Kind Ads || The New Era of Marketing.

in #blockchain6 years ago


The internet has indeed made the world a global village. The above statement primarily had a single meaning, in that the internet made the world seem smaller as a result of the ease of communication and resources control.
One could see the second meaning of the above statement, when we consider the protocols and policies governing activities and the activities themselves on this internet.

Let's consider the activity of marketing on the internet.

Since the design of the internet by Robert E. Khan and Vint Cerf in the 1970's, so many applications has been built on it to help improve humans' standard of living. As a result of this, more and more persons started spending more time online, for valuable information and for entertainment, with the users' attention captured by contents created by the publishers who usually own like an apartment or space on the internet called domain where they can drop these contents.

The goal of marketing which is usually defined as creating and maintaining profitable customer relationships is to exchange value, or simply put, make sales. Savvy marketers realised quickly the potential of the internet as a tool to do this. To create demand for the already available products and then meet this demand by sales, marketers used the internet as a platform to bring these products before end-consumers through Online Advertisement.

Since inception, Online Advertisement has been embraced by a whole lot of advertisers since it evidently aids boosting sales up. However the way it's carried out has been for so long crude and inefficient, hence the second meaning to the "global village" description of the internet - the uncivilization of the internet.

The Uncivilization of the Internet as regards Online Advertisement.

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A typical user screen barraged with Pop-ups and Banner Ads

First and foremost, the internet as a platform does not create any channel for seamless interactions between publishers and advertisers without involving a third party. This results to more cost on the side of the advertiser and less rewards for the publisher caused by the intermediary charges. According the whitepaper, it also leads to the classic economic problem of adverse selection, which results to declining lead quality and sales based on lowest prices and not lead quality.

Secondly, the monopolization of the ads industry by big corporations in this industry results to dictatorship. Dictatorship of fees and services provided by them. This is usually an entry barrier for small advertisers who do not have enough funds to meet with the demands of these giants. In cases of undesirable results, big and small advertisers are left with no alternatives to advertising their products online.

In addition, the ads format used is so inefficient in getting impressions, responses or conversions that it can be described as improbable as shooting for black birds in a dark room😏. Statistics show that only one in a thousand display/banner ads campaign is clicked and these type of ads are the major form of display advertisement. It goes to show that publishers are not effectively harvesting the income potentials of their subscriber base and that advertisers are not getting a clear aim at the intended target markets and hence a poor Return On Investment(ROI) although ads are being rained on users.

These problems of friction between components of online advertisement, centre points of failure and inaccurate aim of ads strongly suggests that although the internet has been really helpful, in some niches, it has remained in the same state as it was since inception, crude and inefficient especially in the niche of marketing.

The Internet Refinement and her Applications.

The blockchain has been said to transform the internet from being the internet of things to being the internet of value. The blockchain is a decentralized or distributed time-stamped connected records (referred to as blocks) of transactions of value. It's key features include it's unhackability and transparency. Applications built on this Next-Gen technology has helped the internet break free from the chains of limitation as regards scalability, security and value transactions and recordings. Now the Leadchain foundation applies this technology to online advertisement in order to obliterate the inconsistencies and inefficiencies associated with it. This application is called KIND ADS.

KIND ADS and the Coordination it brings to Online Marketing.


Kind Ads is one of the applications on the blockchain and it is focused on alleviating the problems associated with Online Marketing. It is a decentralized Ads platform built on the ethereum blockchain and governed by the Kind Ads protocol which improves how the components of online advertisement engage and interact. These components include primarily;
Publishers : These are the content creators which own a space or destination on the internet.
Advertisers : Individuals or Companies who exchange funds for audience for her products.
Users/Leads : These are the persons amongst the audience who are usually the end consumers of the products advertised.
Ads Network : These are companies whose main services are displaying Ads on a publisher's website for advertisers.

