Participating is Mining! 100% Benefits, CBNT Disrupting the News System

in #blockchain6 years ago

CBNT(, a decentralized news, and content sharing community will build a well-designed incentive system to create a win-win ecosystem for all participants, including content/articles providers, content readers (viewers), ad publishers, and token holders. In the CBNT community, whether you are content generators or content viewers, both sides can receive tokens “Mining Rewards”. As CBNT grows and traffic boosts, all the profit of numerous ads will also be distributed to all of the participants.

Innovation in the CBNT community: participating is mining; 100% benefit exchanging; Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO); practicing decentralized self-operation management of “group wisdom”. All participants in this ecosystem can get 100% corresponding rights and benefits, thus to achieve a win-win system of "content, traffic, and advertising."

In the past, the seriously unequal relationship between the media companies, content creators, and readers allowed the media companies to exclusively gain most of the benefit, while the creators, the source of the content, could only get a fraction of the benefit. The content readers and communicators, who contributed their energy and time, did not get any financial benefits from this business model. Their information, time and energy were packaged and sold to the advertisers for the companies benefit. In the CBNT content sharing ecosystem, the advertising value of traffic will be 100% shared with content creators, content readers, and communicators.
High-Quality Content Creators: Obtain benefits from the high-quality content created
High-quality content will be rewarded with more tokens, which equals benefits and reflects the value of their creations.
Second, lots of traffic will lead to high-quality content and generate advertising value.
Content creators can realize additional benefits from their specialized knowledge through the establishment of paid readings, paid sharing groups and paid Q&As.

Content Viewers and Communicators: Obtain returns from the views contributed
High-quality content can attract more viewer’s attention, and viewers can gain CBNT tokens via sharing, commenting, and liking etc. This creates a positive feedback loop between content viewers and generators.

Ad Publishers: Real and precise traffic, advertising conversion rates increased
All CBNT participants are real name people providing high-quality traffic. This helps advertisers to effectively select real and precise traffic, increase advertising conversion rates, reduce advertising costs, and increase ROI.
The advertisement can be paid with BTC, USDT, ETH, CBNT and other digital assets.

Based on the CBNT Token operating system, content creators, viewers, and the CBNT community will become stakeholders. When the value of the CBNT community continues to rise, all CBNT token holders will benefit. The news articles will be ranked based on an algorithm from community recommendation, thus achieving a decentralized display. CBNT advertisements will adopt an open and transparent bidding method to protect the interests of CBNT token holders.

For more details, please visit CBNT’s official website and keep following our social media platforms:
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STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 67873.49
ETH 3528.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80