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RE: The people's AI on a blockchain consensus?

in #blockchain7 years ago

It is refreshing @lishu to find a perspective like yours and a worthy presentation that up-voting deserves!

In my view nature beat us in that AI already exists, in the form of your minds and mine; that the internet serves as a neural system of sorts, giving us simultaneous access to a platform like this as a communal blackboard on which to share the products of our abilities at large.

Complete emancipation of tech based AI to me is a nightmarish thought. Where for us fulfillment might have the form of lasting happiness derived from perfecting a secure niche within which we can productively thrive in peace for as long as we can imagine, what would it be from 'their' point of view? What would the motive for continued existence for such a being be? Will it possess empathy for any creatures other than itself? Or will we have created the perfect psychopath?

Should we succeed, as I think you imply, in building in prohibitive mechanisms against bad behavior toward us, will it prevent 'them' from removing those somehow in the end?


Sorry, that it took so much time for a reply. I left steemit alone for a while.

I see human level AI happen, but I have my doubts regarding an emerging consciousness. What I believe is more possible, is that the AI will work as an additional layer of processing for individual human brains. So if bad thing come, they come from people's intentions, rather than from an independently acting AI.

But, this is still not a good scenario, because we still need to limit the damage done by bad actors. Hopefully we find a way.

Carrying a DEMP blaster in your belt might not be a bad idea though. Criminals will have them - Directional ElectroMagnetic Pulse pumps that can sense the operating frequency of malignant AI and zap it's circuits with a resonant pulse!!

But coming back to your post - maybe benevolently designed vigilante AI constantly scanning for bad or suspicious behavior of AI setups and their potential creators all over could be a good starter for keeping the playing field clean.

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