in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


Having a large family is always something to be grateful for because it increases the probability of having relatives that gets us and have the same taste as we do or even a better one. As a result of this, suggestions from them are always welcome and trusted because we know that they never disappoint and if however they do, they have a good reason or it was just a perpetual bad day.😂

It is true that experience is the best teacher, but often times, it is advised that we learn from the experience of others to avoid so many undesirable outcomes. To learn from people's experiences, there need to be people to learn from. But we don't just learn from anybody, we learn from people who have similar interests and as a result have had similar experiences.

"Travel and change of place new vigor to the mind" - Seneca.

Experiences is closely linked to travelling, where one gets to meet new people, taste new dishes, see and live different cultures and realize how tiny a space we occupy in the world. It is usually frightening to have new experiences without a guide and it would be even more convenient if the guide shares similar interests.

But what if we don't have a big family or friends that is spread across all the places we would like to go? Or what if the ones we have in places we would like to go are too old-school or too new-school, and in our own opinion(we entitled to our opinions, you know😎) not considered cool? Most often, these questions are daunting enough to stop some travellers from making a move to the places of their dreams but should they? 🤔🤷🏽‍♂

Open Yourself To Your Cool Cousin 🤗

Drawing from the two main schools of thought of psychology, it is valid to say that our uniqueness and universality makes us complete. The truth of this reveals to us that although we may be unique at a shallow level based on background, experiences and some other exposures, scratch that surface of uniqueness and just below the face of universality pops up, men driven by curiosity, fear, ecstasy, sex e.t.c.
Based on this, it is conspicuously correct that a person does not really have to be a relative or friend to have similar tastes in places or leisure activities. In fact, this universality, is most often responsible for stirring up friendships.

Travelling is mind unraveling. It makes travellers see the beauty of the world, her capabilities and the unlimited possibilities in nature. However, it is difficult to arrange for those personally perceived mind blowing spots in a new environment. Online review content could be bought from several fake users for the purpose of marketing that is misleading and no way near ethical. The resulting effect is; users lose their trust on the entire places suggestion platform.

Cool Cousin makes travellers' problem a thing of the past.

What is Cool Cousin?


It is a decentralized ecosystem for travellers and locals passionate about their local environment and would love to share this passion with visitors. With everyone connected together on the platform, anyone well-informed about a his/her environment can be a travel agent and you can meet that "cousin" who knows exactly what your taste is in leisure spots e.g restaurants, shopping malls, landscape views e.t.c.
The ecosystem builds a stronger relationship between travellers and travel agents as it creates a platform to stay connected before the traveller commences the journey, during the journey and even as he returns to the place he travels from. This would allow both parties to share opinions about the visited place that would help the locals increase tourism in the region.
Cool Cousin allows travellers to have somewhat like a travel angel whose help is called upon when needed anytime, anywhere. If needed, the cousin could provide special travelling services.
As I write now, I'm on a journey myself and I can't but see the huge effect Cool Cousin will have on the travel industry and how I can be a Cousin myself, a cool one.😎

Cool Cousin And The Travel Industry.

Since the beginning of time, man has always sought to know, to gain new experiences and this has led to his constant movement from one place to another. This curiosity and passion has however led to the loss of lives of innumerable virile men because of the lack of beforehand knowledge about newly explored terrains. Loss of lives may be the worst case scenario, but it is not the only scenario. Increased costs, longer travel time and unnecessary routes and even fraud are some other unpleasant circumstances. But we are not cats, curiosity shouldn't kill us!😊

Cool Cousin encourages Travellers to be more curious. By enabling users to meet the expectations of their imaginations with ease, users are propelled to explore more places. Users can get their questions answered and expections met about a particular location even if they have just a short visiting time. Events that fall on the time interval of their visit, planned or unplanned for can be experienced by always having a cousin answer their questions about real-time events.

Planning the activities of an exploration can be trampled by a rescheduling of some of the primary reasons the traveller embarked on a Journey which results to wasted transportation funds and time. Cool Cousin allows travellers to always have a look out for them in the destination location, right in the comfort of their home even before moving an inch. Reaching out to a Cousin in the destination location through a decentralized medium of communication, ensures secured transferred information between cousin and traveller, which will aid collaborative planning between them.

Arriving at the country to be explored is only a part of the travelling frustration, getting to the city is another. There is no doubt that more than one route leads to the travellers destination, but with different paths comes different factors such as cost, safety, transportation service providers, e.t.c.
For a memorable travel experience there needs to be a balance amongst these factors and the decision left for the traveller for hiis own convenience. But to make a decision, the traveller needs information. Cousins with similar interests provide the information to travellers that will allow them make convenient decisions having major factors in consideration. Check out these power outlets at the back of the seats in the vehicle I used to return from Lagos, Nigeria
Pics taken by me: Infinix Hot 4 Pro Camera.

Cool, huh?!😎
When I become a cool cousin, surely I will recommend this transport service!🤗

A wise man once said, it is better to see a place once than to hear about it a thousand times. The power of visual aids cannot be overemphasized. Travellers get recent views of the locations that they would love to explore and get to change their minds or not. Cool Cousin does this by encouraging contributors( rewards contributors with the CUZ token) to provide information about their local environment either by answering questions about the place, sharing travelling aiding apps or by being a local environment photographer. The decentralized platform also ensures quality content by allowing users to review other apps opinions or answers to questions about a place. Backed by the blockchain's immutability, fraud in the travel industry will be reduced to almost zero.

