Blockchain Technology Leading the Video Streaming Revolution

in #blockchain7 years ago

The internet has long been an area where new technology conquers the old. Old modems of 300 baud have been supplanted by ones that offer downloads of up to over 1 gig per second. Such innovations have led to text and still images once being the primary source of internet content being replaced by video streaming services like Netflix and YouTube.

People have become accustomed to being able to stream movies, sports, TV shows, and even funny dog videos onto their smartphones, tablets, and computers with just the click of the mouse or a touch. Yet a change is coming in online video distribution and consumption as the current juggernauts of online video content are stuck in the past with old models of operation. A number of new platforms based upon blockchain technology are leading the charge in revolutionizing video streaming.

Rising Upstarts are Pushing Video Streaming to the Next Level

The online video streaming marketplace will soon be disrupted and altered by new applications that are creating decentralized hubs by the power and flexibility of blockchain technology. Platforms like, Flixxo, and VirtuTV are seeking to overthrow the old king, YouTube, and transform social video hubs into social economies where everybody wins. Each of these applications takes a different approach to achieve these goals.


Yeah, I like the state of the internet. I first stated playing with computers and I DID use a dial up service with a 300 baud modem. Back then I thought how great it was. Little did I know. Thanks for post.

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