CRYPTOLOANS - First blockchain platform for secure lending trading and exchange cryptocurrency

in #blockchain6 years ago


Hi guys let me introduce you to an interesting project that will revolutionize the way we see investments, you see a storm has hit the investment market which we are not going to recover from. Crypto investment is that storm. With strict capital controls in place by most countries to control the flow of money and charge high taxes, cryptocurrency gained usage in circumventing capital controls and taxes, leading to an increase in demand. Cryptocurrency has been able to present an easy to use digital alternative to fiat currencies. Offering frictionless transactions and inflation control, investors have been prudent enough to add these currencies in their diversified portfolios as an asset, as the size of the market does not represent a systemic risk. Cryptocurrency employs the use of cryptography that assures high-security processes and verifies transactions personal to each user. Hence, counterfeiting and anonymous transactions are impossible to achieve.

While this revolution is gaining wide acceptance, Cryptoloans is a blockchain platform for secure lending, exchanging and trading cryptocurrency in the World.

Cryptoloans is a blockchain platform for secure lending, exchanging and trading cryptocurrency in the World. Cryptoloans will go about as a middle person between the moneylender and the borrower, solidifying the withdrawal of the cryptocurrency bought using a credit card until the point when the last payment for the advance is made. Likewise a charming reward will be the way that the moneylender will get all advance payments to his fiat wallet in our framework right away and will have the capacity to pull back assets whenever. In the event that the borrower won't reimburse the advance payment on time, all coins will be exchange to the bank, and the borrower will be discharged from obligation, in light of the fact that the advance contract will be crossed out, and the assets paid under the advance contract will stay in the leaser's property. We are the primary who made an answer for ensure the arrival of creditor`s stores. Individuals trust that esteem can be made and traded using money. This has been acknowledged reality for quite a long time, where individuals request money related returns as far as the administrations they offer. The economy of money is surely knew by the majority of us however the related monetary administrations are as yet obscure to the general purchasers, which gives favorable position to the go-betweens, who are outfitted with particular administrations as a byproduct of the high commission expenses.

Cryptoloans offers credits to the purchasers for acquiring cryptocurrency. It additionally offers credits on the offer of cryptocurrency. It is an aggregate cryptocurrency based budgetary environment intended to bridle the capability of the advanced cash for the general population of the world.

The key partners of the platform are borrowers, loan bosses and dealers. Every element has various advantages accessible on the platform. The greatest preferred standpoint for Borrowers is that they don't have to pronounce their dissolvability for getting a credit. They can likewise all the while go about as a borrower and a loan specialist. Openings are perpetual for the shrewd dealers who can use the numerous devices of the platform to their own particular favorable circumstances. Least starting capital, boundless number of advances and programmed exchanging offices are just a couple of the best highlights of the platform.


Advantages of Cryptoloans to borrowers:

  • A boundless number of utilizations for the buy cryptocurrency on layaway on various terms

  • The likelihood of offering the bought cryptocurrency without an earlier advance repayment

  • The likelihood of profit on the development of the estimation of the bought cryptocurrency

  • The buy cryptocurrency on layaway as indicated by the terms of the credit contract

  • The likelihood of offering cryptocurrency on layaway which acquired using a loan 100% likelihood of getting an advance on the bank's terms

  • Possibility to be a borrower and a bank all the while

  • Full secrecy for all clients of the platform

  • A boundless number of credits got Independent decision of the advance term

  • Favorable circumstances of the Cryptoloans platform

  • The likelihood of theoretical purchasing the cryptocurrency in a volume that surpasses the dealer's own particular supports in a few times

  • The likelihood of dissecting the historical backdrop of statements combined with the historical backdrop of player's assessments and their positions

  • The likelihood to endure a time of low costs without losing reserves

  • The likelihood to see the suppositions of players

  • Simple enrollment method

  • The straightforwardness of exchanges

  • Minimum start-up capital

  • Individual Accounts

Our goal is to democratize crypto­currency market, allowing as much of the population of the Planet to buy crypto­currency and generate income from their trade. In fact, the idea of the Cryptoloans platform is that all users earn money regardless of their social status

After enrollment in the framework, every customer will be furnished with a one of a kind individual record of the client with a one of a kind recognizable proof number. Al enrolled clients will be given the chance to make individual electronic wallets with cryptocurrencies tends to utilized on our administration. Every wallet will have its own particular secret word to affirm outbound exchanges, which matches with the watchword from the customer's close to home bureau at its circumspection, clients will have the capacity to change the watchword to a special one which does not correspond with the secret key from the customer's close to home bureau and different wallets.

All administrations of the Cryptoloans platform will be accessible just through the customer's persona bureau and API interface Users who are enlisted on the Cryptoloans platform will have the chance to purchase and offer cryptocurrency, trade cryptocurrency, loan to different clients and purchase cryptocurrency on layaway on the off chance that the platform customer obtained cryptocurrency using a credit card, He will consequently get the borrower status, and thus the customer who sold the cryptocurrency using a loan will get the status of a moneylender. Clients of our administration will have the capacity to utilize the method of two-factor validation tor getting to the customer's close to home bureau.

The individual information of clients include: login, secret key, IP address, MAC address, login strategy, E-mail , wallets locations and resources that the client has, connections to interpersonal organizations accounts, the rundown of exchanges impacted the world forever of exchanges for the buy and offer of cryptocurrencies and issuance-receipt of advances, name, surname, international ID information, payment card information.

In the individual record, the client will have the capacity to choose the administration he needs, and afterward go to the page where he will have the capacity to take full preferences of the Cryptoloans platform. On the pages of the administrations of purchasing, offering and trading cryptocurrencies, issuance-receipt of credits, and also advertise h story, clients will watch intelligent diagrams of citations that demonstrate the present and authentic cost of the chose instrument.

