RED CAB LLC: First Ever Futuristic Ecosystem In The Transportation Space & Powered By Blockchain Technology….

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


Word wide web and mobile have helped individuals connect the drivers with the riders at any time. The transportation business has seen large changes within the terms of technology development and usage by the individuals. The technology has evolved, therefore as our mode of transport. Human beings have used totally different modes of transport through the centuries.


The transportation business is two-faced with the intense challenge of technology integration because the new technology is being launched within the market. Large-scale use of cars may be a common sight in multiple countries as they need become the thought mode of transport. Car-hailing services became the favored selection for individuals around the world.

One of the most important challenges is that the monopoly of huge players within the business, tend to undermine the gain of the drivers and automotive homeowners. Despite the massive success of the many car-hailing platforms around the world, there are several things which require to be in serious trouble the expansion of the business as a full. The client desires safety and security of their ride altogether the conditions. Therefore there is a platform called REDCAB LLC is developed to face these challenges in front of the industry by utilizing blockchain technology.

Solution Offered

REDCAB LLC is providing a novel model of car-hailing services supported the most recent technology. There are totally different classes of the cab offered on the platform like an economy cab, family cab, and luxury cab. You can choose the selection of your cab relying upon your scenario.

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A brand new conception of ads is being offered on the platform that is named geo-ads. The app is accessible on the Google play store. The restaurants, malls, airports, and hotels will advertise their services on the mobile app relying on the situation of the users. Deep learning and AI are getting used for promotional ads on the platform. CABBI is an AI-powered road assistant developed by the team that guides the users concerning the visits, hotels and therefore the journey. The users of the platform are being rewarded with the crypto-currency tokens once they refer the app to their friend, and he takes his 1st ride.

Not solely carpooling services however it conjointly offers delivery services, devour services and edifice transportation. Blockchain technology and sensible contract are going to be used for the protection and transparency on the platform. Another algorithmic rule that is being used on the platform to extend the usage of the app is that the Proof of promoting. Proof of Driving agreement algorithmic rule is employed on the platform that motivates the drivers to supply rides to the individuals.

ICO Information

Total 100,000,000 REDC Tokens will be created on the platform within which 40% of the entire tokens will be reserved for the group sale. The most token sale can begin on the 22nd June 2018 and continue till 15th August 2018. About 41% of the funds are going to be spent on the selling, acquisitions, and partnerships whereas 29% of the funds are going to be spent on the merchandise development.

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The team engaged in the project is practiced and determined to make the most effective offers and services for the individuals.





The truth of the business is sort of totally different because it is being two-faced with multiple challenges. The suburbanized system of transportation services is that the final aim of the platform. They believe that blockchain technology is often the actuation within the business.

Network dominance model is launched by the platform wherever the availability and demand of the cars are managed by the community. Many startups became productive in several countries following the model of huge players within the business. The platform is able to facilitate within the large-scale adoption of the blockchain technology. Providing equal opportunities to the drivers and therefore the customers on the platform are that the main goal of the platform.

Stay tuned for more updates…Thank you…!!!

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