NOIZ – Ad Exchange Platform with AI and Blockchain Technology to Fight Ad Fraud and Reward Participant

in #blockchain6 years ago

NOIZ_Whitepaper_20180706_v1.0.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2018-07-14 17.09.34.png

NOIZ – Ad Exchange Platform with AI and Blockchain Technology to Fight Ad Fraud and Reward Participant


Online advert market is developing quickly, with incomes figure to hit $98 billion at the end of 2018 against $68 billion out of 2015, as per Statista. Cash is moving through the business directly into the pockets of media monsters that assume the part of mediators and have little enthusiasm for making things more proficient for all the stakeholder.

Publicists have little trust in advertisement purchases as they can't ascertain genuine clients clicking their promotions rather than bots, which are broadly used to falsely swell promotion measurements.

Mostly publishers are irritated with flag advertisements that ruin site appearance, while bothered guests progressively utilize promotion blocking applications to dispose of glimmering standards.

Generally speaking, clients are shelled with nosy, superfluous promotions that contrarily affect their perusing knowledge.


NOIZ offers a decentralized solution to solve all identify challenges in the industry

NOIZ trusts in decentralized advert servers that enable stakeholder in the ecosystem are the main impetuses of the online advert will be the best way to make a dependable promoting model for continuous investment today.

NOIZ is a blockchain-based ad platform that may revolutionize the entire business by removing the third in the ecosystem and prevent ad fraud by making the Internet a more wonderful and user friendly.

NOIZ Ad developed a connecting link between publisher, advertisers, and users by launching advert on decentralized ecosystem with enhanced transparency for publicists, higher benefit for publishers, and a smoother web surfing experience for users.

NOIZ is developed an ad ecosystem on decentralized blockchain-based ad world utilizing AI, uniting ad sponsors, publishers, and users. The team behind NOIZ project are well known in the industry with years of experiences in tackle this issue of ad fraud with advanced digital advert promotion of content through the experienced experts from the world's leading advertising firms Dents and Ogilvy.

NOIZ will takes care of this issue by leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) with blockchain innovation to build the Proof of Engagement solve advert misrepresentation.
The implementation of AI and Blockchain will form a consensus based on ecosystem while the advertisers and publisher will be responsible for their activities and business operation.
The outcome of the technology will bring advanced ad exchange platform promotion that will revolutionize the whole advertising industry. The NOIZ platform will only utilize NOIZ Token which will help in implementing all advert promotion and smart contracts .The NOIZ token will also serves as coupons that will be used by advertisers, publisher and customers.


This is a digital advertising exchange – It is a designed to serve as the meeting point for advertiser and publishers. The token is used as an incentive for users on the ecosystem for taken part in the ad content and dispersed among promoters, publishers, and non-clients.


Nikola is a user-friendly AI bot behind cognitive advertisements, gathering, verifying, and sorting consumer data. It utilizes AI hybrid framework; one of it will greatly serve as a filter for spam-bots and other client activities to coordinate with NLP to enhance cognitive and conversational.

The Charity Foundation

All the stakeholders on the NOIZ platform such as advertisers, publishers, and users are implore to support charities foundations they pick. At the point when a client reclaims a coupon, their tokens will be issued to the charity foundation, not back to the advert sponsor or publisher.


To utilize NOIZ AD PLATFORM, advertisers will need to pay publicizing cost to get NOIZ tokens, which are then used to pay for promotion creation, advertisement space, and user engagement. To build users on the platform for engagement purpose, they need to provide a coupons. At the point when a client reclaims a coupon, the client's tokens will enter the charity.


This is an online media content publisher that have huge traffic of users and followers. They acknowledge NOIZ tokens in return for their publicizing space. Online content publisher can trade, keep, give, or utilize their token. On account of its utilization, the ad distributor pays the token to the users as an incentive for providing private data as a result of interacting with the ad content.Likewise,publisher can also get tokens from their subscribers in exchange for coupons on service they offers, for example, monthly ,quarterly or yearly subscription plan.

Client Users

This is the person that is offer the cognitive ad content as a result of interaction with advert on the publisher site. The users will be rewarded with NOIZ tokens by interacting with cognitive advert online. Any bit of the information, or expectation, gave by the client is sent to the advert sponsor. Ad users can indicate what private data – age, sex, and location – sent to promoters and publishers. Clients can trade, store, give, or redeem their tokens.

Token NOIZ
NOIZ_Whitepaper_20180706_v1.0.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2018-07-14 16.27.37.png
NOIZ_Whitepaper_20180706_v1.0.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2018-07-14 16.30.07.png
Pre ICO value 1 NOIZ = 0.1875 USD
Price of 1 NOIZ = 0.25 USD
Platform Ethereum
Accepting ETH
Minimum investment 100 USD
Soft cap 14,000 ETH
Hard cap 60,000 ETH

Token Sale Start and End Dates: 15 Jul 2018 - 15 Aug 2018

Get more detail about the NOIZ via the link below:


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