Problems in life and business motivate us to be prepared for the unforeseen circumstances. The key development sauce in any sector is the problem associated with the sector. People believe that value can be created and exchanged through the use of currency. This has been accepted reality for centuries, where people demand monetary returns in terms of the services they offer. The economy of currency is well understood by most of us but the related financial services are still unknown to the general consumers, which gives an advantage to the intermediaries, who are armed with specific services in return for the high commission fees. Latest wheel to join the race is cryptocurrency, which has made people aware of the immense potential of the digital currency.

The strong demand for cryptocurrency in the recent years has forced the sudden emergence of half-baked cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms, who are not able to fulfil the market's requirements. These websites are not secure and lack transparency in their method of operation. The incidents of security breaches on these websites raises many pertinent questions about the way they secure the crypto assets of the millions of users.

The lack of trust on the current cryptocurrency trading and exchange platforms have forced people to search for their alternative. I think that a new, reliable and secure platform is required, which offers lending, trading and exchanges facilities to the crypto users of the world.


Solutions offered

CRYPTOLOANS is the solution we have been waiting for. It is a cryptocurrency platform based on blockchain technology, which provides secure lending, trading and cryptocurrency exchange services. Financial Services, such as P2P lending, trading on the market and cryptocurrency based loans are offered on the platform.

Designed for the users of today, CRYPTOLOANS fulfills the needs of the cryptocurrency users. It offers credits to the buyers for purchasing cryptocurrency. It also offers credits on the sale of cryptocurrency. It is a total cryptocurrency based financial ecosystem designed to harness the potential of the digital currency for the people of the world.
The key stakeholders of the platform are borrowers, creditors and traders. Each entity has multiple benefits available on the platform. The biggest advantage for Borrowers is that they do not need to declare their solvency for getting a loan. They can also simultaneously act as a borrower and a lender. Opportunities are endless for the smart traders who can utilize the multiple tools of the platform to their own advantages. Minimum initial capital, unlimited number of loans and automatic trading facilities are only a few of the top features of the platform.

Let me illustrate How does it work?

Suppose, Mr. Michael wants to get a loan from a bank.

First, he will visit the bank where he will have to submit a lot of documents including his identity proof, age proof, address proof, income proof. After that, the bank officer will verify his credit score and his loan repayment history.

If he is satisfied with those, he will proceed and have a look at the collateral and guarantees that he might be able to provide. Occasionally a bank may not ask for it if the credit score is exceptionally good, but that's a very rare occasion.

After that, he's made to wait for days - ranging from a week to a month, and after that, the loan is sanctioned.

Now dreams and opportunities wait for none, and hence, this can create severe problems for some.

This is where Cryptoloans comes into play.

Using the platform, and registering on it, the only thing that users need to do is to discuss the terms and conditions from the loan provider. Once they are satisfied, all they have to do is use the funds because the funds are transferred immediately.

This is how Cryptoloans solves a very complex financial market challenge!

10,000,000 LCN Tokens are created for the project in which 58.5% is reserved for the final token sale. One ETH is equal to the 300 LCN. The token sale will start on 27th March 2018. The funds collected from the ICO will be utilised for the development and research of the platform.

The team working on the project is a group of experienced and determined professionals, who are ready to bring a new wave of cryptocurrency trading.


The LCN token is the altcoin of the Cryptoloans platform.

It has 3 main purposes :

Paying for commissions on the platform
Buying/selling the tokens from/to other users
Receiving and issuing loans

The total number of tokens that will be generated is 10,000,000.

The ICO period ends on 27th June, 2018.

The current exchange rate is 300 LCN/ETH.

The soft cap has been set at 1300 ETH and the hard cap has been set at 1800 ETH.

Token Sale Details

Start : 27 March, 15:00

Soft Cap : 850 ETH

Hard Cap : 1000 ETH

Token : LCN

Exchange Rate : 1 ETH = 300 LCN

Protocol : ERC20

Token Distribution

First Token Sale : 6%

Main Token Sale : 58%

Final Token Sale : 15.39%

Reserve Fund : 10.11%

Bounty : 10%


  • January 2018: The start of the advertising campaign
  • February 2018: Launch of the Cryptoloans Forum
  • March 2018: The first round of selling LoanCoin tokens
  • April 2018: The start of the platform development
  • June 2018: Development of the smart contracts for secure P2P-crediting
  • July 2018: Platform and blockchain integration
  • September 2018: Launch of the basic services in the Cryptoloans platform on the test mode: the first transactions on the platform and the first commission incomes.
  • September 2018: The start of the advertising campaign
  • October 2018: Publication of the financial results of the Cryptoloans platform for the first month of operation and forecast for further development
  • November 2018: The main round of selling LoanCoin tokens
  • December 2018: The start of development of additional platform functionality
  • February 2019: Database of the market history
  • June 2019: Designer of trading algorithms and the automatic trading
  • July 2019: Launch of the additional services of the Cryptoloans on the test mode
  • September 2019: Official launch of Cryptoloans Exchange
  • September 2019: The start of the advertising campaign
  • October 2019: Publication of Cryptoloans financial results
  • November 2019: The last round of selling LoanCoin tokens
  • January 2020: The start of the advertising campaign for the Cryptoloans promotion
  • May 2020: Release of mobile apps for iOS and Android
  • July 2020: API for connecting external liquidity
  • September 2020: API for connecting trading algorithms


For more information, please visit the links below:






Blogger: Tosin David

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