European Crypto Bank - Build the Cryptobank of the Future

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)


Cryptocurrency has huge attention these days. Major problem crypto investors having is how to convert their investments into assets.  In this case traditional banking act unfriendly and unsupportive. 

European Crypto Banks (ECB) aim is to be a solution for this problem. ECB willing act as a traditional bank with all is offering but only for crypto exchanges. ECB is incorporated in London and it registered in 2014. ECB has a partnership with Forgues Gestion SAS in Paris and Woospeak Italia in Milan. After project started all three organizations will merge into one company and their research laboratory will be in Paris, trading platform and main operating center will be located in Landon.

The problem

Although there is now growing interest in the crypto world is still not famous among most people. Only certain group of people are interested and understand and crypto world. There is a constant evolution in the crypto base market.  For a beginner, this ecosystem can be quite complicated for example

• Differentiate high and low-quality services

• Understand their mechanism

• Pros and cons of the products etc

Even though people wanted to enter the crypto market there is a lack of guidance toward that.


ECBs intention is to bring cryptocurrency and blockchain together. They will provide beginner friendly one-stop solutions for individual and organizations. They will also act under countries low and will restrict all kind of money laundering. Also, they will provide A-Z guide in for beginners in their native language. 


Fig: How it works

The major objective is ECB to open crypto world to the nontechnical customers and make a change in the market. They also are willing to supply financial as well as crypto currency analysis. There will be high-quality reliable tax reporting documents on crypto trade especially for European (UK, French, Italian) investors. 

The pathway of ECB can summarize as this

• 2017 September star of the ECB project

• 2018 June platform officially launched in beta version

• 2019 there will be robotic advisor service

ECB services

There are 3 major ECB services

1. Financial advise and services

2. Tax advisory

3. Robotic advisory


Fig: Services they provide

In robotic services ECB intended to use feeling recognition artificial intelligence which developed by LIMSI laboratory. They can collect emotional state of the customers using their call. This will increases customer service quality and costumes can get easy assistance via this robotic assistance. 

Risk factors

When working with money there is always a risk factor. These are some of the risk factors for ECB

1. May not reach the target token sale

2. Market trends can be a change

3. Regulatory issues can happen

4. Changes in AI technology or completion of the robotic advisory system

5. Competitors can emerge 

6. There will be new tax laws

7. Thefts and hacking into the system

8. Value changes can happen

9. There will be lack of interest than expected

10. Insurance issues

11. The malfunction can happen with AI technology


• Token deal volume: 5,000,000 to 200 000 Euros

• Token Sales Volume amid ICO: 7 936 507 to 345 414 463

• Total discharge Volume: 15 873 014 to 677 283 261

• Sale Geography: a Whole word with the exception of USA

• Price of the token upon deal: EUR 0,63

Appropriation of tokens: Crowndsale individuals 51%

• The organization 24%

• The Team 23%

• Bounty Program 2%

iCO Website:

Web Wallet for purchasing tokens: ico

Brilliant Contract: The address of the shrewd contract ETH 20 will be accessible before the start of

the crowdsale on the venture site

Installment Methods: BTC, ETH, ETC, LTC, XRP,

■ Date of Pre-ICO: February first, 2018 – February 15, 2018

For intrigued people, interest in the abundance program is conceivable before the start of the ICO.

■ ICO begins: February 16, 2018, members will get rebates:

• The primary time frame (February 16 to March 9, 2018) 15% markdown, so 37 348 273 tokens at 0.5355 euro the unit.

• The second time frame (March 10 to March 31, 2018) 10% markdown, so 35 273 369 tokens at 0.567 euro the unit.

• The third time frame (April first to April 22, 2018) 5% markdown, so 33 416 876 tokens at 0.5985 euro the unit.

• The fourth time frame (April 23 to May first), no markdown, so 190 476 190 tokens at 0.63 euro the unit.


Confinements on the measure of procurement amid the ICO:

• The base volume buy is 20 tokens. The is no most extreme sum.

Date of arrival of the tokens May 4, 2018

Token dispersion;

Token volume assigned to the Company, its individuals and consultants, and Bounty program: 49% will be appropriated as takes after:

• 2% of abundance program members (will be accessible after the finish of the ICO) (311 239 to 13 545 665 tokens)

• 23% of group

• 24% for the organization (tokens will be utilized for the examination and the improvement (3 734 864 to 162 547 983 tokens)



Cryptocurrencies and blockchains are undoubtedly going to be a part of our financial future. My main concern is seeing these controlled by the archaic State Governments rather than through decentralization and transparency. The ECB as a politicized reaction to the Panama Papers, trying to frame this now public information of Tax Evasion and Money Laundering to solely be the fault of cryptocurrencies. Both of these issues existed well before even Bitcoin was created, yet magically it's now an issue. The desire to require cryptocurrency exchanges and wallet providers to fall in line by applying. 

If you are participating in purchasing Token please visit LINK and follow the fill FORM registration correctly.

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 Prepared by:
Bitcointalk Username: chamika888

Profile Link:;u=1261329 


For future viewers: price of bitcoin at the moment of posting is 7730.00USD

bountyhive name - chamika

Hope it will be succesfull

Интересный проект, отличная статья!

wow one of the best bounty.. thanks you for this info

so good) ECB top project

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