MediBloc || Medical Data decentralized!

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


The importance of data cannot be overemphasized in making decisions because as Albert Einstein said, "Not everything that can be counted counts...". The right data paints out the true picture of a challenge, preventing us from guessing and conceptualizing insensible theories especially when it comes to sustaining a human life.

Statistics have shown that best decisions are made not on judgement or intuition but on a large volume of concrete data. However, A vast portion of medical data gathered over the years since medical services became scientific and systemized has been for so long fragmented and shut behind closed doors of medical institutions where it was generated. Sadly, patients who generated this data also do not have full control over this medical data because of the medical institution centered system of data storage and the regulations built around this system of data holding such as Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) which heavily limits data exchange.

This leaves healthcare service providers in other medical institutions without the generated data, going through the strenous patient checkup cycle again and data reconcilation, all of which costs time and money. At worst, these medical service providers to avoid the costs, result to twisting information from data available to meet current demands, since if you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything.😏 Undoubtedly, this will lower the quality of healthcare services and may even do more harm than good to the patient's health.

This centralized, rigid and fragmented system of medical data holding centered on medical institutions not only reduces healthcare service quality, it also makes these mustered data susceptible to hacks, internal doctoring e.t.c.
This has been the major reason why digitization of these data has been difficult because it's not reliable and transparent, in addition to the lack of standardisation.

Giving individuals the autonomous control over their generated data can increase their healthcare experience. Have you ever seen how a dying man carefully follows his prescriptions and swallow pills when he should? It's dutifully noble!
Without doubt, I can say that this dying man would want to keep his data carefully and prevent it's damage. However, he needs a system that would enable him keep this data secured, standardised and interoperable as he/she moves from one hospital to another whilst having the ability to help the world with some valuable health data or a platform to help him monetize it.

MediBloc makes this possible by redistributing value of healthcare data. It lifts the crown of power from the medical institutions and places it on patients, giving them full control over their generated data.

MediBloc- Healthcare Data Blockchain.


MediBloc is a blockchain solution that aims to accelerate the world's shift to private information decentralization. MediBloc is a secured and transparent healthcare data system which allows users to gather, own and store their own health data. MediBloc aims to be a rendezvous point for healthcare professionals and stakeholders to exchange information while incentivizing participants that supports and builds the platform with the MEDI token (MED).

The current healthcare data system makes its accessibility difficult and even when it is accessed, it's quality is questionable. Technologies like the Artificial Intelligence (AI) do not just need data to function efficiently but requires big real-life quality data not some doctored one.

To pull down this barrier, MediBloc lifts and shifts the data system from an Institution centered one to a patient centered one using the blockchain technology. MediBloc creates a data system closest to an ideal healthcare information system by ensuring that this platform yields transparent and reliable datasets for Medical services. It creates a healthcare data economy based on the MEDI token (MED) which creates the possibility of a variety of health services. MediBloc opens her doors to developers to further improve the functionalities and services of the platform by providing an open-sourced API and SDK.

MediBloc Platform Structure


The MediBloc Platform comprises of three layers namely; MediBloc Core, MediBloc Service and MediBloc Application.
The MediBloc Core is a distributed healthcare data network which provides a back up and recovery system for data which is stored on a separate storage. This layer is accessed through the service layer. The service layer serves as the gateway for data input and output into the core layer and it consists of two parts; the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and smart contracts.
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While the EVM runs the operations, the smart contracts holds the MED balances and medical information. In the application layer, applications ranging from web to mobile can utilize the information available. This is also accessible through the service layer and will be subjected to further development and integrationa through the SDK. However, this is not the only means through which it can be developed by developers. MediBloc provides other options as long as communication protocols are not breached.


MediBloc Components

Being an EVM dapp, the MediBloc aims to reduces the operational costs and time while optimizing versatility and reliability. The plaform is also kept flexible as it also compatible with Ethereum, Qtum and EOS.

The MediBloc allows for three Entry points; As a General User, a Healthcare Provider and a Data Researcher. The MediBloc platform ensures trustworthy entries of Healthcare providers and data researchers through credential system where the applicant must provide a proof of certifications while depositing some Medi Points. Dubious applications will be rejected and penalized.

General Users have full control over their accounts with no accessibility granted to any other general user. However, the platform allows for other general user accessibility based on family relationship grounds and in cases where the patient is unconscious, MediBloc provides some of a patient's important healthcare data such as his/her blood type.
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There can be only two request access type to a general user which are; a healthcare provider requesting access for the purpose of medical examination and a data researcher requesting access to information in order for development of healthcare services. The user may allow access freely or monetize this data.

Finding a book in a library can be a difficult task if it is not properly indexed and a search system created for it. The MediBloc team realises this and that's why a search system is attached to the properly indexed information on the MediBloc platform. Any of the participants can search for information required. The MediBloc platform also gives users the ability to control their search visibility in order to keep their privacy in tact.

MediBloc Key Characteristics

An Ideal healthcare information system requires security, reliability and transparency. MediBloc ensures this in her platform making it an almost Ideal healthcare information system. MediBloc increases the security of the healthcare data system by shifting the data system to patient centered one with the help of the blockchain technology. This eliminates cases of data leaks and data breaches which has been previously experienced.

The reliability of the MediBloc platform can be banked on as it utilizes a decentralized storage system and which backed up, verified and stored each time there is an alteration. The platform also disincentivize users from completely deleting their medical data. Also the trustworthiness of the healthcare providers and data researchers are ensured through the credential system.

The transparency of the platform comes from the insight MediBloc gives to the users about how the information collected has been used, in addition to the full authority and management the platform gives to the users.

MediBloc also enables interoperability. There will be no need for patients to go through painful and tiring check-up cycles again in different medical institutions as the information stored up in MediBloc will be standardized. To further improve the flexibility of the platform, MediBloc aims to support more than one standardisation format and allows room for more development through providing an open-sourced API and SDK for easy integration.

Final Thoughts about MediBloc.

MediBloc ushers the world into a new era of data holding. As written it in her whitepaper, she is accelerating the world's shift to private information decentralization. Giving users the full control over their own data and full accessibility anytime and anywhere whilst making it valuable through the internet will generally increase the data consciousness and data handling. MediBloc gives users the ability to put to an end the silent exploitation of medical Institutions who has for so long derived value from patient's data without their consent and without rolling down any form of value to them.

MediBloc also increases the reliability of medical data and the usability of it. AI trained for early detection of diseases has been limited because of limited data and the doctoring of healthcare data to suit demands. MediBloc removes the power from healthcare providers and allow users to dilligently keep their information. Researchers can now eliminate the doubts of medical data being the cause of failure of a medical service development through MediBloc.

MediBloc Team.

The team comprises of experts from Engineering and Medical fields collaborating together to shift the world from its present medical data hinges with the MediBloc Platform. They have succeeded in making important partnerships which will boost the adoption of the platform.
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Visit website here to get more information about project, Tokenomics, partnerships and other information channels.

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