A breach in communication between the publishers, advertisers and users results to lack of trust and hence uncertainty of the results of the rolled out Ads campaign. This affects the company's capital budgeting, as they could set aside less or more than required funds for the Ads campaign. Kind Ads provides a decentralized network to serve as a bridge in this breach of communication. By providing a decentralized marketplace for advertisers to meet directly with publishers and interact, advertisers can be given an approximate guarantee of the outcome of the Ads campaign by the publishers which would help the advertisers in capital budgeting. The decentralization of the marketplace and the marketplace itself, by eliminating intermediary charges and autonomous control would reduce advertising cost and hence lower the entry barrier into the Ads industry.

Having established a bridge between those three players and eliminating the fourth by creating a decentralized marketplace, the bad eggs amongst these three major players need be squashed🍳. The Kind Ads protocol does this using its core component, the Kind Ads score. This is a blockchain based scoring system which helps advertisers to know the reputation of a domain name and publishers in the market place. The score is based on the effectiveness of Ads campaign run by publisher and it is adjusted after each campaign. It is also affected by subscribers opt-out and opt-in. This provides an effective way of signalling advertisers of the strength or their subscriber base and hence harness the full power of it, as publishers would be able to trade or rent access to this subscriber base for effective marketing by the advertiser. The above benefit of the Kind Ads network coupled with the daily instant payments(in KIND tokens), with no transaction fee motivates creation of higher-quality content in order to gain more subscribers and also empowers the entry of new publishers or bloggers into the blogosphere 🤣.

Kind Ads will weather the storms of Ads on Users by enabling their involvement in the Ads Industry. In modern advertising, online ads can be intrusive and annoying. Most times redirecting a user to a number of pages and creation of several tabs on the web browser. This resulted in the development of Ads-Blocker softwares, which is detrimental to advertisers because they have no Idea that their Ads are not being viewed. Kind Ads gives users absolute control over their data. Users can either globally opt-out from receiving any marketing messages or control the level of communication or information to the level they are comfortable with. Without doubt, this will aid minimization of unwanted Ads or marketing and the funds spent on it by advertisers. This increases the certainty associated with the marketing industry, hence an increase in it's growth. Ohh, before I forget to add, users are rewarded for their involvement in the industry. So if I allow ads of shoe, I get paid for it by advertisers. That means with the right amount of involvement, ads pay you the amount of funds required to get the products of the ads😏😂. Just Cool!

The display/banner Ads type has been the major format of ads used hitherto and stats show that it is relatively ineffective. Other ads format available had not been scalable. With the decentralized nature of the Kind Ads Ecosystem allows for this missing feature. This opens a wide door to adoption of different ads format without any fear of centralized downtimes. Also the bridge of communication between advertisers, publishers and users allows for a collaborative ads industry. The ideas of these three players are coalesced and implemented which definitely will cause further growth and modifications, favourable to all parties of the industry. Afterall, three good heads are better than one (the advertiser's)👌.

So what does this consequently mean for the marketing industry?

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The Kind Ads Ecosystem, powered by the KIND token and governed by the Kind Ads Protocol removes the "kinda" that has been for long associated with the results of ads campaign, provides kind and friendly ad environment for users by being less intrusive and more rewarding, facilitates the adoption of different high conversion ads format to the required scale, Increases funds circulation into and within the industry while eliminating bystanders and with the Kind Ads Score, the ecosystem will reduce frauds in this industry. These benefits and so many others, will serve as a fertilizer to aid the growth and expansion of this niche without sacrificing Users' comfort. A kind blockchain solution I must say😏.

The Team.


This project is the brainchild of Saulo Medeiros and Rafael Mayrink. They are also Co-founders of NPBR international LTDA. An agency that helps meet digital marketing needs. They are backed up by other founders and partners of this agency plus some blockchain developer experts with years of experience who has worked with reputable companies like Microsoft. Amongst the well experienced advisors is Trevor Koverko, the CEO and founder of Polymath, a company which bring securities to the blockchain.

Here are some Info channels to learn more;

Kind Ads Website
Kind Ads WhitePaper
Kind Ads Twitter
Kind Ads Telegram
Kind Ads FAQ


Resource and Photo Credits;

Kind Ads WhitePaper
Originalworks Contest

I recommend you upvote and resteem this valuable information.😏


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