EON - the first platform for decentralized computer games

in #blockchain6 years ago

 Satoshi Nakamoto embodied the dream of coders of the late 80s of the 20th century, giving the world "virtual money”. To solve the problem of mutual trust between unfamiliar users — it implemented blockchain technology, which went beyond the narrow specialization of transactions, with the advent of the Ethereum network.

The Creator of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, has opened access to decentralized technologies for everyone, by using smart contracts, which are in demand in many areas, in addition to financial. Today, the Ethereum blockchain is widely by:

  • Startups - for releasing tokens at ICO for fundraising projects
  • Government - for verification, storage of archives, transfer of especially important messages, keeping registers, holding elections, charity, etc.
  • Investment funds and business - for creating relationships between partners through electronic jurisdiction, or digital democracy, co-financing, logistics, accounting, etc.
  • Coders who create unique applications, such as decentralized virtual machines, distributed data warehouses, analytical forecast networks, and so on.

Due to open code and guarantee of non-interference - use of blockchain is limited only by imagination of programmers and capabilities of computer languages that describe and regulate the work of contracts.

Most popular applications on the Ethereum blockchain are computer games, and whole world learned about it after CryptoKittes game led to a high load on network and a multiple increase in the cost of Commission for transfer of ETH. Miners had to increase size of blocks, and developers - to accelerate search for solutions to problems of scaling.

Team of game-creators on EON blockchain, widely known for its product “Crypto Alpaca”, offers crypto community to transfer decentralized applications for entertainment and leisure to a separate network. 


EON вecentralized gaming platform opens the following opportunities:

-For developers:

  • Running products with no scalability problems, on your own sidechain of a general blockchain
  • Smart contracts for issuing your own currency, wallets, creating internal gaming marketplaces
  • A large selection of programming languages, ready-made set of templates

-For gamers:

  • Constantly updated, wide range of decentralized games
  • Opportunity to make money by creating and selling unique types of characters
  • Single auction for the sale and exchange of things, points or bonuses, as well as a personal gamer's office for storing "trophies" from different games in one place
  • Common digital currency for all products and settlements - EONToken

EON Token is the internal currency of the EON network, through which the startup will raise funds for the further development of new games and platform improvements at the upcoming ICO. 


Investment attractiveness of the EONToken token

ION network is a joint product of the startup and Facebook partners in Zynga, Facebook and Usc GamePipe laboratory. Participation in the Mark Zuckerberg's project of social network in itself will provide ISO EN with high fees and will attract even those buyers who are far from crypto-games to EONToken. Other positive factors for investors:

EON platform is partially financed ($5 million) by venture capitalists Cherubic Ventures, Feng Li and Wei Guo
The presence of 200 thousand active subscribers in the game Crypto Alpaka - potential network users.
Arrangements with partners to transfer their products to EON network after launching

In order not to miss the opportunity to invest in the first platform for decentralized computer games, go to WEBSITE and participate in EON ICO! 



  EON is a tasty morsel for ambitious game developers who are not yet entrenched in the "market" and do not have huge popularity. If a person has an idea that he wants to realize, then the EON project will go to him for a meeting and will make it quicker and cheaper. EON has a good idea and I think that it will be popular among young creators.  

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