Changelly and its affiliate program

in #blockchain5 years ago (edited)


This program is defined as:

… an opportunity to become a promoter of third-party products in exchange for a commission. Source in Spanish

As we can see, having an affiliate program is about sharing the profits with other people who are responsible for getting new customers, in this way, everyone wins because the company gets a new client and earns money, the member earns a % of the sale for doing his work as a promoter, and the new client obtains a product or service that is of interest to him.

In the case of Changelly, the affiliates obtain 50% of the profits, which is quite high and a proves how willing Changelly is to collaborate with the goal of achieving success with the help of other projects or third-party individuals.

In order to earn a profit by being an affiliate of Changelly the person needs to follow these steps:


  • The first thing is to have a blog, or a strong presence in social networks, the key is having a lot of people aware of any new content that is generated. What the affiliate should do is share their affiliate link, or in the case that they have their own website or blog, the best option would be to add an animated widget that allows transactions to be made directly on the same website. For those who do not know what a widget is, below I share the Wikipedia explanation:

Each widget facilitates a specific type of user-computer interaction, and appears as a visible part of the application's GUI as defined by the theme and rendered by the rendering engine. The theme makes all widgets adhere to a unified aesthetic design and creates a sense of overall cohesion. Source

  • The next step is to wait for one of the website’s visitors to make a transaction in Changelly using the affiliate link or the widget. To achieve this the ideal is to try to get an audience interested in this type of products, so the content of the blog should be focused on technology, especially related to initiatives that use blockchain.
  • Once the person has obtained their first referral, the last step is simply waiting to receive 50% of the commission earnings granted by Changelly. As of this moment, it is only a matter of starting to win many referrals to achieve good profits by working together with Changelly.

This is my English translation of a segment from one of my previous Spanish articles.

This is not financial advice, nor a guarantee or promise in regards to any result that may be obtained from using the above content. The information provided here is for informational and entertainment purposes only. It should not be considered as financial and/or investment advice. No person should make any kind of financial decision without first consulting their own financial adviser and/or conducting their own research and due diligence.

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