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RE: (IJCH) Identifying why the Iagon Project is an ideal Unicorn Investment (or Explaining its importance in plain language!)

in #blockchain6 years ago

Good morning @jaichai

I love reading about AI and I've been researching about any related topics for quite sometime already.
I've found your post both fascinating and very informative.

Great piece of work.

Just one question: should I consider IAGON mostly as a project which amin to provide cloud storage and processing power? To reduce operating costs of running any AI?

Or do they also want to create marketplace for AI businesses?



Iagon is like the present day cloud storage and shared computing space, BUT decentralized and run by their self-learning AI called "Alexandria".

In other words, it aims at becoming A GLOBAL SUPERCOMPUTER that offers cloud storage and shared computing at 80% less cost than current prices for such services.

Thank you for visiting, my friend.

Namaste, Jaichai


I replied to your email.

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