having an impact in the consumer preference for the brand in question. So far, every brand had to figure out on their own the best way to create from the ground up their loyalty programs, but not anymore, now they will be able to enjoy the benefits of proper guidance and fine tuned tools by people with a lot of expertise in this sector.


On the other hand, the most important participants in these programs are of course the customers, the ones that drive innovation forward thanks to their consumption and the choices they make in the market when deciding which brand to support with their money.

When it comes to improving the users experience regarding loyalty programs, qiibee offers them an application, from which they will be able to control absolutely everything about the points they own.

Customers will be able to do things never before possible with loyalty points, they will be able to exchange them for points from a different brands, so the consumption in one brand can be leveraged and receive all sort of discounts when visiting another brand! Or they can also be exchanged for other cryptos like bitcoin, and even for fiat money in case the person have no plans on consuming their loyalty points. And since blockchain technology is being used, the security regarding all of these transactions could not be better.


Being able to do all of this will surely avoid having USD 100 billion in loyalty points without being used by the customers as mentioned before, everyone of them will finally have certainty that their loyalty will be rewarded without any doubt.

Besides, having the possibility of using a platform like this one will increase even more the engagement between customers and brands, and even between customers themselves because since they will have the opportunity to exchange these tokens between each others, it would not be surprising to eventually see online communities being built by these users to exchange information about which brand is offering the best deal regarding their loyalty rewards. Which could create an even more intensive competition between brands than the one we already have right now, because now it would be possible to compare their loyalty programs and have extensive information about each and every one of them, all integrated in one place, with an incredibly easy way to access it in the form of the qiibee app.


All of these factors allows qiibee a great chance in becoming an important player in the loyalty programs sector, we should all hope for this project to end up being a very successful one, and this way improving the loyalty programs to make them what they are really meant to be.


Loyalty programs can be considered as a strategy that brings benefits to the brand and to its customers, but so far there has not been a platform that allowed proper interaction to take place between the participants.

These programs tend to exist isolated from one another, which greatly reduces the chances for customers to take proper advantage of their loyalty points. Meaning that there is clearly a market for a solution to take place and solve this issue.

Qiibee is offering a platform that simplify everything related to the implementation and usage regarding loyalty programs. Its biggest innovation is one that makes life much easier for the customers, because now they will be able to really take advantage of the loyalty points they collect from many brands, exchanging those points in order to use them in one brand or another, and even selling them for other cryptos or fiat money.

This allows loyalty points to have real value for everyone for the first time and therefore, under the qiibee platform they will be thoroughly used.

All of these of course, is possible thanks to the team behind these project, you can see some of its member as well as their experience in the images below:


  • If you want to know more about this project, I invite you to check their website

  • If interested about how this platforms works and its technical details, you will find useful information in their Whitepaper

  • And if you want to get into contact with them, feel free to visit their Twitter, Facebook and Telegram

Here is a video I made sharing my thoughts about this platform

  • In case you still have a question about this project, feel free to leave a comment below and I will answer it.

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You killed it all

I appreciate your kind words mate.

This sounds like a great idea! Nice post!

Very interesting to move loyalty programs onto blockchain technology, having tokens will take you further.

Making shopping more fun, much easier to use this via an app.

Exactly that is the idea, to make everything more dynamic for consumers and increase their possibilities so they can really take advantage of their loyalty points.

Loyalty programs are like sales. They only save customers money if the product or service would have been bought with or without them - just a benny, not a deal breaker. And as a vehicle for attracting new customers? Historically, dismal results.

Thanks for the solid post.

Namaste, jaiChai

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