There's no use travelling to a place if the traveller cannot interact with the natives of the place. Language interaction barrier has been a major problem in the travel industry, in trade and to exploration. Natives could get the wrong message when explorers try to communicate with them and it might lead to an unpleasant outcome. Cool Cousin can greatly lower this barrier by allowing for Blockchain based direct messaging between users and cousins. With this secured messaging, while listening in on the discussion between natives and travellers, cousins can send voice notes to users to help them communicate with natives in real-time or communicate with the natives directly through video calls. Cousins could also teach travellers how to dress or salute like the natives, encouraging relationships building between the natives and builders.

The Cool Cousin Community and The CUZ Token.


The Cool Cousin community which is powered by the the CUZ token and rooted on the Blockchain allows for secure and seamless payments system between travellers and travelling agents with little or no loss of value from conversion costs. Travellers are usually bothered about how to convert to the destination's currency in order to be able to exchange value with the locals. In the process, travellers usually fall in the hands of fraudsters or are charged exorbitantly for the transaction. This reduces the fun the traveller could have had with that much value.

With the CUZ token, which can be traded for other cryptocurrencies, travellers can easily convert value with little or no transaction fee and with guarantee of no fund loss by the blockchain's security. The CUZ token increases the utilization of other Cryptocurrencies and increases the number of travellers, a new kind of travellers, I would call crypto-travellers. The CUZ token can be earned by contributing to the community in the ways mentioned above and some other ways, as a method of payment for one's travel agent services( by being a Cool Cousin). The CUZ token can be utilized by its holders in getting some exclusive in-app services, patronize businesses established on the platform, tip Cousins for special services and some other innovative services as third parties join the ecosystem and as it expands.
For more information about Cool Cousin, see whitepaper, or see video below;

Movement of people from one place to another is always accompanied by movement of ideas and cultures. It results to a distribution of knowledge and development. Any platform that aids the seamless movement of people from one place to another actually aids the development of the areas between which the travellers move.

Locals actually get the chance to develop their environments without the aid of government by guiding tourists through the terrains of their locality and welcome tourists with ideas that would transform the standard of living of the locals to a higher one.

My Journey and how Cool Cousin would fit in

I am a year four Mechanical Engineering student of a university in Nigeria and recently I got shortlisted by MTN to partake in a scholarship screening, phase 8, on Saturday. Travelling from one state to another ( Edo to Lagos) in the same country proved to a problem. With no information about the transport costs, making transport reservations for me and the entire shortlisted group was not as easy as it seemed. Firstly, we visited different transport services, spending money to get information about the costs of the different services. After all enquiries about transport cost which cause us to incur additional cost, we didn't use the information garnered. We boarded an impromptu bus arranged the next morning(Friday morning) to Lagos. Having a cool cousin in Lagos would have made things simpler for this naive group. The Cousin would have been well-informed enough to know the current cost of transportation to Lagos from Benin.

On the way to Lagos, the driver, took another turn which could have made the journey unbearably longer and we continued for minutes on the wrong turn before one of the members of this group made a call to a Lagos-ian, informed the driver about the actual name of the place we intended going to, then and there we realized we had been heading the wrong way. It took us about 30minutes to return to the point where we made the wrong turn. The call made my one of us can be likened to calling a cousin, who is well informed about the routes to the right location. The Cool Cousin makes ready, on-demand, cousins to always call to get accurate information.

The exams went well, awaiting results 😊. It was my first visit to Lagos and I had very short time and we had a very short time to spend there because of our exams on Monday. With no Cool Cousin in Lagos we couldn't utilize the very limited time we had. Although we had a friend with us who lives in Lagos, his knowledge about the current happenings in Lagos was limited too because we all came from school together. The Cool Cousin platform would have opened a network of Cousins who are in their 20's and know what people in their 20's would love, who were informed about recent events in Lagos. We did see some nice views though, and in preparation of my being a Cool Cousin photographer, I took some pictures📷📸.

Ikorodu road, Lagos, Nigeria.

Pedestrian bridge, Ikorodu road, Lagos, Nigeria.

Pics taken by me: Infinix Hot 4 Pro Camera.

Being a Crypto-enthusiast myself, the CUZ token would have made payment seamless and easier.

Would I like to be a Cousin?😊

Of course! I would love to be a cousin, a cool one😎. I believe Cool Cousin gives locals a reason to be proud of their locality and also a chance to impact it by encouraging the distribution of knowledge to it. By encouraging movements and the transactions associated with it, Cool Cousin facilitates the movement of people and technology between locations, instills confidence in travellers that there is a travelling Angel guiding them as they move every inch. It makes becoming a travelling agent an easy-peasy task for me.
Here's a view of inside a restaurant we stopped by on our way back;

Name: Muna's ; Location: Oré, Ondo, Nigeria. ; Items Sold: Snacks and African dishes. ; Conveniences : Restroom(Male and Female) ; Review: Although the snacks are relatively expensive ( 1HotDog Sausage costs $1.11), the HotDogs are actually hot!😊.

Don't just stay cool, show everyone how cool the places around you are!
Be a Cool Cousin!😎


PhotoCredits and Refrences.


I suggest you upvote and resteem this valuable information.😊🤗



I love title of your post. Put a smile on my face! :D

Another excellent post. Very informative and well written. Obviously upvoted :)

Cool cousin is another example how technology can make our lifes easier and lazier :)

I've one off-topic question. You wrote in the past about if im not mistaken. I noticed that they are listed only on exchange.

Do you know anything about this exchange? And personally would you invest in this crypto at current stage?

ps. Good luck with @originalworks again :)


Thanks sir!

Yes I did.... I do not know about the exchange yet. Most times I usually look out for big exchanges like binance, hitBit coinbase e.t c.

About investing, yea I would. It has very explicit spelt out phases and a good roadmap. But as of yet I have a lot of Blockchain innovations in my radar. I just love the innovations!

Appreciate your comment :)

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