AGE Project: Edit your DNA in the revolutionary EOS blockchain.

in #blockchain6 years ago

"A Bio-Crypto Plan to Fight Human Suffering ".

Many people have heard about conspiracy theories of the big pharmaceuticals that collect DNA to make experiments of new "cures" for old and new diseases, without the consent of the DNA's owners. Also, they sell excessively expensive those cures or treatments for what they spend.

Imagine a possibility to contribute to humanity by sending data from your DNA to a network where you are the sole owner of the data collected and it's used only according to your parameters. Where the network is completely transparent and decentralized. Also, to edit and make changes in your DNA that could improve your genetic capacity for the rest of your life. This is the case of the AGE project, a revolutionary service within the revolutionary blockchain EOS.

age logo

The AGE project, its acronym means Adult Genetic Editing, is led by Dr. Greg Simpson, who was a special guest on the @votu Sunday podcast hosted by @beanz, and he proposes a service where your DNA is collected and stored in the blockchain, where your private key is your DNA. That's mean, you are the sole owner of your DNA (obviously). In addition to that, your DNA will remain secure in the blockchain and can be shown each time you give permission to do so. But the most interesting thing is that they give you the possibility to edit your DNA inside the blockchain, to get characteristics that could save your life and even future generations, avoiding random propagation of hereditary diseases, resistant to cancers and viruses, in an economical way , efficient and REVERSIBLE, simply because we have the right to select our genetic advantages.

The AGE project is based on three points that seek to obtain while the project maintains their progress:

  1. Humans must take possession of their genetic information (DNA).
  2. That DNA must be shared and compared to uncover life-improving and life-saving opportunities while at the same time insuring individual privacy and protection from nefarious intent.
  3. Knowledge concerning how one can modify ones own DNA must be made common, and all worthy options kept in the hands of the people.

These points are fundamental to our birthright of our possession of the information provided by our DNA, always guaranteeing protection and anonymity without leaving behind the transparency that is characterized in all cryptosystems.

The fact that you can edit your DNA doesn't mean that you are going to create a new mutation or the end of humanity. That requires an extreme and log time modification, besides that even if you try to reach that point, you could be stopped by the rest of the community that participates. But it doesn't remove possibilities of human error and environment could affect the result, but those details will already be in the hands of the experts.


Imagine the possibility of improving your genotypic and phenotypic characteristics or better yet prevent diseases or change a family inheritance just by giving information of one of your genes. You could even improve the health of many people, giving the possibility of getting some cure against cancer, deadly diseases or mutation treatments.

This kind of activity commercially requires thousands of dollars to be able to "cover" the costs. But the AGE project offers the service by just buying their tokens. They provide that each AGE token has a value of $ 1 and that it will fluctuate according to market speculation. But in reality they are not interested in money, but the collection and participation of a certain number of people, in order to continue advancing their research and improve the future of their services and the human species. Their next steps are to provide an application where you can digitally experience the DNA edition according to the chromosomes and genes that will be distributed among the blockchain.

The system will be financed by what they collects from the pre-sale of their AGE tokens. When investing and receive AGE tokens, you can exchange them for different services offered by the project:

  • Receive a DNA Collection Kit.
  • Submit your DNA for Sequencing.
  • Have your DNA stored on the Blockchain.
  • Receive Information about your DNA as it is discovered.

The AGE project will work in the following way, according to their biological instructions:

Collecting DNA

Collecting DNA is a very simple process, by receiving the Norgen collection kit you can follow the following steps:

  • Don't eat or drink for 30 minutes
  • Gently scrape the insides of your cheeks and tongue against your teeth for a few seconds
  • Fill the blue-capped vial with saliva up to the marked line
  • Add the contents of the small vial to the blue-capped vial to preserve the DNA for up to 6 months
  • Send the vial back to us in the pre-paid package

Sequencing DNA

Getting your DNA accurately recorded at a reasonable price is our most important job. To that end we are employing truly state-of-the-art technologies from Oxford Nanopore. Their advanced tools for DNA purification (preparation) and solid-state sequencing tools insure the results you get are as accurate and reasonably priced as possible. Further, the technology pioneered by Oxford Nanopore has secured an amazing future by linking DNA sequencing to computer chips (think Moore's law). We believe that will greatly accelerate both the accuracy and affordability of our services, bringing the future to now as fast as possible.

You vs. Standard Reference

We humans share 99.9% of our DNA. In other words, the vast amount of DNA that is in us, is identical for all of us. We still have over 3 million unique bases (letters) that differ between us. In order to more easily save and transport your DNA, we first separate out all the letters that make you unique. We do this with our proprietary software running on a GPU super-computer to compare it against what is called the "standard reference". Next, using cryptography, we break up into tiny fragments your DNA and tag each piece with a Key to prevent access to your DNA that you don't authorize. Finally, your DNA is scattered over thousands of servers all over the world, further protecting your information.

Networked DNA

Your privacy and security is paramount to us. When we receive your DNA, the first step we take is to give you a SHA-256 encrypted code that travels with your DNA to our lab. Your personal information is destroyed, and never associated with your DNA. When the lab is finished processing, your DNA is fragmented, encrypted and distributed across a huge network of computers not owned by a single company (or even a single country) for safe-keeping and can only be re-assembled by using your personal key.


CRISPR is nothing short of a revolution in genetics. The easiest way to think of it is the "delete" and "insert" keys on a keyboard, and DNA is the word processing document. Using these and a few other simple tools, a person can re-write the very essence of life itself. This technology is inexpensive, reversible and quite accurate when considering the job at hand. We at Adult Genetic Editing are watching advances in this field very closely and will keep our customers abreast of developments that will empower them to alter their DNA as they see fit.

There are probably many counterparts like the governmental and religious sectors, but in scientific terms this is an important step for the decentralization of information and more from where our origins begin. In addition, one of the fundamental aspects of the blockchain is trust and this has great power over our civilization.

Sources of investigations:

Do you think it would be a great contribution for humanity? What physical aspects do you think you could change about yourself? Do you agree with this proposal?
Thanks for reading and leave your comment!



This sure is a trippy new rabbit hole to jump down, I never considered the possibility of blockchain being integreated with things like this. Very interesting post :-)

Buen post amigo. Excelente Contenido tienes mi upvote.

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