THE HAI PROJECT — Hybrid Artificial Intelligence

in #blockchain6 years ago

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HAI Project is the first Hybrid Artificial Intelligence to combine 3 critical sectors that rule the economy of our environment even though we can’t see it so clearly.

The main purpose of HAI is to provide the chance to small business owners to compete against big companies with millions of dollars destined to market research and marketing, have the chance to do profitable trading and finally to protect themselves and their business from criminals of all over the world.

Creating a powerful Hybrid-AI combined with an ecofriendly infrastructure there are no boundaries, providing the opportunity to operate this HAI system through the use of the block chain technology (ERC20 tokens & Smart Contracts) all users with HAI tokens will be able to benefit from the project.


A traditional AI system is very expensive and not available for normal users, with HAI the game changes, providing a cheap and powerful AI capable of:

  • Market Prediction
    In order to have a successful trading experience, many hours or even days of research are needed to decide when to make a trade, normal people don’t have that time, you don’t have that time.
    HAI does the heavy lifting so you can spend time doing what you really love, but if you are deep into market research HAI can help you to take better decisions, 1 HAI and 1 brain are better than just a brain.

  • Threat Hunting
    Attackers are becoming smarter and enhancing the complexity of their tools, it will be HAI the one who is going to protect you and even your business from these criminals, using threat hunting, malware analysis and behavioral analysis techniques.

  • Decision Making
    Business Intelligence can help small business to increase their sales providing a strong analysis of possible scenarios, market research and product development.
    Just because we don’t start with tons of resources it doesn’t mean we are unable to compete against bigger competitors, HAI provides a cheap research and decision making helper platform for you and your ideas.

Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem

Artificial Intelligence is knocking the door in almost every area of knowledge where humans analyze information and try to solve macro-problems.
The main goal of Artificial Intelligence is to take advantage of the current processing capabilities of a computer and make it think like a human with capabilities beyond our understanding.
There are many forecasts for the benefits of artificial intelligence among these we are confident to contribute in:

Human Hours Saving & Assets Management

The human work needed for decision making, for example a business strategy is massive; let’s talk about worked hours per week.
In average at least the 20% of the Korean workers spend more than 50 hours per week working, in other countries like Mexico, the average number of hours worked each week is 48 hours and moving on to India the average is 52 hours worked per week.

HAI Project’s Purpose & Application

HAI is the first project to bring hope for the average person, capable of doing the little things needed to make everyone’s life easier.

Changing your life starts by solving your problems, we know HAI is not the ultimate solution but it is a start, it will start with finances, cyber security and business intelligence but it doesn’t stop there,

The HAI Project aims to cover the 3 main sectors described above using the short learning curve of an intelligent system, using the main concepts which are critical for the successful implementation of our AI.

Basic AI Functionalities to be implemented

It is the basic feature of letting the AI system to find knowledge by itself using multiple internet sources previously whitelisted in order to ensure the credibility of the information digested by the system, allowing it to expand capabilities without stopping.

At the early stages of development these are needed in order to serve has a baseline (main purpose) for the AI so it can start learning about topics needed to fulfill the needs of the initial algorithms.

Neural Network:
This network is designed to be similar to the human nervous system (the communication of neurons through links in the brain) allowing the use of learning stages in which the AI learns how to solve complex problems by breaking them.
The full process consists of segmenting problems by difficulty and applying solutions increasing analytical thinking of the AI system.

Human Language Processing:
Language processing allows the HAI system to interpret the human’s communications in order to determine common slangs used in the Cyber Security, Financial and Big Data industries.

Deep Learning:
It is a feature of an AI system as it is the basic principle for acquisition of knowledge by a system, parsing information giving a context to it and making basic relationships.

Supervised Learning:
As critical tasks the AI system will be performing it is an obligation for the HAI Project’s team to supervise the acquired knowledge by the HAI AI’s therefore confirm its validity, this is a critical task as the learning process won’t be visible for the team.

Reinforcement Learning:
The basic explanation for this concept is, experts in the 3 industries we choose to help, will teach our AI system concepts about each industry in order to improve the learning efficiency (making the learning curve shorter).

Transfer Learning:
This gives the ability to the HAI system to search by its own without any instruction given, improving the accuracy in the produced predictions.



The 3 sectors chosen to be the first HAI cores have been growing so fast in the last decade because of the globalization and technology which are very helpful providing more data and analysis tools also we are in the era of specialization in which we have more workers prepared for complex tasks but, with an insane growing rate the chances for something bad happening increase.








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Author: Crator Touch

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