The Digital Land - project Arcona - AR Ecosystem

in #blockchain6 years ago

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Good day, my crypto friends. Today is a very important day for me and my plans for the future. I planned a little business idea, a Park with entertainment content until all is in the head, but I can not share the idea with you. Since my future business idea is completely connected with a cool project in the sphere of augmented reality Arcona, I think it is right to clarify and reveal all the secrets To you, perhaps your desires will coincide with mine.

We live in a world of technology and innovation, and now it's hard to surprise us, but I was seriously impressed by the project that struck me. To make it clear what technology I'm talking about, let's remember the very first example that will be familiar to everyone.

fast forward to 1m07sec

Augmented reality technology, with elements of computer graphics through AR VR.

The first examples of such technologies are familiar to us from books, movies, fiction stories, but today it is our reality. You probably remember the movie “Back to the future” — the second part, where at the beginning of Marty McFly moves into the future, and when he was visiting where he was frightened by a large holographic shark that arose from the facade of the cinema. That's exactly what I'm talking about the perception of yesterday's future by today's consciousness. My ideas and my fantasies are so great and boundless that I have a feeling that I'm starting to choke on them, but the most important thing for me is to record everything in time.


From the history of what you can remember when augmented reality received almost mass hysteria — a game Pokemon GO — where players hunted pokemon using their smartphones, looking for pokemon locations using the camera and finding them they were combined with the outside world which is played on the screen of the smartphone with the camera. — I agree that this is not such an example that will open you all my emotions, but for what was in history is simply necessary.

Now let's see what the augmented reality technology is — the result of the introduction into the field of perception of any sensory data in order to complement the information about the environment and improve the perception of information (WiKi). In other words, what we see and feel, hear and touch — but with the additions of digital content.

Here is An example from the network, one company INDE which is engaged in the development of content for augmented reality makes installations in different cities:

I think you have someone for the first time I saw this, you had questions, how it all interacts. Well, everything is simple, to create 3D objects which in turn are tied to location and overlays the location. Objects can have both a simple scenario and a complex scenario with variants of interaction with the outside world, i.e. in our case with the location. I think I have explained enough for the first acquaintance with the technology and its capabilities, now let's move on to the most important, to the review of the company and my impressions.

Such content can be seen with the help of special glasses or a simple smartphone or other gadget compatible with the technology.

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And so friends, I present to you, Arcona, is the incredible scale of the project, why it is so, but just the company is going to digitize all of the available land on the planet, giving the opportunity to own and operate for any purpose of this Digital real Estate. The project itself Arcona and his team have enough calories about their history. The project exists not for the first year, to be more precise 4 years, and has already received a grant for the development of its idea from Microsoft in the amount of 30 000$ and 170 000$ from the pre-Investment Fund of St. Petersburg, for all this time the company has developed in the field of augmented reality, passed acceleration programs Intel, Google, Faber Novel, built its facilities and acquired its own technology of computer vision, the company is also a resident of Skolkovo.

ARCONA WP RU 26.12.18.pages   ARCONA WP2912ru.pdf.png

At present, there are already launched augmented reality parks in Europe:
*Launched AR Park "the Estate Altun" (Pskov, Russia) – 1000 ar.
*Launched AR Park "the Fortress of the Bastille" (Paris, France) – 100 ar.
*Launched AR Park "Forum of Pompeii" (Pompeii, Italy) – 400 ar.
*Road of life " Park launched by AR (Saint Petersburg, Russia) - 500 ar
*Launched AR Park "Old Nessebar" (Nessebar, Bulgaria) – 2500 ar.
*Launched AR Park "Battle of Narva (Narva, Estonia; 100,000 m2).

Here you can see that the staff knows their stuff and is moving confidently towards the goal. Technology is working and is already bearing fruit to society and its creators.

Now we will deal more specifically with the project and how it works.

What is an Arcona project?

Arcona is a project founded by Piligrim XXI, which is the first of its kind to call itself an international company in the field of augmented reality. On account of Piligrim XXI has successfully completed projects in this area.

