Revolution Is Happening, The Rest Just Don’t Know It.

#Cryptocurrencies have established that  ensured the integrity of the data billions of  devices  without going through a trusted third party. But we haven't see the full potenciall of blockchain; this technology is capturing  the #imagination of the computing world as a wildfire, because we're trying to understand the  implications of a protocol that gives people real power. This has never happened before, a mass  collaboration and powered by collective self-interests, rather than by  large #corporations.

Bitcoin is only one application of this great innovation, the blockchain can hold any kind of data, from legal docs  to dns, health data and even #fashion and #beauty industries are getting interested.  Autonomous #organizations, and smart cities are now complete, decentralized government services, and  transactions among things are now posible in such a faster and easy way that is hard to believe. The #Internet of Things needs a Ledger of  Everything: the blockchain is a truly open, distributed, global platform  that fundamentally changes what we can do online, how we do it, and who  can participate.

But there are many difficulties the #blockchain need to overcome, for example to being widely adopted. But if the idea could be fitted on mass media like #steemit or #facebook it could lead us to a complete revolution in how we do everything.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 67200.37
ETH 3331.98
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.77