Arcona project - a network of virtual and augmented reality will be connected with the real world, forming a single ecosystem based on blockchain. The relationship between the real and the virtual world will be achieved through geospatial data and high-resolution satellite imagery (GIS, GPS, GLONASS). Precise data and real-world object pairing will be achieved by using markup triggers to ensure that Arcona augmented reality objects are accurately positioned in the real world.


Created ecosystem opens countless possibilities as owners of digital assets, consumers and users of this system, the embedded marketplace will provide demand and supply new workers with specialties in work with content and its placement. It is possible to rent, sell, buy digital land, model and sell entire installations and performances to the public, and this is only what comes to mind now. The possibilities are limited only by your and my imagination, in one word the story that still need to create. In the process of growth of the network opportunities will be much more.

The fact of the possession of those or other digital asset will be assigned to the owner in the registry of possession of Digital land and / or assets created by the marketplace will allow you to communicate to owners, developers, and users in one economic area with the application of internal cryptocurrency tokens Arcona.

Read more about a digital earth.

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Digital earth is the main service of the arcona-a layer of augmented reality logically connected with the surface of the planet, everything revolves around it that is and will be involved in the ecosystem. The territory of the digital earth has a limit within the natural limits of the planet's land, which is 12% of the total area of the globe or 18 000 000 000 m2. For a more convenient understanding and development of territories calculations will be carried out in hundreds or ar, which is equal to 100 m2. Similar plots can be purchased using arcona tokens at auction within the system.

Learn more about Arcona tokens.

Arcona tokens are the universal equivalent of the value of digital assets and the internal currency of the ecosystem, which will be used in all transactions.

Arcona Tokens.png

With the help of blockchain technology and smart contract of ERC20 standard, all rights and obligations of the transaction participants will be preserved, whether they are intellectual property or digital asset lease contracts. The smart contract itself will contain all the necessary information, which in turn will be taken into account by the system when making all transactions.

The contents of a smart contract:

  • GEODATA and register number of digital land plots

  • ID of the owner of the site

  • Register number of a digital asset

  • ID of the author of the work (installation)

  • ID of the owner of a digital asset

  • Terms and costs of use of a digital asset

Through the use of blockchain technology, the legal part of the legality and fairness of transactions within the ecosystem will be observed, which will create equal conditions and guarantees of the intellectual or physical property rights of a digital asset.

The total amount of tokens is equal to 135 000 000, for circulation within their ecosystem Arcona. The project will create all the necessary infrastructure to support and develop the augmented reality layer in the real world, which will undoubtedly cause interest of the platform participants and consumers.

Development potential and prospects of the Arcona project.

As we can understand from the above, the potential has a global scale, the project has no restrictions that burdened it with place, time or action. Absolutely anyone can become a resident of the project, take part in the creation and promotion of augmented reality in the real world earning on it. Due to the development of augmented reality today, it is worth noting that there is no such sphere of activity where it could not be applied.

Example of use of the platform it's safe to celebrate today following the market direction:

*Advertising market
*Tourist market
*Construction market
*The development of AR and VR
*Gaming and Entertainment market

Augmented reality technology attracts attention and opens new horizons in the perception of content.

Now the Arcona project has come to crowdfunding through ICO and the release of its own tokens, their sale is already underway to raise funds for the implementation of all planned. I am going to participate in this ICO and buy tokens for the realization of my amusement Park in my hometown. About the Park and how I see it, I will write a separate article where I will try to structure my thoughts and desires in relation to my business ideas.

Note the most interesting, all ICO participants will receive a unique drawing of gifts-a Digital land plot in the largest megacities of the world, of those that will be digitized and available for the placement of augmented reality content.

For a more detailed acquaintance leave here links to the project and the names of applications, so you can get acquainted with the technology of augmented reality at home.

Links to the project: - official website. white paper of the project, detailed description.

Official social media:



Telegram: https://https//



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